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 Your stomach will feel very hungry after exercising.

Tang Bao really didn't want to leave the warm bed, but her stomach started to growl in protest, so she had to rub her waist to get up, and made up her mind that Gu Xingjin should stop thinking about making soup for him in the near future.

This made up for him too much, and in the end, he was still suffering. Isn't this asking for trouble?

She habitually wanted to look at her watch, and then she remembered that she had sold all the watches.

Previously, it was to collect Lu Qian Yuan for Feng An, and she even sold her favorite watch, but she never thought that she would be able to get more than 20,000 drugs. A few days ago, she took some random shots. There is more than 1,000 yuan of money in the space.

If I can see a suitable watch in the future, I'd better buy one myself

. When she went downstairs, she saw that He Tang was having breakfast with her two daughters in a good mood, and by the way, she chatted a little.

Tang Bao greeted them, and came over to eat with a bowl of corn soup himself.

"Sister Tang, give" He Yuxin peeled an egg and put it in her bowl, and said with a smile, "The weather is nice today, let's go dig up the shepherd's purse, Aunt Liu has already gone to buy meat, we can eat the shepherd's purse dumplings at night, it tastes really good. It's very good."

Tang Bao was busy eating breakfast, and nodded casually, indicating that he heard it.

He Yuhang glanced enviously, but still got up to get his satchel, and said helplessly, "When I'm done with my work these days, I'll go out with you to dig wild vegetables, I'll go first, goodbye"

He Tang also ate well . After breakfast, he didn't rush to leave, but sat aside, picked up the newspaper and started reading.

Tang Bao finished breakfast in about ten minutes. Seeing that He Tang was still there, he was nowhere to be seen at this time. He was a little surprised and asked, "Uncle He, don't you have to go to work today?

" It's not that he was too tired yesterday. I woke up late and felt a little weak. I wanted to make up for him.

However, seeing how good his face was, he knew that his speculation was unfounded.

"Wait and go." He Tang looked at her gently and smiled, "Come here, I have something to ask you."

Tang Bao sat on the chair opposite him and looked at him curiously, "Uncle He has something to do Just ask."

"Your Aunt He is recovering very well now, I just want to know how long it will take for her to recover."

Although they are already husband and wife, the lingering between the two of them yesterday still made him feel like Back when he was young, when he woke up this morning, he was surprised to see her ruddy face sleeping soundly.

In the past, she slept very little. She often couldn't fall asleep after waking up in the middle of the night. She was lazy all day, but she looked weak.

But now he sees hope, young couples are old companions, and he still hopes that he and her can grow old together well in this life.

Tang Bao heard this and said sternly, "Auntie's body is almost recovered, but I have no way to cure Aunt He's congenital heart disease completely, but as long as she takes good care of her, don't be too tired. , Don't irritate her too much, this disease doesn't have much impact on her life."

He Tang nodded and smiled even more, "She's really taking your medicines much better now, if she can. If so, can you stay for a while longer?"

Tang Bao felt that he had already done everything he could, that he could leave, just leave some medicines and supplements for his body, just as he was about to say no, he listened. Until the phone rang.

He Tang smiled at her, and after he went to answer the phone first and put down the phone, he sighed helplessly with a worried look on his face, "You and I went to the Public Security Bureau, Xing Jin and Mr. Gu got into a fight for some reason, this bastard. , I've told him over and over again, why can't he help himself?"

Tang Bao quickly defended him, "Then let's hurry over, Uncle Gu, he must be going too far, Xing Jin's temperament is actually quite good"

The guards next to He Tang had already been waiting outside. They got in the car and quickly arrived at the Public Security Bureau. Seeing that the faces of the two men were blue and purple, Tang Bao hurried to Gu Xingjin's side to give him to him. Checking the pulse, he was sure that it was just a flesh wound. Then he breathed a sigh of relief, and asked in a low voice, "Why did you start a fight with him?"

Gu Xingjin naturally couldn't mention the reason for the fight. "He accused me of stealing his family's medicine, and I couldn't help it for a while."

Gu Xiu'an felt that there was something tricky about it when he watched He Tang and Tang Bao come in together.

Although it is true that the relationship between men and women is relatively strict now, there are some things that you cannot completely prohibit.

Even if it is forbidden on the surface, but who knows what happens in the dark? Men and women with style problems who can be caught are either unlucky or not careful enough.

But in the face of Gu Xingjin's words, he dared not say it in front of He Tang, instead he could only complain, "Chief of Staff, look at me being beaten like this by my own son. It's unfilial, you have to decide for me."

"You guys are too outrageous." On such occasions, He Tang naturally wouldn't make it clear who he favored, but instead said with a stern face, "The father and son issue between you two. , now we have to wait for the people on our side to find out, if you are really his father, no matter if you have amnesia, why you have amnesia, there must be an explanation. As for the case of your drug theft this time, if the final investigation turns out that Gu Xingjin did something wrong, so we naturally won't cover him up; but if it turns out that it has nothing to do with him, don't even think about wronging others for no reason."

Gu Xiu'an only felt that he would vomit blood, if it weren't for He Tang's presence How can the public security fail to find out anything useful, unless there are ghosts or gods in this world, or how could so many medicines disappear without a trace?

Moreover, what he said was clearly telling himself that he protect Gu Xingjin

"He, Chief of Staff," Gu Xiu'an didn't dare to speak out to him even though he was depressed to death, so he could only complain to him, "You also know that the medicines are in short supply now. Some of them are supplements, which Chief Ye and the others have indicated for a long time, but now they are all gone, do you think I can be in a hurry now?"

"And there is a conflict between our father and son, I wonder if he is because of hatred and I forgot about them. , this is just a joke to me."

He said this very beautifully, not only using the chief to oppress them, but also describing the matter as a conflict between father and son.

However, He Tang knew that the current Chief Ye really took care of the Zhao family. When Chief Ye was still the team leader, Zhao Meixiang's eldest brother rescued him from the dead.

Speaking of which, the men of the Zhao family, as military doctors, have indeed made indelible achievements on the battlefield and saved countless lives, which is really admirable.

However, good bamboo shoots come out bad bamboo shoots, and the daughter who finally survived did not have the revolutionary will of the Zhao family to save the dying and help the wounded. Instead, she liked to take the opportunity to make money.

He Tang looked at him sharply, and said lightly, "Mr. Gu, you may be a good son-in-law of the Zhao family, but you are not a good father, or you would not use such a crime to frame your son, just now In this case, I doubt whether you are his biological father."

Gu Xiu'an felt that the way he looked at him was laughing at him, and he hated the most when others said he was the son-in-law. Zhao Qiqi came in, and when she saw the two of them, she was full of disbelief.

"Xiu'an, what's wrong with you?" Zhao Meixiang's eyes blushed instantly and looked at him worriedly, "Don't scare me, you know that you are our backbone, I, I'm so worried about you"

Gu Xiu'an instantly felt that she was more important, although her family's rule was that the director could only be a daughter, but Zhao Meixiang listened to him very much about everything in the hospital, and whether it was in her life or in the hospital, it was always the case. very dependent on oneself.

"I'm fine, it's just that I had a conflict with that unfilial son." Gu Xiu'an gave Gu Xingjin another look, feeling that this son was his nemesis in his previous life.

Zhao Qiqi looked at this and then at that, with red eyes twitching and choking, "Brother Gu, Dad, he really really misses you. After all, you are father and son, so what can't you say?"

Gu Xingjin just said Glancing at her, she said indifferently, "This woman, I'm not familiar with you, please don't call me that, it will cause me trouble."

Zhao Qiqi felt that his words were sharper than a knife, and instantly made herself soft. Heart and body without skin.

The most important thing is that there are so many people here, and his words are too much to let her down. He clearly said that she has a problem with her style. SHe cried out in shame and anger, and turned around and ran out.

Zhao Meixiang was also mad at him, turned around and walked over. When everyone thought she would say something, she knelt down in front of Gu Xingjin and cried bitterly, "I know you don't like me, you think I'm stealing you. You have taken your mother's place, but your father was seriously injured that's why he forgot about you. Don't hold grudges against him, okay? I just ask you to return the life-saving medicines to us. The hearts of doctors and parents, those medicines can save a lot of people. My life, I can give you a lot of money, I just ask you to return these medicines to us."

Although she knelt down, she was showing weakness, but she also took the opportunity to appear pitiful and helpless, and she also appeared to be very noble. 

Naturally, Gu Xingjin quickly avoided her kneeling, and said indifferently, "I believe in our country's policy, and I also believe that the party and the leadership will return me an innocence. As for whether Mr. Gu is my relative, I will also wait for the organization's investigation."

Gu Xiu'an stepped forward to help his wife and comforted her in a warm voice, "Meixiang, let's go back first, now I've got a clue."

Zhao Meixiang looked at him with trust, and nodded meekly, "Okay, I'm all right. Listen to you."

She knew that he had already found the place and contacted the people over there.

But I also know that he has been hesitating whether to do it or not. Now, Gu Xingjin has driven him to a dead end, and finally let him desperately want to force Gu Xingjin to compromise.

No matter whether these medicines can be recovered or not, the father-son relationship between him and his ex-wife and sons has come to an end, and this is what she is looking forward to most.

The man Zhao Meixiang likes can only have her in his heart, and the children she gave him, and no one else can be allowed to come into their eyes.

Gu Xingjin looks like this, naturally, he has to rest for two days before going home.

In fact, this is a skin injury that he has calculated by himself, and it is really not serious. In addition, Tang Bao applied medicine to him on the side, and it will soon be almost the same.

In the blink of an eye, on the morning of February 26th, Tang Bao woke up and saw him sitting neatly on the stool in front of the bed, staring at him, helplessly muttering, "I'm used to waking up without seeing you, this is so fierce. When I see you staring at me like this, like you want to sell me, I'll be scared to death by you."

"What nonsense, why would I be willing to sell you, then I'm not going to be a bachelor in my life. "Why?" Gu Xingjin looked at her and smiled warmly. "Wife, close your eyes, I'll give you something."

Tang Bao still likes to receive gifts, so he closed his eyes obediently, and asked curiously, "Husband, today. What a good day you gave me a present"

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