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  Chapter 241 Exposed

Even though the current policies have been reformed, the most glorious slogans of the working-class working people are still everywhere.

The proletariat is the greatest, and businessmen are the bourgeoisie who are about to be overthrown. They are to be criticized and looked down upon. This is what everyone has known for many years. Even if there is a reform now, everyone still subconsciously feels that doing business is very shameful. There are very few people who come out to sell things, for fear of being recognized.

Therefore, most of the sellers on this street are gathered from small villages in all directions.

"Is this thing really made of grass?" After several young people heard it, they immediately became anxious "Why are you so bad, feed us this kind of thing"

"That is, no wonder you want to overthrow the bourgeoisie, they are not A good man, making money with black hearts."

Tang Bao glanced at Zhao Aizhen, who was smug, and then looked at the crowd beside him.

It is said that older people know that this jelly is made of jelly grass, maybe because the things that were contaminated with criticism in the past few years did not end well, so they did not dare to say anything more.

Tang Bao motioned for everyone to let go, revealing a few pieces of paper pasted on the stall, and said in a clear voice, "Everyone, look here, it's all written here, first of all, prepare fresh jelly, wash and dry it, and then wash it clean. After that, put it into the pot and add water to boil for an hour. When the water in the pot turns dark green, pick up the grass.

Then, add the sticky rice flour, pay attention to the slow fire when adding the rice flour, and stir with a spoon while mixing. , when it is mixed into a thin paste, pour it into a large basin, and then let it cool naturally to jelly-like shape.

Furthermore, our Su family is a Chinese medicine practitioner. Eating jelly in summer is good for everyone. It is cold in nature and sweet in taste. , has the effect of clearing away heat and cooling blood and detoxifying, and can prevent heat stroke and toothache."

Tang Bao saw that everyone was listening, his tone changed, and his face was very serious. "We rely on craftsmanship to earn money by labor, it is not shameful Don't you know that at the beginning of May this year, newspapers published an article encouraging craftsmen to register and operate at the Industry and Commerce Bureau. Our small stall has been reviewed and approved. If you don't believe it, go to the Industry and Commerce Bureau to check the files."

After speaking, he took out a stamped piece of paper from the bag and placed it in front of a few young people, "We are operating legally, and this jelly will become one of the supplement recipes for the Su family clinic in the future. Grass, why don't you dislike ginseng as an herb? In the eyes of our doctors, there is no distinction between high and low herbs, but only whether they are suitable or not."

"" Several young people obviously know words, and now I hear Tang Bao say this , like being slapped on the face, it hurts hot.

Tang Bao walked in front of Zhao Aizhen, staring at her with a chilling almond eye, "It's you, you have misunderstood the classification of hawkers. According to the current national regulations, hawkers belong to the semi-proletariat, and even the petty bourgeoisie are not enough for me. I didn't expect that you, the mayor's aunt and niece, come to fight with me today, do you have any opinions against the policies implemented by the mayor or the decision-making of the state leaders?"

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Zhao Aizhen did not expect her Dare to speak out the national leaders and the mayor to oppress her like this, this is different from what she originally thought.

She was ashamed to say what she was going to say, and then encouraged everyone to smash their stalls, and then they must be with these people. Make a fuss and beat them to the death.

"I'm not talking nonsense." Tang Bao looked good-looking, but at this time, he had a serious and inviolable appearance, which made everyone look at her quietly.

"Are you proletarian? After you got married, you lived in a small bungalow, you didn't have to go to work, you didn't have to work, and you had a nanny at home, so you're a capitalist who exploits the working people, right?"

Tang Bao looked at her pale face. She is not comfortable with herself, why should she save face for her, her words are like a knife, and her sharp-edged words are like a knife. "You have a solid class ideology and look down on us working people. You are the restoration of capitalism. Don't think you are the deputy director of the enamel tank factory. Daughter-in-law, I'm afraid of you."

Tang Bao was not afraid of things at all, and what he said was reasonable and well-founded, and the people on the side of the crowd cheered, "It seems that the son of the deputy director of the enamel tank factory is a son."

Although everyone lowered their voices, but Zhao Aizhen I still feel that everyone knows that they are greedy for vanity and married a fool.

At this moment, she felt that they looked at her with ridicule and disgust.

A car was parked on the street outside, and Jin Xiujuan was sitting in the car. She didn't expect Tang Bao to give her a hat.

She now feels that Zhao Aizhen is not enough to accomplish anything and has more than enough to fail. Not only can she not embarrass Tang Bao, but on the contrary, she will drag her own family into the water.

She can't sit idly by as this affects her man's future.

Zhao Aizhen was originally a very thoughtful girl, but after she got married, most of the time she was strictly disciplined by her mother-in-law, and she was not allowed to go out.

This also caused some of her news to be closed, and her words and actions could not be compared with before.

Now that she heard Tang Bao's words, she became frightened and turned around and wanted to leave.

"Wait, Zhao Aizhen, you can't leave yet." Just when everyone thought there was no fun and the matter was over, Tang Bao stopped her.

Zhao Aizhen thought she couldn't hear her, but she saw two young boys blocking her, staring at her with bad eyes, as if she was thinking about where to kill her.

Zhao Aizhen took two steps back with an ugly face, and looked at her calmly, "What do you want?

" Do you support yourself behind your back?

"I want you to apologize, you owe us an apology."

Tang Bao's eyes swept across the car not far away. She herself is not someone who wants to find fault, but she is not afraid of them coming to find trouble.

She protects not only her own face, but also the children, and she doesn't want them to feel ashamed to earn money with her own hands.

Although they have been earning money these days, they deserved the sweat and staring at the big sun to sell things.

An uncle on the side also said, "It's really not difficult to make this jelly. We have done it before to fill our stomachs, but no one else has done it so carefully, and a bowl of five cents is really not expensive."

There is the first one . The person opened his mouth to speak, and there were several people behind him who echoed, "No, look at this crystal clear, there's not a lot of rice noodles in it. Anyway, I'm too lazy to do it." 

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