66. Firefighting

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Tang Bao felt that she was in a hurry to go home during work hours, there must be something urgent.

Well, she can't deny that she is gloating, after all, she is the driving force behind this.

She walked quickly into the Su family's compound, but she didn't know when Ye Miaoxian lived and felt a little stupid. Anyway, she was fine now, so she just walked to the side of the loquat tree and leaned against the tree to avoid the sun .

She wondered in her mind whether she wanted to go to the black market, where there was no need to hide the money, and there was a chance of encountering good things.

But the sun is too hot now, and she doesn't want to move because of the heat. Two villains are fighting in her mind. One tells her to go back to rest first, and the other tells her to go to the black market quickly.

In the end, I still felt that I should be nicer to myself. It would be too sad if I had a heat stroke. I was about to go back to the hut where I was staying, but I saw a bicycle riding over.

Even if the man with the big straw hat quickly rides over, Tang Bao can recognize that the man is Liu Zhihua.

She deeply felt that she had a lot of fate with them, and she had to follow along to join in the fun, no, it should be said to inquire about the enemy's situation.

After Liu Zhihua parked the car, he looked at it vigilantly, then pulled down the straw hat on his head and strode to the side, and when he came to a place, he pushed the door and entered.

Tang Bao hid behind the pillar, watched him walk in, and slammed the door shut, but felt that people were very smart. At this time, there were actually very few people walking around at home or outside, so it was a good time for a date.

She couldn't push the door in by herself. Fortunately, she knew that she could go to the back to eavesdrop. Now that the weather is hot, she usually opens the front and rear windows for ventilation.

"Don't worry, I'll definitely call you back after a while," Liu Zhihua lowered his voice and spoke to her in a very gentle and reluctant tone, "I borrowed these two hundred dollars, you use it first, don't let it go. I have wronged myself and my daughter."

Through the gap in the window, Tang Bao saw two people hugging each other, the woman's tender voice carried the indescribable grievance of the woman, "Brother Hua, I always think this is too coincidental, could it be your wife who knows about it? It's our business, that's why the thief called to catch the thief, took the opportunity to steal your money, and now he forced me to leave."

Tang Bao listened and nodded, this woman is really imaginative and can sow discord, she is really a talent, Liu Zhihua When I think of the missing money, I feel distressed, "It can't be her, there's really nothing going well in the family recently, it's really unfortunate, it seems that you have to go to the bad luck."

"You made people embarrassed before . Didn't things go well with the Tang family?" She gave him a wink, "That's not the idea I gave you, you listen to me in the future, I'll definitely treat you better than your wife."

"Don't talk to me. I said that tigress," the man put his arm around her impatiently and went to the bed in the inner room, "let me take good care of you."

What kind of hatred, what kind of hatred, Tang Bao heard a low indescribable voice inside, gnashing his teeth. Clenching his fist, of course, not because of shame, but because of anger.

My parents came to this end because this vixen wanted to be in the limelight. In normal times, she would have no power or power to help them, but now she can take revenge.

As long as you shout a fire or catch a thief, you can break through their scandals and turn them into street rats.

However, at this time, all the people who stayed at home were the elderly. She was afraid that no one would come out when she called for the thief. Instead, it was better to have another idea.

Of course, she didn't dare to really set fire, lest the fire would be completely burnt out, but she was going to get some straw to wet it, so that the smoke would be very big, and she was not afraid that the old men and the old ladies would not come out to put out the fire.

She now only asks that the surnamed Liu is not a wax-like head of a silver gun, neither fancy nor useful, and she will leave before she does anything.

"Come on someone, put out the fire, it's on fire quickly"

When the men, women and children in the Su family's compound heard the shrill voice, they all carried buckets of water and washbasins, and ran quickly to the place where the smoke was coming.

It is said that fire and water are ruthless, even if everyone lives in a brick house, but the pillars, windows, and beams in the house are all made of wood.

Especially when they remembered the fire they had seen before, it made them walk like the wind, wishing they could put out the fire all at once.

Tang Bao saw a large group of people coming, and quickly threw the straw that was still burning in the washbasin in his hand into Ye Miaoxian's room.

She first ordered a small pile of straw behind the window, and after receiving it, the space remained burning. When she threw the washbasin, she threw the straw soaked in kerosene into the room together. turned into a raging fire.

Liu Zhicheng and the others may be facing parting, and they are particularly invested, and they really didn't react for a while. When they reacted, they saw a few uncles and aunts already rushing in with buckets and washbasins.

The uncles and aunts are really well-informed and do not panic. Facing the men and women huddled in the blanket on the bed, they still turn a blind eye. to put out the fire.

After a few buckets of water went down, the fire was put out. The grass and ashes on the ground were mixed with water, and the black water was flowing, making it extraordinarily messy.

The fire was quickly extinguished, and it looked quite large, but it only burned the stool and blackened the window frame, and did not cause much damage.

Now, the neighbors are free to watch the fun and gossip. Aunt

Song usually had a conflict with Ye Miaoxian. At this time, she put her hands on her hips, looked at the two people on the bed and shook her head with a smile.

Guarding the door and not letting the children running around outside and a few big girls and daughters-in-law come in, he looked particularly angry, "That's right, you should grab these broken shoes and go parade the streets."

Although they didn't know who this man was, they knew that Ye Miaoxian's man was dead.

Ye Miaoxian blushed as she shed tears, while shivering under the blanket and getting dressed, her mind went blank.

Liu Zhihua is really embarrassed like never before, and he doesn't regret it at the beginning, why he couldn't control it like this, it's really embarrassing to die, the most important thing is that he understands that someone is staring at him in the dark, or this How could the house be thrown in with burning straw.

He wiped his face and said bitterly, "Everyone misunderstood, we didn't break our shoes, she's a widow, I'm a widower"

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