The Secret

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Tang Bao looked at a plate of yellow shredded dishes, all of which were still minced meat. He looked at it with all the flavors and flavors. He thought it was a special dish. He took a chopstick and put it in his mouth, and the smile on his face froze.

She looked at the sisters and smiled at her. If she hadn't really felt their malice, she would have thought they were trolling her.

Mom, it was the first time she had eaten such bitter gourd.

She didn't like bitter gourd since she was a child. Tang Mingyuan thought that bitter gourd was a good thing. Seeing that both mother and daughter didn't like to eat it, she took great pains to make bitter gourd, blanch it a few times, add some dried plums, etc. Barely eat two bites.

But this bitter gourd was so bitter that Tang Bao doubted his life.

Seeing Tang Bao swallowing with difficulty, he quickly took two mouthfuls of white rice to suppress his shock. Now even a fool can see that she doesn't like bitter gourd.

"I'm sorry, I thought you like drinking bitter coffee, and you also like eating bitter gourd." He Yuhang brought a cup of tea to her embarrassedly, "I really didn't mean it."

He Yuxin was on the side Laughing, "Hahaha, my sister wants to give you a surprise, especially asking Mrs. Liu to go to someone else's house to get vegetables in exchange. At that time, I thought how could someone like to eat such unpalatable food, I didn't expect my sister to do it kindly. It's a bad thing, hehe"

Tang Bao instantly looked at the little girl with a different look, he thought she looked at her emotions and anger, and felt that she was still young, but now listening to her, not only did she say that her sister was well-intentioned , and pointed out that their original intention was to make themselves happy.

"Actually, this bitter gourd is a good thing. I can't despise you from eating bitter gourd just because I don't like the taste of bitter gourd." Tang Bao took a chopstick and put some bitter gourd-flavored meat into his mouth. Especially in the hot summer, applying bitter gourd slices can also moisturize fair skin. Bitter gourd is also very effective for weight loss."

However, there are very few people who are obese now, and because in this age, it is only if they are fat that they are blessed and able to have a good life.

He Yuhang was a little embarrassed when he heard it, "Listen to what you said, my grandma has a bad heart, so I should eat more, but my grandma is already thin, what if I eat and get thinner?"

Tang Bao felt that he had dug a hole , buried himself, and could only say helplessly, "After all, this is just a vegetable, not a panacea, just don't eat as much as you want. You need to be moderate in everything, and the human body will consume it according to its own needs."

He Yuxin touched her apple face. , said with a firm face, "I will also learn to eat bitter gourd in the future." Then he asked Tang Bao, "How much can I eat every day to lose weight?"

Tang Bao deliberately frightened her, "eat at least one every morning and evening" and looked again. After her, she said, "I think you're doing fine now."

"Just save it for me." He Yuhang glared at his sister with warning eyes, "Do you think you look good when you're thin? Do you think it looks good like Zhao Qiqi?" He Yuxin whispered, "

Don't you think she feels like a weak Liu Fufeng?" He Yuhang angrily

wanted to beat this uneasy little sister, but thinking of the taste of the bitter gourd, she sneered at her, "Then I'll watch it." How can you keep going?"

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