24. Forbidden Books

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 Liu family.

Liu Xiaojun felt that he was being bullied by his future daughter-in-law. In his young mind, he was greatly hurt. He felt that Tang Bao was like the tigress that his mother said, which was really terrible.

Although he is a bit stupid, he can also bully the weak, so when they are fierce, they don't dare to say anything more. When they leave, they cry and pull Liu Jiayue, who is still dizzy, "Sister, don't die, I'm so hurt. , My daughter-in-law is a tigress, I don't want her anymore, can you give me another daughter-in-law?"

Actually, when Liu Xiaojun cried loudly from the Liu family, many people nearby heard it.

However, the neighbors were worried that Liu Xiaojun would beat people. If he was beaten by a fool, who would they reason with?

Furthermore, Liu Xiaojun cried almost every day, and people already had immunity and could turn a deaf ear.

Even passing by, they just muttered a few words, and would not come to the door when Liu Xiaojun was crying, lest the Liu family think they were here to see Liu Xiaojun's jokes.

Liu Xiaojun wanted to pull Liu Jiayue up, but he was too fat, so he let go by accident, Liu Jiayue fell to the ground again, and woke up in pain, "Ouch!"

She groaned in pain, opened her eyes, and watched crying. The out-of-breath brother frowned and said, "Good, don't cry, elder sister is fine."

"Sister, it's fine if you don't die," Liu Xiaojun was also tired from crying, he turned around and went to the table to pick up a new white porcelain teacup. , Gululu went to drink tea.

Liu Jiayue felt that her head was still dizzy, uncomfortable and painful. She got up reluctantly, sat down by the telephone, and started calling, "Hey, Mojia Restaurant, please help me find Comrade Liu Zhihua."

She After saying a few words, he hung up the phone, with indescribable anger and haze in her beautiful eyes.

She really didn't expect it to be so bad today. She originally planned to let her brother see Tang Bao. If he liked it, she would threaten the Tang family to agree. If her brother didn't like it, she would send him away.

But I didn't expect that the Tang family would dare to go so far, so don't blame them for being rude.

The Liu family specially invited an aunt to take care of him for Liu Xiaojun. Today, in order to meet the Tang family, the aunt is allowed to go back.

Liu Xiaojun was used to having someone take care of himself. He put the teacup on the table and started yelling, "I'm hungry, I want something delicious, I want meat, I want chicken legs." The

Liu family was afraid that Liu Xiaojun would lose his temper at the wedding banquet. , Naturally, she didn't plan to go to the wedding banquet. Liu Jiayue was having a terrible headache. Hearing his hungry voice, she felt her head hurt even more, and said angrily, "Don't yell, eat some cake first, Mom will give it to us soon. I came back with delicious food."

Today is Liu Qiaoyue's big day, so Liu Zhihua can't come back first, so he can only let his wife come back first.

Jin Xiufang came back with a few dishes, and after hearing her daughter's words, she clenched her fists angrily, knocked on the table angrily, and sneered, "It's really a toast, I don't eat and drink fines, and now I'm strict with the investigation, I'll let someone go. Searched."

Liu Jiayue was lying on the bed and heard her mother's words, nodding and agreeing, "I want to give them a good look, but some rural areas are also exclusive, mother, please be careful."

"Okay, I really wronged you today. ." Jin Xiufang thought that her eldest daughter was well married, she was still very proud, and looked at her belly with concern, "You guys have been married for more than a year, why is there no good news yet?"

Liu Jiayue sighed, "Mom, don't you ? I know, the relationship between the army and country Z is very tense. Although there is no large-scale battle, there are constant small frictions. He only comes back in a few months. How can I have a child by myself?"

He looked at her and complained in a low voice, "Qiaoyue. Why are you in such a hurry to get married, I'm going to introduce her to a good one."

"No hurry, no hurry, you are still young." Jin Xiufang quickly comforted her daughter, and then sighed, "Actually, I don't like Tang Hongjun, but Your sister likes him, and when she talks about it, they are all together. I'm not afraid that if she has a child, I can only agree to it Face."

Liu Jiayue squinted her beautiful eyes and said with some scheming, "Since it's already like this, then mom should just train someone well, but don't let him be too arrogant."

She was quite scheming, but now she is with the army, but also Working in a hospital in the military region, now I can't bear the grievances, and I want to vent my anger.

Jin Xiufang nodded and brought the chicken soup to feed her daughter in person, "Okay, don't think too much now, you also drink some chicken soup to make up your body." Liu Xiaojun sat on the side eating chicken legs and braised pork without caring about their mother and daughter. What to say, I was full, hiccupped, got up and rubbed my eyes, "Mom, I'm sleepy and want to sleep."

 "My dear son, go to sleep first." Jin Xiufang looked at the lateral development with loving eyes. He is so fast that he has a son twice his age, and that's why he thinks that his son is fat and cute.

Liu Jiayue saw that her mother went out with her brother for a while before coming back, and she asked worriedly, "Mom, why don't we find a smarter girl for my brother? I think my brother is afraid of girl Tang."

"But that girl is easy to handle," Jin Xiufang After he finished speaking, there was a calculation in his eyes, "A picket team has come down from above, I am going to let Hongjun go and talk to the captain, and I will talk about it when the Tang family is arrested."

Looking at her daughter, she whispered, "Wait until the Tang family is arrested. , take Tang Bao to our house, and when she is with your brother, I want your brother to have a child earlier, while we are still young, we can bring the child up, even if I go with your father in the future Now, your brother can also have children to take care of." The mother and daughter got together and whispered about how to do it.

On April 2, Gu Ningjin and the four of them came to the country with a few stinky old nines in the town. The captain arranged for them the tasks of pulling weeds, feeding pigs, and feeding cattle and sheep.

Gu Yujun also reluctantly left the Tang family. Even if she can't go out to work and earn work points, she can prepare three meals a day for her brother and brother Yang.

Tang Bao didn't hold back too much, but told her to come and dig wild vegetables with him at ordinary times, and brought her to talk with the little girls in the brigade, so that they could get used to the life here as soon as possible.

Furthermore, the Tang family is also worried that the Liu family will stumble, and if Gu Yujun is here, they are afraid that she will be implicated.

In the countryside, every day is busy but practical.

In a blink of an eye, at nine o'clock in the morning on April 10th, Su Su and Gu Yujun went to dig wild vegetables. Tang Bao was at home alone. After reading some books, there were many things that he didn't understand, and he scratched his head. Scratching his head, he simply watched a hen in the yard with two chicks digging the grass.

Suddenly, I heard footsteps coming from outside, and soon more than twenty people broke in.

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