22. Raw Rice Cooked Mature Rice

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 Most of the people in the countryside are simple and honest. Even if they quarrel and fight, when they meet them after a while, they can say a few awkward words, and they will be reconciled again.

Just like the Tang family, although some people say that Su Su is clumsy and does not know how to cut clothes, but they are still willing to cut clothes for them, and can also earn a little money or see a doctor for free.

Even if the people in the brigade talked about Tang Bao, a little fool, they still felt that the Tang family was kind and didn't do such a wicked thing.

In the past few years, everyone lived on wild vegetables and rice bran. When they heard that many people were born as daughters, they quietly sent them to the mountains, and many people sent their daughters to the door of the orphanage.

The past two years have been much better, and I can still hear this kind of news.

Tang Mingyuan naturally wouldn't say to the outside world that his daughter-in-law was injured and could no longer give birth, but said that in order to have the energy to take care of his daughter, he should not have any more children.

It makes everyone envious of Tang Bao's good luck.

Tang Bao had been in the country for a long time, and when he heard that his father had an accident, he didn't think much for a while. The car was almost halfway, so he realized that something was wrong and wrote in the palm of his mother's hand.

Su Su noticed that her daughter had written the word "bad guy" in her palm, and she was shocked.

But now her daughter can't walk easily, and there is no one on the way. Su Su gave her daughter a look, and continued to ask the man driving with a scared look, "Comrade, are you going to the hospital soon? My in-law's family has a happy event today, and my eldest nephew wants to Marry the Liu family girl, we can't make it to lunch."

Su Su didn't understand what he wanted to do, and now she can only pretend.

"It's a coincidence, I'll also go to Tang's house for wedding wine." The man driving the car said a few words perfunctorily, thinking that you have something to show off, isn't it the one your eldest nephew found to take care of you?

But he also don't understand why Tang Hongjun sent his third aunt and cousin to the Liu family for him.

When he came to town, Su Su found that he didn't drive to the hospital, and cold sweat broke out on his palms, but he didn't break it. Instead, she calmed down, lest he find something wrong and start instead.

"Where is this?" Su Su pretended to be puzzled and asked, "Why doesn't it look like the road to the hospital?"

The man driving thought that the woman was not stupid, and said calmly, "Go to Tang Hongjun's place to find a witness first." , this matter has to be handled well, lest you think that I am bullying others."

His words were very reasonable, but Tang Bao didn't believe him, his mind was tense, his eyes had long been fixed on the back of his head, weighing it. It takes a few bluestone bricks to knock him out.

Tang Bao looked at the car parked outside a yard. It turned out to be a two-story white building. He was even more puzzled about what was going on.

Could it be that he misunderstood him

? "You all come down." The man driving pulled out the car keys. , opened the door and jumped out of the car, urging their mother and daughter.

Su Su looked around quickly and said with red eyes, "Comrade, my daughter is not feeling well, so we won't get out of the car. Comrade, please help to call out my eldest nephew."

Tang Bao heard his mother say that he was not feeling well, and his body froze. Leaning on Su Su's shoulder, he made a weak appearance, but his almond eyes were half-squinted, but he saw the word 囍 on the door and on the window, and his heart sank. If this is really Tang Hongjun's new home, then his father is the real one. something happened.

The man driving the car raised his eyebrows when he saw the mother and daughter crying, but he walked in quickly and called for someone.

Su Su nervously held her daughter's hand, anxiously "Baby, do you think he lied to us?"

Tang Bao was also a little overwhelmed, and whispered, "Wait, when someone comes out, you will know, in the end, yes, how? , what happened."

She also hated that she had not recovered yet, and always felt that something was not right.

"Well, if something goes wrong, we'll shout for help." Su Su looked around and said with a bit of happiness, "Look at the smoke from the kitchen nearby, there will definitely be many people living there, and they don't dare to mess around."

Tang Bao quickly comforted her, "Mom, don't be afraid, I can use it, bluestone bricks stun them."

At this time, a beautiful woman in military uniform and black leather boots came out, with delicate eyebrows and long black hair. Braided into a thick black braid, it is not only a woman's beauty, but also a sassy, ​​very eye-catching.

Nowadays, people like to wear green military uniforms. Cadres and soldiers, as well as male and female soldiers, have basically the same material and style of military uniforms. They can only be distinguished from cadres and soldiers from the pockets of their jackets.

The cadre's jacket has four pockets, and the soldier has two chest pockets, but the imitations do not have the all-red cap badge and collar.

Tang Bao saw that her imitation military uniform fit well, and she was a woman, and he was quietly relieved.

The girl smiled brightly, "Auntie, Comrade Tang is waiting for you inside."

"Oh, okay, thank you, Comrade." Good-looking people always make people relax their vigilance. Su Su also felt that she and her daughter thought too much, so she quickly supported her. The daughter came down and followed the girl inside.

That girl was Liu Jiayue who came back specially for her sister's marriage.

She is good-looking, and now she is with the army. Naturally, she wants to have nothing to do at home. Besides, her younger brother has a big temper, so she naturally wants him to marry an obedient girl.

Seeing Tang Bao's appearance, she doesn't care even though she talks and walks slowly, so that she won't bully her younger brother. Besides, even if the husband and wife fight, the younger brother will not be able to beat her.

Liu Jiayue led them to the room, stood at the door, and said indifferently, "Sit down."

At this time, a medium-sized, fat man looked at them with a sesame stick in his mouth, and was very excited. "Sister , these two are my daughter-in-law, do I like this, let her sleep with me, have children with me, and play with me in the future."

In order to show his generosity, he also rushed forward, biting half of the sesame stick, trying to stuff it into Tang Bao's mouth.

Just like this, the mother and daughter don't need to tell them, they all understand that this is the sister and brother of the Liu family.

Su Su took her daughter back two steps, trembling all over with anger, staring at Liu Jiayue with almond eyes, and said bitterly, "Shameless, get out of the way, or I'll call someone."

Liu Jiayue took the opportunity to open the door After closing it, he leaned against the door, played with his long braids with both hands, and slapped him indifferently, "Don't toast, don't eat and drink fines, it's obviously your mother and daughter who want to climb up to our Liu family, and that's what my sister does. On the big day, I sneaked into my house and wanted to cook the raw rice."

The meaning of this is to warn them that if their mother and daughter do not cooperate, this is what the Liu family said.

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