11.It's Okay Without Fish and Shrimp

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After Mrs. Tang and the others left, the neighbors comforted them a few words. When the sun came out, they didn't bother to gossip, so they hurried home and got ready to go to work in the field.

Su Su watched Tang Mingyuan go to the clinic, and only then did she start washing clothes.

Tang Bao also slowly washed clothes on the washing board, looking at her worriedly and asked, "Mom, do we still want to go to the town?"

"Even if we don't go to Tang's house, we can go to the town to buy something." Su Su didn't care at all, looked at her daughter's worried eyes and smiled, "It's okay, she's not my mother, I'm not sad at all." She blinked at her daughter again, and said narrowly, "You too Remember, in the future, if your man has a dispute with your mother-in-law, you should not worry about it. If someone beats their son, we have no position to care. If you help your mother-in-law, it means that you are not of the same mind; if you help your man, the mother-in-law will definitely make trouble. , that you are unfilial and ruin your reputation."

"Then you can't be left behind if you help anyone. If you can avoid this kind of thing, you can avoid it. If you can't avoid it, then pretend to cry."

Tang Bao didn't expect it, she still thought about it. It's far-reaching, and it makes a lot of sense.

In the afternoon, the mother and daughter still went outside to dig for wild vegetables and herbs, and when they came back, they began to concoct the herbs.

Anyway, the mother and daughter were talking, and the time passed quickly, and there were a few young daughters-in-law who knew each other who came to order some traditional Chinese medicine.

Now their family is Tang Mingyuan, who can record centimeters in the brigade's clinic, but there are also people who come to see the doctor secretly, especially women who like to see Su Su for some women's diseases, which can also increase their income.

The other is to secretly send the prepared medicinal materials to the town or the black market in the city to sell.

When the muffled trumpet sounded and remembered the inspirational revolutionary slogan, and the sun was about to go down, Tang Mingyuan washed his hands with soap when he came back, and asked them gently, "What should we have for dinner?"

"You can watch it burn." Su Su was still serious. The processed traditional Chinese medicine Xanthium, heat it with medium heat, and fry it until it is scorched.

Tang Bao also slowly crushed the fried cockleburs on the side and cleaned them with a sieve. It can be used for wind-cold cold, rheumatism arthralgia, and itching of rubella."

Su Su nodded slightly with satisfaction, "What else?"

"Exogenous wind-cold, can be used with Xinyi and Angelica to disperse wind-cold." At this time, Su Su was the most severe, even Tang Bao didn't dare to be careless, or he would feel inexplicably guilty if he were not watched by her bright apricot eyes that seemed to be able to read people's hearts.

Seeing this, Tang Mingyuan raised the corner of his mouth and smiled. His daughter-in-law is really good, and his daughter is also very good.

Su Su still pointed out what she didn't say, "It's better to decoction to open the nose orifice, and to put it into pills for wind and cold. It 's good to go."

"Oh, I remember." Tang Baoyuan's almond eyes had a pleasing smile, "Mom, will I go and set fire to Dad?"

The daughter of her own birth, she looks good no matter how she looks, Su Su smiled and nodded. "Go."

After Mrs. Tang and the others left, Tang Bao put all the things in the space back. After her repeated experiments, she could use her consciousness to control and collect the contents freely, and she could also enter and leave at will, but If you bring people in, you will soon be rejected and pop out instantly.

Tang Bao is a little depressed. I remember that in many novels I read before, the space for others is supermarkets or golden land. It is really simple, and it also gives you a lot of space. You can be the richest man in the world, or countless beautiful men go through fire and water for the heroine. .

But I don't have a big supermarket, no food, meat, eggs, vegetables, snacks, no baby, spiritual pet, heaven, material, and treasure

, but there is only such a little place, I can only stand four or five people at most, and I feel very depressed when I go in and stay by myself.

Don't say that the male protagonist didn't see it, the poor didn't even see the pigs were raised by the brigade, and they were even remembered by fools. This treatment is really depressing.

But even if there are no fish or shrimp, she also discovered that no matter how long she stayed in the space, the time outside was motionless, and the time in the space was frozen.

Just like when the fish soup was put in, it was frozen at the moment when it entered the space. Even if the pot was not put in, as she thought, the fish soup seemed to be wrapped in transparent air. In the pot, it was still as hot as it was in it.

There is a lot of rain in spring, and in the evening, it is drizzling again, and the wind is rustling.

When Tang Bao was in a daze, he heard the movement from the next door, and was a little embarrassed to listen to his parents' corner.

She always felt that she had neglected something.

Therefore, she also missed their whispers.

Afterwards, Tang Mingyuan buried himself in her hair contentedly, put his arms around her, and whispered, "Susu, Wu Sanshu came to mention the marriage today, saying that Wu Aiguo or Aihua can come to the door, you can talk about it"

Chen Most of the people in the United Brigade are surnamed Jia and Wu. The Wu family has four sons. Uncle Wu broke his leg and rib more than ten years ago. Tang Mingyuan and Su Su rescued him.

At that time, the Wu family was poor, and his daughter-in-law also had a bad heart and couldn't do heavy work. There was no news about the boss going to join the army, and he didn't know whether he would live or die. Su Su didn't urge them to ask for money.

A few years ago, there was news about the eldest of the Wu family. He made contributions in the military. When he retired, he went to the city's public security bureau. The second child is now in the city's steel factory, the third is in the town's public security bureau, and the fourth is in the town's public security bureau. Work in the pharmacy of the town's hospital.

Now the Wu family is a well-known and well-known family of the Chen Lian Brigade. The four sons were half-sized when they were young. For the patriotic and patriotic who are not married yet.

However, Wu Laosan made a heavy commitment and felt that he owed the Tang family his life, even if he had already paid off the medical bills, Tang Bao was a little stupid later. Come to the door, be the door-to-door son-in-law.

Hearing this, Su Su broke away from his embrace, turned off the electric light, and looked at him in the dim yellow light. He hesitated and asked, "Do you think patriotism is better, or love China better?"

"I think patriotism is better ." , He is now in the Public Security Bureau, he has a good composition and a good spirit." Tang Mingyuan saw Su Su's hesitant eyes, and he couldn't make up his mind, "However, loving Chinese people is also diligent and good-natured, as big as our baby."

"Isn't what you said in vain?" Su Su gave him an angry look, turned off the light, and whispered, "Forget it, they are all in town anyway, let's ask more, the daughter's marriage can't be sloppy, it's better to let She can see for herself which one is pleasing to the eye."

Tang Mingyuan skillfully put her in his arms and said contentedly, "You're right, our baby is still young anyway."

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