Yang Yi's Wedding

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Second Aunt Jiang was already preconceived, and felt that the outside marriage room was rented by Jiang's father and mother, and the dowry must be a crooked melon and cracked date, so I didn't want everyone to see it as shameful.

But she just wanted to see their jokes.

My eldest son Sanjin and 10,000 dowry money were all paid by my parents-in-law, and my mother-in-law told her that the little grandson's was also prepared.

As for Jiang Yin, her parents-in-law gave a red envelope with only 200 yuan in it.

Aunt Jiang became more and more proud the more she thought about it. Taking advantage of another neighbor sending red envelopes outside, she got up and went to Jiang Yin's room to see the dowry.

There is only Jiang Yin, a precious daughter, in the big room of the Jiang family. This bedroom is also very large, with a large white bed and a dressing table, and two large white wardrobes on the opposite side of the bed.

At this moment, there were indeed only two mahogany boxes inside, and there was no TV or refrigerator in sight.

"Yo, this pair of boxes is really beautiful." She couldn't help laughing. "But don't all young people like suitcases now? Why did you get a pair of wooden boxes?"

Mother Jiang was actually afraid that they would be jealous of the good things in it, but Now everyone went to her daughter's room because of her concubine's greeting, and she hurriedly called her daughter to go with her. If there were a few items in it, she wouldn't be able to cry, but she would leave it to her grandson and grandson. Great stuff for grandson.

Yang Yi has said that, regardless of gender, the first child is surnamed Yang, and the following children are surnamed Jiang.

Grandma Jiang looked at the mahogany box inside and glared at her eldest daughter-in-law.

At this moment, Second Aunt Jiang had already opened the mahogany box. Seeing that there were exquisite small wooden boxes inside, exuding a good smell, she knew that these boxes were good things.

She said with a bit of yin and yang, "This is really a good thing."

Then she opened the small wooden box on the top, she was dumbfounded, and screamed, "God, this is impossible"

Turning around, she looked at her mother-in-law aggrieved and angry, "Mom, didn't you say that these two gold ingots are for your grandson? Why are they here?"

The eyes of relatives and friends all fell on her hands, and they were drinking tea outside. The five men in the room didn't know what the women were talking about, so they hurried over.

Fortunately, Jiang Yin's room was large, so it wouldn't look crowded with more than a dozen people standing in it.

"Okay, everyone, I didn't expect you to dare to have dirty hands and feet." Grandma Jiang looked at Jiang Mu and Jiang Yin with an angry expression when she saw the two ingots of gold. Although Jiang Yin has long been accustomed to the partiality of her grandparents, she is still very angry when she hears that they have wronged her mother indiscriminately.

I really doubt that my father is their own son.

They say such things regardless of the occasion. Their parents are suspected of their conduct.

The expression of how much they despise their parents and Jiang's father also sank. His wife didn't have much affection, but after all, he and his younger brother were siblings of the same mother, so they still had some feelings for each other. But now that his character is under suspicion, he can't help frowning

. "These are all dowry gifts prepared by the man. They are all double, and there is more than this box."

Because Jiang Yin opened another mahogany box and picked up the top small mahogany box, which still contained a pair of gold ingots.

Second Aunt Jiang simply opened another larger mahogany box, which was like an ancient jewelry box. When opened, it turned into two layers. Each grid was padded with red flannel, all of which were gold and platinum. Style earrings ring.

Everyone was a little surprised. When talking about Yang Yi before, they always referred to the poor boy. How could the other party give so many dowry gifts, but Aunt Jiang said sourly, "Big brother and sister-in-law are really rich, this is the cheap boy."

Everyone is not a fool, what she means is the money from Jiang's father and mother.

As she spoke, she opened the wooden box below and opened her eyes instantly.

The guests on the side also took a deep breath. If the previous gold jewelry only surprised them, then the contents of the opened box made them all drop their jaws in shock.

This flat box is full of necklaces, gold chains, ruby ​​pendants, or platinum necklaces. The styles of the six necklaces are different, but they are all too beautiful and delicate, even if you don't know jewelry. You can see the value of these necklaces.

At this time, Jiang Yin's aunt gasped, "Yin Yin, you said that both boxes are double."

Jiang Yin nodded reservedly.

Jiang Yin's aunt couldn't help but sighed, "Oh my God, this is too generous. There seem to be two boxes below. They are all good things. Is it possible that their family runs a gold shop?"

Jiang Yin's sweet smile on his face" My parents-in-law and my sister-in-law are all generous, and Yang Yi, his older brothers, sisters, and younger brothers are also very good. There are five boxes in each box, making them perfect."

Aunt Jiang was even more disbelieving and opened the other two wooden boxes. In the box, there is a new box of RMB 100 yuan, and a box of pearls the size of a pinky finger, with a hazy pearlescent light, which looks extraordinary.

Thinking of the value of these treasures in her head, the jealousy on Aunt Jiang's face could not be concealed, "You really found a big money, no wonder you don't like the eldest young master of the Yu family."

Mother Jiang couldn't help frowning. Seriously, "What are you talking about? Our family has nothing to do with him. If you like him, then you can match him."

Aunt Jiang's expression changed, and finally she smiled shyly, "It's me. I can't speak, sister-in-law, don't be angry."

When they got married the next day, when they arrived at their new house, they saw the antique furniture, tables and chairs, as well as all kinds of delicious food at the wedding banquet, and the guests were all driving their cars. , all look elite.

The faces of Second Aunt Jiang and the others, who were getting married, changed and changed, from disbelief to envy.

Jiang Yin was very grateful to Su Su and the others for all that they had prepared, and completely stunned them. She licked her face to show affection to her parents, and wanted to find out the identities of the guests.

Tang Bao took two newcomers to see Lin Juan, Ouyang Hang and Dongfang Li, especially Zhuge Qingna, who even joked, "Brother Zhuge, my brother is your fanboy. If there is a chance, You have to give more advice, you can't hide it."

Zhuge Qing laughed and joked, "I can't listen to you. I really don't hide it. Isn't that the disciple of the church starved to death for the master?"

Everyone burst into laughter.

Zhuge Qing patted Yang Yi's shoulder, smiled and said, "Come around to me when you have time. The gift I gave you has my contact information."

That's right, he is so willful, he only gave two Cell phone, who reborn him as a researcher?

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