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Chapter 167

 Early the next morning, Shen Da came over and knocked on the door, "The thunder and lightning scare you yesterday. I wanted to come, but in this weather, I was afraid that the lightning would cause a fire. We were all patrolling outside and didn't have time to come here. Look at you."

"It's alright, Brother Shen, it's too hard for you to not sleep all night, hurry back and rest." Tang Bao asked tentatively, "Do you often have such a big thunderbolt here? It sounds scary, I It's the first time I've seen this scene."

Pity she thought it was pretty, and she felt that Xiaobai had changed shape, so she could carry herself into the mountains to find all kinds of medicinal herbs, and if she encountered wolves, tigers, and leopards, they could be captured without a hitch, and she could live from now on. Happy and beautiful life.

But last night, the little girl told herself that she was frail and weak, and she couldn't grow bigger without enough spiritual power. If she was forced to grow bigger, it would not only damage her cultivation, but also easily The force leaks out, causing the peeping of some animals outside.

Therefore, Xiaobai still has to continue to practice most of the time, and he should not think about enslaving others.

The hurt Tang Bao didn't dare to let Xiaobai out of the space, for fear that Xiaobai didn't control his spiritual power, and it would be bad if he was targeted by a spirit with a certain intelligence like the big white python.

However, Xiaobai comforted Tang Bao, "I have already agreed with Dabai, I have left a quarter of the spiritual veins for Dabai, Dabai is also busy cultivating now, and will not appear in front of us again; Lingzhi Dabai said, your body is really unattractive, roe deer meat is much better than human meat, and besides, with me here, who cares about your meat?"

Tang Bao didn't care whether he was disliked or not. Attractive, but rather puzzled and asked, "Why did Dabai let you use the spiritual veins first?"

"Then there is a jade spiritual vein at the bottom of the mountain. The spiritual energy is too domineering, and we can't directly absorb it, but you It's different. After you and Gu Xingjin get married, they become one. The water spirit and wood spirit merge together to absorb the spiritual energy. I can absorb the spiritual energy through your body. Now , I guess Dabai himself has some means to get the remaining spiritual veins."

Tang Bao's face was depressed, "I am a filter when co-authoring it."

"You have also benefited. After the spiritual power swims on you, it can make your body lighter, and maybe you will have the ability to remember it, and maybe there will be other benefits."

Shen Da looked serious "This kind of vision is rare even for us. I've been here for almost ten years, and I've only seen it once. According to what the old man left behind, it's that there are ○○ in the depths of the forest who are transcending the calamity. You can't go to places where there is a lot of thunder and lightning. If you disturb ○○, you will be held for revenge; some people say they have seen it."

Tang Bao felt that many old sayings left by predecessors also have some truth.

She listened to Shen Da say some strange things, and Shen Da went back to make up for her sleep, "Don't go out on this rainy day, close the doors and windows at night, and blow the whistle if you have any problems."

"Okay, I remember, Brother Shen, you Don't come here, I'll be careful myself."

These cold and rainy days are perfectly suitable for sleeping in on the kang.

Tang Bao searched everywhere with his heart in mind a few days ago, and was really tired, so he closed the door and went back to sleep.

I slept until the afternoon before I went to the space to eat and drink enough, so I pestered Xiaobai to ask some anecdotes.

Xiaobai also likes to gossip, but he shares his interests with Tang Bao and chatted all afternoon.

In the evening, Tang Bao slept soundly on the warm kang, and was pleasantly surprised by the rumble of thunder, which made her hurried into the space, "Xiao Bai is not good, there is thunder outside again."

"I'm fine . Very" Xiaobai got out of the box with aura, with two claws resting on the edge of the box, a small white ball with fox eyes like beautiful jade, a pink nose and a small mouth, really cute.

Tang Bao couldn't help but hold Xiaobai in his palm, stroked Xiaobai's smooth and soft satin-like white hair with his fingers, and asked in a low voice, "Is thunder at night normal?"

Xiaobai felt comfortable when Tang Bao touched him. I feel that I am worthy of being a fox spirit, even if I can't transform into a human form, I can still fascinate people.

Just like Tang Bao, who has no conscience, when he was still an egg, he was rude to himself. He used himself as a racket, beat him at will, and didn't care about his fragile little heart at all.

But now to himself, that careful appearance, gentle touch, and infatuated eyes really made Xiaobai look forward to his future life.

Hearing Tang Bao's words at this time, he rolled in her palm and told her with his mind, "Don't you suspect that this is the movement caused by Dabai? I can only tell you that you guessed correctly."

Tang Bao thought in his heart . She shuddered and whispered, "Then I won't go out at night, it sounds terrible."

In fact, even if she was in the space, she could still hear the rumbling thunder and lightning, but she always felt that Xiaobai was in her place. Beside her, she felt a lot more at ease.

The strong wind and heavy rain was accompanied by deafening thunder and lightning, which lasted for about an hour before the thunder and lightning slowly disappeared, but the violent storm did not stop.

Tang Bao may have slept too much during the day, even if there is no thunder now, he can't fall asleep, so he simply told Xiaobai about the lingering legend of the White Lady.

When Tang Bao said that after Xu Xian fed realgar wine to Bai Niangzi during the Dragon Boat Festival, Bai Niangzi couldn't help taking the medicinal transformation and scared Xu Xian to death, Xiaobai interrupted her, "Tang Bao, Bai Niangzi is outside the door, Are you going to have a look?"

"How is it possible, that's a fantasy story?" Before Tang Bao could finish speaking, he remembered the big white he saw yesterday, trembled, and asked in a low voice, "You, shouldn't you be talking about yesterday? Let's see Dabai."

She can hear in the space, and can see the movement outside, but that is the normal range of seeing, unlike Xiaobai, who can perceive far away places and is not affected by darkness. .

Xiaobai felt that Tang Bao was so stupid, and said speechlessly, "Of course it's Dabai, you can't possibly think that the white lady will really appear."

"What is Dabai doing?" Tang Bao was instantly horrified. If it's not enough, I just want to come and swallow you. Now you are definitely not someone's opponent, what should we do?"

He got up quickly, went to the place where the traditional Chinese medicine was kept, rummaged through the boxes, and muttered nervously to himself, "Yes, snakes are afraid of realgar, I remember that I seem to have collected some realgar in the space."

"Okay, they have left." I didn't expect Tang Bao to be so afraid of snakes, so he said speechlessly, "The family has already left, this is here to give you something good, you can go outside and collect it."

"I won't go, what if this is someone's bait. "Tang Bao didn't dare to go out, he was full of conspiracy theories.

Xiaobai looked at her speechlessly, "You can rest assured, we already made an agreement yesterday that we will not attack us, or else you have a demon in Dabai's own cultivation, you can rest assured, and if you don't I'll protect you when I'm here."

"It's not enough for you to stick your teeth between people's teeth." Although Tang Bao said so, he still felt a lot more relaxed. Things, but Xiaobai refused to go into details. After dawdling in the space for a while, he left the space and carefully came to the door.

As soon as the door was opened, the cold wind, wrapped in the cold rain, rushed into the warm room, which was terribly cold.

Tang Bao held an umbrella in one hand, and held a flashlight in the other to look at the door. He was shocked. There were a few silly roe deer and a few deer piled up at the door. He didn't know if he was dead or fainted. spotted.

What surprised her the most was a lot of medicinal herbs, which she estimated to be more than what she had collected a few days ago.

Tang Bao happily took all these into the space, fortunately the space was large enough now, and even if the deer were alive before, they would die instantly when they entered the space, and they would be left alone.

She began to pack the herbs, and she exclaimed when she picked up one, "This white jade ganoderma is really superb, this is the first time I've seen such a good baby."

"My dear, this ginseng has been around for at least a hundred years, and it's almost grown into an adult."

"Heaven. Hey, Xiaobai, look, there is also Black Lingzhi, this is Zi Lingzhi, who didn't expect Dabai to be so grateful, I misunderstood Dabai."

Xiaobai was quite interested at first, but the more he listened, the more unpleasant it became. As for how good Dabai was,

he simply retracted himself into the spirit box and slept, and was too lazy to pay attention to this woman who sees medicine. Hmph

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