The Enemy's Road is Narrow

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 "Girl, you know too much." Tang Bao was defeated by her and gave her a blank look. "Don't really think that I am a miracle doctor, okay? If you see a doctor, you must be responsible for their life and death. The psychological pressure is too great. I'm still a baby, this too much pressure will overwhelm me"

He Yuxin felt that she couldn't take it anymore "I just found out now that you are really narcissistic"

Tang Bao laughed and touched her head, "I'm going to go to your uncle to ask for a silver needle, and then I'll teach you acupuncture."

"Really, Master, you are so kind, willing to teach me this unique skill." He Yuxin almost jumped up in excitement.

Tang Bao looked at this excited little girl, and couldn't bear to tell her the truth. He wanted to try the depth of the needle on her body and the feeling.

After all, that old man Zheng is not too young, he can't stand his toss, and he has difficulty speaking now, so he is not a good subject for experiments.

He Yuxin rode a bicycle and took Tang Bao to the hospital. She was as excited as a happy bird. She kept babbling and talking all the way. Thinking that she wanted to learn acupuncture, she couldn't hide her excitement, "Sister, are you? Is it difficult to learn acupuncture since childhood To fool her, "I believe you can do it."

This little girl doesn't like studying, and her grades are barely enough to pass, but she may be interested in this memorabilia song, four-qi song, five-flavor song, and six-chen song. The back is particularly smooth.

It turned out that Tang Bao was right to pull He Yuxin here.

After all, her mother used to be a frequent visitor to the hospital in the military region, everyone knew her, and now He Chi was the dean, so they warmly greeted them to the dean's office, "The dean, they are having a meeting now, you have a cup of tea here first. "

He Yuxin's mouth is sweet. "Sister Lan, is my aunt also having a meeting? How long will it take?"

"Yeah, the heads of several hospitals have come to a meeting this time, saying that they want to draw out doctors, nurses and medicinal materials to support our Chinese side. Now the front line and Z country are very fierce, and I don't know." For some reason

, Tang Bao subconsciously He believed that this time they would go to the place where Gu Xingjin was. When he left, he didn't say where he was going. He probably didn't want to worry about him

. The nurse said the conversation and left first.

Instead, Tang Bao couldn't sit still, and wanted to know more about the news on the battlefield, so he dragged He Yuxin to wander around.

She knew that she was a strange face, and people would definitely not let her walk around, but pulling He Yuxin, the dean's beloved niece, would not be kicked out of any department she went to.

However, the news of the hospital is nothing more than the preparation of medicines, and the question of who will go and who will stay with the doctors and nurses. This young doctor is looking forward to it. This is also a good opportunity for them to make achievements. Now that there are fewer and fewer wars in China, they I also have a hero's dream in my heart.

The older doctors are much calmer, and they are very experienced in reminding them from their own personal experience that "the most important thing is to stop the bleeding and bandage, you must have no distractions, or you will delay a person's life"

Although He Yuxin was spoiled No, but I still heard about the things on the battlefield, but Tang Bao heard the bloody words, and all the hairs on his body stood up.

Although Tang Bao understands Chinese medicine, his first aid methods on the battlefield are really inferior to those of Western medicine. After listening to it a lot, he wonders if he can give them something. She are a little absent-minded about things on the battlefield. , but bumped into someone at the corner.

Tang Bao and the others were all right, but the girl who was hit by them was the one who was in trouble. Although both sides were at fault, they were fine. Everyone else was knocked down by them. Tang Bao looked at the woman on the ground wearing loose clothes. In a white coat, he stretched out his hand to help her, and apologized, "I'm sorry, we didn't mean to do that, are you alright?" The woman looked up and saw Tang Bao, she waved her hand in anger, and opened Tang Bao's hand to help her, gritted her teeth in hatred. "It's you again, you don't have eyes, you are in a hurry to reincarnate"

With a "snap", Tang Bao's hand hurt a little from her beating, and the back of Bai Nen's hand instantly turned red.

Tang Bao also felt that she and her were too close to each other, that they could even meet like this.

Although she didn't speak well, Tang Bao didn't want to bother with her. This time, he thought that he had kidnapped her last time, made her sick, and made amends to her.

However, the anger behind Zhao Qiqi completely made Tang Bao angry.

Zhao Qiqi originally felt a little guilty and a little scared because she beat her, but she didn't expect Tang Bao to be silent and resigned, so she understood that now that Gu Xingjin was not by her side, she did not dare to be presumptuous. , and did not dare to confront the Zhao family.

In an instant, I felt that I was right, and I wanted to get justice for myself, and scolded "Don't think you are so powerful, I'm waiting to see the day when you become a widow, don't think about it in your life"

The word widow instantly This angered Tang Bao, she glared with apricot eyes, and stared at her grimly, "Do you have the guts to say it again?"

He Yuxin couldn't help listening to it, and felt that Tang Bao's temper was too good, He stepped forward to protect Tang Bao, looked at her condescendingly, and said with a bad expression, "Zhao Qiqi, who told you to talk nonsense, believe it or not, I will beat you now and apologize to her."

Seriously, Zhao Qiqi was seeing From that moment on Tang Bao, old hatred and new hatred flooded into her heart, and only Tang Bao was in her eyes. SHe wished she could reach out and tear her apart, but she didn't find He Yuxin by Tang Bao's side.

At this time, seeing He Yuxin standing up for Tang Bao, she felt a little regretful, feeling that the ladylike demeanor she had maintained in front of them was all gone.

Moreover, He Yuxin is being so aggressive to herself now, which makes her hate Tang Bao even more.

But now their Zhao family doesn't dare to confront the He family, so they can only say "I, I" aggrievedly.

At this time, a medium-sized young man came across, wearing a black tunic suit and leather shoes, looking very fashionable. Seeing Zhao Qiqi sitting on the ground being bullied by them, he quickly stepped forward to help her up carefully, and asked with concern. What's wrong with you, Qiqi, are you alright? Are they bullying you?"

He turned to stare at Tang Bao and He Yuxin, raised his eyebrows and said angrily, "Whoever bullied her in our Chen family can be bullied by you. "

He likes Zhao Qiqi's appearance now that she can fall down when the gentle wind blows, and he has not succeeded yet, so he naturally wants to take the opportunity to show his affection.

He Yuxin looked at him fearlessly, "You Chen family are amazing, why do you want to hit us?"

Zhao Qiqi was very dissatisfied with the blind date of the Chen family, who was not tall and handsome enough, but at this time, her eyes lit up, yeah, You can let him give yourself a head start, as long as you take advantage of the fisherman.

She rolled her eyes and said very tenderly, "Hongjun, you misunderstood them, I accidentally bumped into them."

Then she apologized to them, "I'm sorry, it's my fault, I left too hastily, please stop arguing."

He Yuxin felt that this woman was really pretentious, and glared at her, "It's your fault, don't think that we are afraid of you if you rely on the Chen family. The chairman has said that it is reasonable to travel all over the world, and it is difficult to move without reason."

Zhao Qiqi saw Chen Hongjun's ugly face. After speaking, he quickly stretched out his hand and pulled the man's sleeve, and said anxiously, "It's my fault, don't tell her more, this is the second girl of Chief He's family." Saying this is as if to prevent the two families from having a relationship. contradiction.

However, when Chen Hongjun heard it, he was afraid that the Chen family would be no match for the He family.

Chen Hongjun glared at them resentfully, and said "let's wait and see", and then left with Zhao Qiqi.

"Is this person sick?" He Yuxin looked at their backs as they left helplessly. "But it's a perfect match. Anyway, both of them are sick."

When they returned to the dean's office, they happened to see He Chi sending a few middle-aged men in military uniforms away.

He Chi looked back and saw them smiling, "I heard you guys came to see me, what's the matter?"

"Uncle He," Tang Bao said quickly, "I just wanted to ask Uncle He if there is any silver needle for me to use."

She still think it's a bit of an understatement.

"You still know how to do acupuncture?" He Chi looked at her in surprise and smiled, and said with satisfaction, "Yes, yes, it's good for young people to learn more, I'll let someone prepare it for you."

To be honest , he was really shocked.

It is really surprising that a little girl has a good life-saving means and understands acupuncture.

It's a pity that she is already married, otherwise he really wouldn't object to his youngest son marrying her.

In the end, Tang Bao not only got two sets of silver needles, but also a brown medicine box with a red cross, a stethoscope, a thermometer, and bandages, etc., and she returned with a full reward.

Su Su can also be said to have been a doctor since elementary school. She can't boast that she is famous, but she also has a small reputation.

But in the face of a half-paralyzed patient, she must be helpless.

Now, seeing his daughter put silver needles on Tang Mingyuan's body, he kept asking him how he felt, and he could only meditate in the bottom of his heart, and the master should be the teacher.

Previously, I wished I could teach her everything I had learned, but now I talk to my daughter about the problems that have troubled them for a long time, and it is often her unintentional words that make them stunned, as if they were enlightened.

After several discussions, Su Su admired her daughter, and felt even more incredible about her brain. She felt that the medical skills of the Su family would definitely be carried forward in her daughter's hands.

Tang Bao first practiced acupuncture with his parents and Ning Jinshaojin. He was hesitant at the beginning, and then calmed down.

After destroying them all at home, they went to Zheng's house according to the address three days later.

Tang Mingyuan and Su Su naturally went there together, and they didn't change their faces when they saw that they lived in a large courtyard.

Although the Zheng family had only two rooms, they were kept clean and tidy. Even if Mr. Zheng was paralyzed now, there was no serious strange smell in the room separated by a cloth curtain.

Zheng's father and mother went out to work, and the brothers and sisters at home were taking care of the elderly. When they saw them coming, little girl Zheng Huan's eyes lit up, and she said excitedly, "Doctor Tang, my grandfather drank the medicine you prescribed, and it's much better now. Slowly say a few words, please hurry in, I'll find my father and mother to come back."

"Don't go to them." Tang Bao stopped her and said warmly, "This is my parents, let's take a look and talk about it. "

Even if acupuncture is useful, the time and cycle will be long, but Tang Bao is still not sure about the possibility of cure.

But Tang Mingyuan and Su Su supported her. If she succeeded, the old man wouldn't have to spend the rest of his life in bed so miserably. If she failed, it wouldn't be too bad.

Her parents told her that failure was the mother of success.

Tang Bao couldn't bear the disappointment of Zheng Huan, the grandfather with the same name as hers in her previous life, so she decided to give him acupuncture.

"Mr. Zheng, there is still hope for your illness, but the treatment time will not be short." Treat the disease from the heart. She knows that her previous medicine has some effect on Mr. Zheng. This has already given the patient confidence. Now even if she is bragging, he listens There will also be hope of survival, and this treatment will be more effective.

When Old Zheng heard her words, his eyes widened instantly, and he stared at Tang Bao blankly, with an expression of unbelievable surprise and joy on his face.

Tang Bao could feel his excitement and knew that he believed her words.

Tang Mingyuan and Su Su also took turns to check his pulse, Tang Mingyuan also seemed confident and said, "Yes, old man, you only need to be at ease, we will not promise anything you are not sure about, but in the next treatment process, you must cooperate with my daughter, not wasting her energy"

At this moment, Mr. Zheng's wrinkled face was very bright, and his eyes were extraordinarily bright, and it was very laborious to say "thank you" vaguely. The needles were carefully sterilized first, and then the acupoints were identified. The thumb, food, and middle fingers were used to hold the handle of the needle firmly, and six needles were first inserted into his Baihui, Touwei, and Fengchi by the flat needling method. He also put silver needles in several important positions of him.

As the needle fell, Tang Bao's face became more and more solemn. Some acupoints could not go wrong, otherwise saving people would turn into murder.

When she got up, she put needles on her family members, naturally it was on insignificant points, or to eliminate tired acupoints. What she practiced was only the formation method.

A total of twenty-eight stitches were made.

Seeing her daughter straighten up, Su Su handed her a clean handkerchief, and said happily, "You did a good job."

Tang Bao was also relieved. It was much simpler. Silver needles were also pierced on the arms and feet. Then I sat aside and waited to see the effect.

During the needle retention period, the Zheng brothers and sisters also stared nervously at the silver needle, for fear that the silver needle would fall.

Zheng Huan was very surprised and worried and asked, "Doctor, will it hurt to stick so many silver needles on the body?"

"Acupuncture treatment is to clear the meridians and activate the blood. Your grandfather's hemiplegia is caused by the obstruction of the meridians and the circulation of qi and blood. And the meridians of the human body are covered all over the body, and these silver needles will not hurt too much on the acupoints." Tang Bao smiled at her with a good temper. "Also, if your grandfather knows it hurts, it will be a good thing."

Zheng Chongsheng is afraid of his sister The words made Tang Bao feel that they were doubting her medical skills, and quickly added, "We don't know anything, but we can trust you."

"That's right," Tang Bao continued humorously, "Now you guys are like thieves. Ship, it's too late to go back on it."

Tang Mingyuan stared at the patient carefully, and at the time. When the time was up, he asked his daughter to remove the silver needle. The three continued to take turns to check the pulse of Mr. Zheng, for fear that the first time her daughter would do it, the person would be tossed.

Fortunately, the pulse didn't get worse, but I didn't feel any obvious improvement either.

However, in the eyes of the Zheng brothers and sisters, that is, the Tang family is too virtuous in treating illness and saving people, and looking at their rigorous attitude, they are really dedicated.

After taking the pulse, Tang Bao was also greatly relieved. After all, he was serious. If he wanted to have a significant improvement, he had to perform acupuncture a few times before he could see the effect.

"Don't worry now, I'll come over the next day to give him acupuncture." Tang Bao said calmly, "Mr. Zheng, don't worry, you will definitely get better, but I will wait for you to get better before I collect the money for the medicine."

Zheng Lao smiled and looked at Tang Bao with a look of gratitude.

The brothers and sisters of the Zheng family were even more sympathetic. They only said that she had to work hard, brought tea and water, prepared sugar and biscuits, and entertained them very attentively.

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