Mantis Catching Cicadas

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 Many restaurants here do not require food stamps to buy meals, but the price is a bit more expensive.

The window is still pasted with red paper, on which is written with a brush calligraphy that white rice is 20 cents a piece, a piece of 20 cents, a piece of fried cabbage is 20 cents a piece, the ribs are stewed and fried with vermicelli for 80 cents, the fried pork with pickles is also 80 cents, and the braised pork is also 80 cents. Two pieces of meat for twenty-five.

Tang Bao asked for a meal of fried shredded pork with rice and pickles, insisting that he pay for it himself.

Yu Cheng smiled helplessly, and ordered a stir-fried cabbage and braised pork.

The food came soon, and Yu Cheng brought her two large pieces of braised pork first, and said without refusal, "You and my sister are somewhat similar, you are both too thin, eat more"

Tang Bao was also embarrassed After clipping it back, he pushed his own dishes in front of him, and shyly thanked him.

There are only five pieces of braised pork in a plate, but the entrance is fragrant and delicious. It should be boiled with brown sugar and colored. It is fat and thin, but oily but not greasy. It is really memorable.

The fried shredded pork with pickled vegetables has the acidity of pickled vegetables and the fragrance of shredded pork. With a few red peppers, the taste is also very good.

Tang Bao feels that if he has money in the future, he can really consider buying a house and settling down here. It is true that the meals he has eaten these days are so delicious, and the most important thing is that there are many kinds of fruits, so that their mother and daughter have no resistance at all. .

After Tang Bao finished eating, he took the lunch box to make some meals, and asked the elder sister in a low voice, "Sister, your braised pork is so delicious, give me another one to take away."

The elder sister may be fat because of the good oil and water. With a smile on his round face, "Yeah, you are lucky, there are still three copies left, if the weather is good, the braised pork will be sold out long ago, if you want it, I will only charge you six yuan. "

Tang Bao quickly nodded, "Okay, I want it all, eldest sister, can you sell me another lunch box, or I can't fit it?"

The eldest sister was also very happy. "Okay, one meal, three meats and one lunch box." , I'll only charge you seven dollars."

Tang Bao smiled and thanked him. After paying the money, he asked, "What time tomorrow morning will you have braised pork for sale? My mother likes to eat meat. If I have time, I want to eat it again tomorrow with my mother and then go home.

" You are a filial girl," the eldest sister laughed even more cheerfully, and put the two lunch boxes into the net pockets neatly. "We will start stewing the braised pork in the tank later. It will be available in the morning, you just come here. Alright, we'll open the door at six o'clock."

Tang Bao contentedly carried the net pocket, turned around and saw Yu Cheng looking at the net pocket he was carrying with a little surprise, and whispered, "Why did you buy so much now that it's hot, Tomorrow, the taste will change."

Tang Bao couldn't tell him that he had a magical space where the hot braised pork was put in, and maybe it was still so steaming when he took it out this time next year.

I could only let my mother take the blame, and said embarrassedly, "My mother loves meat, and she hasn't eaten all day today. The fact is that they ate a lot of fruit, and they ate delicious food outside, so they packed it back. Yes , she can eat these."

Yu Cheng really believed it, after all, the eldest sister in the guest house also said that their mother and daughter might be afraid of encountering the man who made trouble before, and they hadn't gone downstairs all day long, so she quickly said, "Then let's hurry up. Let's go back."

Mr. Hu felt that he was beaten by two women, which was a great humiliation. He lay down on the bed for a while, then went to the hospital to bandage it. When he came out, he went to the second-rate Xiaoqiang to count Come on, get ready for the night.

The downpour continued until after ten o'clock in the evening, when the rain was a little lighter.

They were worried that if they broke the door, there would be a chair behind the door, and it would be bad to make a noise.

Simply wearing a raincoat, carrying a long ladder, a pig-killing knife to scare people around his waist, and a flashlight in his hand, he came to the alley to climb the window.

During the day, Mr. Hu had looked at it. The wooden glass windows upstairs were not fitted with iron bolts. Even if there were ceiling fans in the summer, it would be too much to bear if the windows were not opened, and it would suffocate people.

He asked Xiaoqiang to hold the long ladder at the bottom, and he went up first. When he reached the top of the ladder, he found that it was not long enough, but he could reach out and slam the window sill.

He carefully placed his toes on his toes, and when he slammed his hands on the edge of the window, he found that it was covered with glass slag, and his fingers were connected to his heart. He couldn't help tears from falling in pain, and he almost cried.

Seeing him climb up and down, Xiaoqiang asked in a puzzled voice, "Brother, if you can't get in, I'll climb up and try it out."

"Ouch," Hu Laosan put his hands under the flashlight, The blood was dripping, and he grinned in pain and scolded, "Shut up, take the long ladder away, and then ride me to the hospital, you wait to find Lao Hua and the others, and keep an eye on their mother and daughter. I got it, I'll give you a hundred dollars, no, a two-hundred-dollar thank you."

He really couldn't swallow this breath, and would rather pay a little more money than he would.

Besides, if he gets them, even if he gets tired of playing and sells them in the deep mountains and forests, who can find them, and he can make some money instead.

The dense light rain was still falling, and Yu Cheng by the window next door was playing with the pistol in his hand, although he didn't know why they left when they were about to succeed.

It can be seen that their mother and daughter are not weak women who are helpless, but they know how to protect themselves.

Feeling that he was worrying for nothing, he put away the pistol and went back to the bed to lie down.

In fact, he is usually very cold-blooded, but this time he will speak, entirely because Tang Bao's eyebrows and his sister do have some similarities.

Now that my sister is in their hands, I want her to return to me safely, so I have to do it as soon as possible, and I can't delay here any longer.

He listened to the sound of rain outside, and decided in his heart that whether it rained tomorrow or not, he would go to Weiyang Town as soon as possible. No, it should be said that it was Weiyang City.

When Tang Bao woke up when he heard the movement, he saw that the sky outside the window was still It was gloomy, but there was only a drizzle of rain, and it seemed that they did not delay their departure.

Su Su first put away the wooden sticks on the side of the window, and then saw that there was still a lot of glass scum on the window edge. She turned and smiled at her daughter, "I don't know if they came last night. If you go out by yourself in the future, you will also Pay extra attention to safety."

"Yes, I remember, this glass slag is a must-have anti-villain thing when you go out." Tang Bao got up and stretched out of bed before going to solve his own physical problems first. Afterwards, brush your teeth, wash your face, change your clothes, and then start to clean up the room.

Of course, most of the heavy things are stored in the space, the two rattan boxes outside only hold a few clothes, and the shoulder bag only holds some light things such as towels.

"Let's go to have breakfast first, go for a walk when we're full, and then come back and check out." Su Su put the two empty lunch boxes into the satchel and picked it up, urging her daughter to hurry up.

The braised pork that my daughter brought back yesterday was surprisingly good. She ate four pieces and still couldn't get enough of it. Today, she wanted to eat it, so she wanted to try other dishes.

When the mother and daughter went downstairs, a few people were checking out, and they just smiled at the eldest sister in the guest house and went out first.

Tang Bao took her to the small restaurant and saw that it was almost full in the morning.

Of course they don't eat in the morning. They also specially sell noodles this morning, with two sides of triangular money, a poached egg and a quarter, and a piece of braised pork and a hexagon.

There are also vegetable buns from Sanhe noodles, one for Erjiao and one for meat buns, all of which are more expensive than those in restaurants outside, but there are many people who eat them.

The mother and daughter also ordered two bowls of noodles with braised pork. The noodle soup also has braised pork soup, plus a little pickle and shredded pork, which is really delicious.

After I was full, I packed four more braised pork and ten vegetable buns and meat buns, and then left with satisfaction.

Tang Bao was at a remote corner, and put the buns and lunch boxes into the space, and then went to the store with his mother to see if there was anything in particular he wanted to buy.

"The material of that corduroy is very good. We rarely see it there. Why don't you buy some cloth and go back?" Tang Bao saw that the corduroy appeared at the place where the cloth was sold, and he couldn't move.

Compared with what she wears, Su Su prefers food, but seeing that her daughter likes it, she won't say no. She nodded and said, "Alright, let's just buy more and make a pair of pants for your father." The

salesperson looked at Although their mother and daughter were dressed in plain clothes, they were fair-skinned and pretty. The new watch on their wrists did not look like people who had no money and no votes. They smiled and said, "If you like, you can choose the color, black, dark blue. Yes, the purple and blue ones look good, and now if you buy a lot, you can get extra cloth bags." When the

mother and daughter left the store, there were several more cloth bags in their hands.

Su Su glanced at her watch, "Oh, time flies so fast, it's half past nine, we can't go around any more, take a salute and go to the train station to wait."

"Okay, next time we'll take Dad for a walk. Get up." Tang Bao walked with her for a while, but found that something was wrong, she felt that a man had been following her.

Not only does she have a very good memory now, but her five senses are also very sensitive. She subconsciously thought that she was being targeted by a pickpocket. By talking to Su Su, she gave her mother a wink.

Su Su didn't look back. Although the weather was bad today, and seeing many people walking on the street, he probably wouldn't dare to do it.

They returned to the guest house and found that the man behind was gone, so they went upstairs to get their luggage, and came down to settle the bill with the hostess.

When they moved in, in addition to the letter of introduction, they paid a deposit of 100 yuan. After the mother and daughter lived for so many days, after deducting the rent, water and electricity bills, they could return 1 yuan to 300 yuan.

The eldest sister gave them the money, and asked them to sign the painting for a later date, and then she said with a smile, "Do you know where to take the bus, please walk slowly, the journey is smooth, and if you come to Haishi next time, you will stay with us again. ."

Su Su responded with a smile and left the guest house with her daughter.

The drizzle was falling sporadically, and they were unwilling to take umbrellas. There was also a long way to the bus station, at least half an hour.

However, they had asked before that the train would not leave until 3:30 in the afternoon, so there is no need to rush it now.

But as we walked, it rained a little harder.

At this time, an old army green semi-trailer parked beside them, a short and thin middle-aged man with a honest and honest face said honestly, "Two lesbians, you are also going to the train station with your suitcases. I'll deliver it to the train station, and it will only cost you 50 cents if you drop by."

Su Su was a little moved, and looked at a medium-sized man sitting next to the driver's seat. There were indeed two vacancies in the back row, so she nodded and agreed, "Then Okay, thank you, master."

"It's alright, hurry up," the little man smiled embarrassedly, "We also want to make some money for cigarettes." The

mother and daughter got into the car, and the driver drove forward. Another man talked about gossip.

The back seat is a bit narrow, Tang Bao watched the rain outside the car window getting heavier and heavier, and saw people walking one after another, and some people stopping the car and trying to hitch a ride.

The driver didn't stop, but sighed, "It's a pity that my car is full of people. I'll make two more trips later, and I can make more money."

After a while, Tang Bao noticed something was wrong. What's wrong with the road outside? It was bumpy and bumpy, covering his mouth with a painful expression of vomiting "Master, please stop the car first, I get motion sickness and I'm going to vomit"

"Ah, it will be here soon, you have to bear with it." The driver After a few perfunctory sentences, not only did he not stop the car, but he drove faster.

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