8.Mrs. Tang Who Wants to Take Advantage

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Tang Mingyuan wanted to get something delicious for his daughter-in-law. He got up early in the morning, made a pot of glutinous rice balls with glutinous rice flour, and put some brown sugar in the bowl. He ate the sweet, glutinous and glutinous ones. It tasted great.

When he was full, he put down the dishes first, and said gently, "The weather is bad today, let's not go to the town first, your mother is at home, I will go to the clinic."

Su Su nodded, "Okay, remember to ask later. Captain, when will the mule carts in the brigade go to the town?" If the Chen Lian brigade went to the town by walking, it would take about an hour, and it would take twenty or thirty minutes to ride a bicycle. better.

In order to make it easier for everyone to go out, the mule carts in the brigade often go to the town, as long as you go to the captain in advance and let him write it down.

On rainy days, there are not many people who go to the fields to do farm work. Sister-in-law Chrysanthemum came to visit with two small ones, and she also carried a small bucket containing a dozen small crucian carp of different sizes and a few trash fish. Very hearty smile, "I have a good harvest today. This fish is small and has many spines. Sister-in-law, you can make soup and drink it."

Anyway, there is a lot of firewood in the countryside, and this fish soup is delicious. Put some tofu in it, that is also a dish.

"Chrysanthemum, you are so kind, we can eat a lot of fish from your family throughout the year." Su Su thanked with a smile, grabbed a handful of fruit candy and handed it to Xiaoxia and Ergouzi.

When Xiaoxia saw her mother nodding, she dared to take the candy and thanked her shyly. Seeing Tang Bao writing beside her, she also leaned over to call her sister, and stood there obediently watching her write.

There is now a literacy class in the brigade, and several educated youths are teaching everyone, but Xiaoxia feels that their words are not as beautiful as Tang Bao's writing.

Ergouzi hurriedly took the candy, quickly peeled a piece and put it in his mouth, squinting his eyes and smiling, "The candy is so sweet and delicious, Auntie, I'll bring fish to your house next time."

In this fruit candy commune If you want a piece of seven or eight pounds, no one would be reluctant to buy it except for the New Year.

In the countryside, not only distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors, but also when you come and go, if you can't get in, no one will deal with you.

"How expensive is this candy, sister-in-law, you are so willing." Chrysanthemum couldn't help shaking her head, but she was happy in her heart. She was willing to give them the fish, but she knew that Su Su's temperament was not the kind of person who eats other people's things for nothing. people.

Su Su listened to what she said about the brigade, and she got up and left in a hurry with her two children, "Sister-in-law, I'll go first, now that the rain is light, I have to send their sisters to dig some wild vegetables. ."

Su Su saw that there was only a drizzle of rain, and went to look for a bamboo hat. "Baby, Mom, let's go find some wild vegetables."

"Mom, I'm going too." Tang Bao also hurriedly followed.

In the countryside, the air after the rain is exceptionally fresh.

Su Su's family is the most northerly family, not far from the back mountain, and you can find wild vegetables when you go out.

"Ququ can dispel heat and detoxify, dispel blood stasis and relieve pain; white cauliflower is very effective in treating rheumatism, and Mai Peng can expel phlegm and relieve asthma; Chuipen grass can treat snake and insect bites, sore throat; white flower Hedyotis diffusa can cure general lung diseases. Heat asthma and cough, reduce anger; Lobelia is a good medicine for liver cirrhosis and fluke disease."

Su Su tried to tell her daughter what she knew. She felt that even if Western medicine is advocated now, it is always good for her daughter to know more.

Tang Bao also listened attentively. He was very fortunate that his brain didn't strike. Instead, he had a good memory. He stumblingly followed her and said it again, and it was really not bad.

In particular, the processing of traditional Chinese medicine is based on the nature of the medicinal material itself, as well as the needs of dispensing, preparation, and application, not only patience, but also talent.

Usually, Su Su cooks the medicinal materials at home. Even if Tang Bao is slow, Su Su also taught her daughter the skills of cutting, cutting, removing, squeezing, burning, digging, mixing clothes, and kneading the medicinal materials.

So even if they knew that people in the village privately said that Tang Bao was stupid, but they all knew that her daughter was very smart.

In spring, when there are many wild vegetables, the mother and daughter dug up a basket of wild vegetables in about half an hour.

After eleven o'clock, Tang Mingyuan came back quickly, still thinking about what to burn at noon

Pushing open the door of the bamboo fence, I smelled a fragrance, I couldn't help but sniffed, came to the kitchen and asked with a smile, "It's so fragrant, what delicious food did you two make today?"

"Fried fish, fish. Soup with wild vegetables, and wild vegetable cakes." Su Su felt that she had a talent for learning to cook, the fish soup was delicious, and the wild vegetables were green.

Of course, the little fish was fried by her daughter, and some of the wild vegetable cakes that were charred and inedible were all destroyed by her feeding the chickens.

Tang Mingyuan winked and praised, "Su Su, you are really real, you don't need to eat it, you can smell it and know the taste is definitely not wrong."

Su Su smiled brightly like a spring flower. "That's natural, you only know now."

Tang Bao previously After burning the fire and putting it out, he slowly got up from behind the stove and washed his hands in the washbasin next to him. He flirted with his parents and quietly rolled his eyes.

"Okay, take it out." Su Su put a small half of the fish soup in a thick porcelain pot, put the wild vegetable cake into a clean small bamboo basket and took it out, and called to her daughter, "Baby, bring out the fried fish. "

Okay," Tang Bao also carried a plate of small fried fish, and walked out slowly, but heard the voice of a strange woman, with a bit of hypocrisy, "Oh, you are just about to eat. Come on."

Tang Mingyuan was a little surprised, "Auntie, you're here"

and an unfamiliar voice "Third uncle, third aunt, this is my object."

Tang Bao didn't like this grandma who called herself a fool, lost money, a dead girl, and When she came to the door at this time, it was obvious that she was here to eat and drink.

It is said that everyone is in difficulty now, and everyone will not rashly go to relatives' houses to eat, even if they come to the door, they have to bring their own food.

But Tang Bao knew that they would never be so self-conscious. She looked at the fried fish in her hand and most of the pot of fish soup. She reached out and touched the pot. With a thought, the fried fish and the fish soup in the pot disappeared.

I bent down and touched the rice, and the jar of glutinous rice flour was put into the space.

Madam Tang came to the door at this time, naturally for a meal. Even if it wasn't enough, she couldn't let the mother-in-law go hungry.

Although she said that Tang Mingyuan was also her son, she was not by her side. In her heart, this son is almost the same as her daughter.

Of course, the daughter will not give her five yuan a month in pension money.

When Su Su saw not only her mother-in-law, but also her eldest nephew, she was a little unhappy, but with a small smile on her face, "Mom, sit down."

Madam Tang saw the fish soup and wild vegetable cake, and thought that she really came by coincidence. "It's all a family, you're welcome, I'll just go get the bowls and chopsticks by myself."

Seeing that there was only this big bowl of fish soup on the table, she thought it would be better to go to the kitchen and fill up a big bowl by herself. 

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