18. Origin of the Gu Family

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 Su Su didn't have many cloth tickets in her hand. Fortunately, the salesman had a good temperament and said with a smile, "Comrade, we have some cloths that are a little defective. I can give you a discount. Comrade, do you want to take a look?"

"Okay. , thank you, comrade." After careful planning, Su Su bought some light gray cotton cloth with some flaws, which was not only cheaper, but also bought a few more feet, enough to make new clothes for herself and her daughter.

"Okay, let's go find our daughter, buy something delicious, and then go back." Su Su just finished speaking, when she saw her daughter and Tang Hongjun coming over, she instantly restrained the smile on her face, frowning her beautiful eyebrows and muttered, "Look at him. That arrogant look is really disgusting."

At this time, she didn't know that Tang Hongjun had already counted them all.

Tang Hongjun's eyes first glanced at the material in the third uncle's hand. Seeing that it was not a good material, he was very satisfied. In this life, the Tang family is still the most promising, not the third uncle who is stuck in the door.

However, he still had a gentle smile on his face, "Uncle, aunt, the 28th is my wedding day. You have to come in two days. Grandpa and grandma miss you all."

Tang Mingyuan nodded and said perfunctorily. "If we have nothing to do, we will come a day earlier. If we have something to do, we will definitely come on the same day."

"Well, I'll go first, I'm going to Liu's house for lunch today." Tall and handsome.

Tang Bao made sure that several of them had left the supply and marketing cooperative, and only then did they start shopping.

When Yang Yi and the others came back carefully, it was already more than ten o'clock. They saw that the door was closed, the Tang family had all left, and the three children looked at each other.

Gu Shaozheng and Yang Yi helped their brother to lie down on the bed. Yang Zheng brought Gu Ningjin a cup of tea and was very frustrated. "We're back late, what should we do now?"

They originally thought, let the Tang family get what they want first. If you find it, ask them to take a pulse on Gu Ningjin.

In the hospital, they had no money to continue living, but Gu Ningjin's health was not yet well, so they wanted to ask Su Su to check his pulse again.

Gu Ningjin's face was pale, he coughed a few times, but he still felt a dull pain in his chest, and he didn't dare to show it, lest the three of them were worried, and smiled weakly, "I'm all right, don't worry."

Yang Zheng Smartly rolled his eyes, "Why don't we go to the black market?"

Yang Yi quickly stopped him. "No, there are so many joint defense teams and Red Guards on the street. Even if we want to go out, we have to wait until the evening before going out."

A few people gathered together . We discussed in a low voice together, even if the wind outside is tight now, but if we don't go out and toss, the family will run out of food.

They took hundreds of kilograms of salt at low prices on the black market. They sold salt for 2.5 cents per kilogram in stores, and resold it on the black market, and they could earn 8 cents per kilogram, or about 10 cents.

Sometimes they also go to the neighborhood to collect some eggs or something. Although an egg can only earn two or three cents, a hundred can earn two or three dollars, and they can survive anyway.

Of course, they were very careful to keep these things in the room where the brothers of the Gu family lived, but now that the investigation is too tight, they are a little worried.

At this time, there were voices coming from outside, and the brothers of the Yang family hurried out, only to find that Aunt Gu was holding her stomach and pulling a little girl in her teens with one hand, cursing, "You are not up to your expectations. You dare to steal something to eat, and you dare to run, I won't peel you off today." The little girl's face as big as her palm was swollen, and her face was pale and scary, but she still defended weakly, "I No"

"You bastard girl dare to talk back." Second Aunt Gu gave her another slap, and when she saw Gu Shaojin, she pushed the little girl hard, and put her hands on her hips, with a sneer on her beautiful face. "Her surname is Gu, here's She also has a share of the house, don't let me see her again, or I will kill this dead girl with dirty hands and feet."

Gu Shaojin quickly supported his sister, who was a few months younger than him, and noticed that her body was hot, with only a handful of bones left in her thin wrist. The skin of her little hand was still fair, but there were still some purple-red frostbite marks on her little hand. and some small holes.

He looked at her with anger in his eyes, "Tiger poison doesn't eat children, you are too much."

"Bah, who do you think you are?" Second Aunt Gu glared at her and sneered, "It's just your mother's coquettish vixen. You look like, who knows if you belong to the Gu family?" The Gu family was originally a wealthy family in the city, and also opened several large restaurants, because their ancestors used to be imperial chefs, and their craftsmanship was really good. It is the most famous restaurant in the city.

But in 1966, it was reported that the Gu family had quietly sent several university professors abroad, and the family had secretly kept books with villainous thoughts, ancient calligraphy and paintings, etc.

Grandpa Gu immediately set fire to his own courtyard, handed over all the family's gold and silver property, and asked some acquaintances to help clear up the relationship, and finally did not die in prison.

Seeing that the situation was getting worse and worse, someone quietly helped them and arranged for them to escape to the town here.

Grandpa Gu has two sons and one daughter. The eldest son, Gu Xiu'an, is the eighth road. When he went out in 1959, there was no news. Legend has it that there were no bones left on the battlefield, so he left three sons, Gu Xingjin, Gu Ningjin, and Gu Shaojin.

In 1961, when he was only sixteen years old, Gu Xingjin accidentally saw his mother and other men saying that he had a child in his belly.

After his father went out, he never came back. It was self-evident who the child in his belly belonged to. After a big quarrel with her, he left home and followed the soldier.

He felt that his mother was too much, he didn't believe that his father was dead, and he was going to the battlefield to find his father.

At that time, he didn't worry about his family at all, his grandfather was still healthy, and his second uncle was very kind to their brothers.

Later, I had correspondence with my family every month, but there was no news in the months when I had an accident at home.

On the day Yu Fengya was found out by her son, she was afraid of being embarrassed by her father-in-law, so she simply ran away with some money and people in the family.

Gu Xiuhe likes literature and has an elegant personality. It was because he sent his friend abroad that he caused a big disaster. The Gu family was displaced, and his mind was depressed. After he came to live here, he quickly let go.

He previously married Ge Yuxia, but after she died of illness, he remarried the young and beautiful Jin Lingling, and gave birth to a daughter named Gu Yujun.

Jin Lingling took a fancy to the Gu family's wealth, and then married him. After her man died, her father-in-law died quickly, and she took the money and got on with the captain of the joint defense team.

Now that she was pregnant, Chen Weimin couldn't tolerate the daughter she brought, so Jin Lingling sent her daughter here, anyway, she felt that she had done her best.

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