Beautiful Misunderstanding

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  Although this place is very strange, she has never been here, but she is worried about Gu Xingjin outside, so she thinks to go out, but she finds that she still can't leave this place, which makes her worry, "I want to leave this place, is it because the space has eaten this place? Poisonous person, indigestion, stuck"

Go out, let me go out, let me go out, Tang Bao looks at the vast boundless space with tears in his eyes, and knocks on the invisible wall depressedly "What the hell is this place, you? Do you want me to starve to death here or do you want to drive me crazy?"

Although she had only been here for ten minutes, but she was alone in this quiet place, it really made her feel that a long time had passed.

She also didn't care whether it would disturb Xiao Bai, and desperately shouted in her mind, "Xiao Bai, help Xiao Bai, come quickly, if I don't come, I will die.

" It's too embarrassing to be bored and suffocate or go crazy.

Her call was too urgent, too intense, and too miserable, causing Xiaobai, who had something to do with her, to be unable to calm down during his practice, but when he sensed where Tang Bao was, he teleported to her in surprise and quickly." God, what great deeds have you done to gain merit, I thought it was impossible for you to open up a living place in your lifetime?"

Tang Bao reached out and grabbed Xiao Bai, and said anxiously, "Oh, don't worry about being dead or alive now. It's dead, let me go out quickly, or I don't care about Xingjin and think I'm dead with that thing, what if he can't think of a suicide?"

"It's easy for you to go out." Xiaobai looked at her little eyes, like Looking at a little idiot, "then just use your mind to read in silently, why are you so stupid"

"I think I'm about to lose you" Tang Bao squinted and threatened it "because I don't like that you are smarter than me, I will endure it. I can't stop killing you."

Xiaobai was covered in hair when she saw her, and he didn't dare to provoke this shy and angry woman, with a dog-legged smirk. "You are the smartest and most powerful, do you know that this is where your heart can grow? Space"

Before he finished speaking, Tang Bao had already read in silently, and when he saw himself appearing in the space where the supplies had been piled up, he threw Xiaobai on the small tree, and hurried out.

Xiaobai hurriedly hugged the tree with his little paws, and screamed angrily, "Tang Bao, you bastard, you move us out, you wicked woman, I haven't finished talking to you yet, give it to me Get in!"

Tang Bao hurried out without even looking outside, feeling that he had bumped into someone, and when he looked up, he saw Gu Xingjin's eyes were red, looking at him with surprise, and then he hugged her tightly in his arms, unable to be excited. "Wife, it's fine if you're fine. Are you tired if you feel uncomfortable?"

At the moment when she and the monster disappeared, he was really worried and wished he would disappear with them, better than being alone here. It's good to be frightened.

"I'm fine, he's already in the underworld."

Tang Bao felt at ease in his warm embrace, smelling his scent. However, she can't tell the truth now, she can only say in terms of feudal superstition, "Anyway, he is too bad. When he goes underground, it's like being pinched by someone. There are no bones left, and it turns into mud."

When feudal superstitious, he also did not forget to persuade people to do good deeds.

Gu Xingjin only needs his wife to come back well. As for that thing, as long as it is dead, he doesn't care whether it turns into dirt or vanishes into ashes.

The two talked, Gu Xingjin was afraid that Tang Bao would be sleepy, looked around, and said, "This place is clean, it's almost eleven o'clock now, you must be tired, let's just rest here. "

Okay." Tang Bao simply blocked the entrance of the hole with stones, and then thought of Li Shang, who was knocked unconscious by him, "Oh, I forgot that he was still in the hole."

Then he asked worriedly, "When we suddenly disappeared, that woman Did you see it?"

"No, she took the opportunity to run away when I shot." Gu Xingjin was really unwilling to bring up this extra third party, but it's a pity that Tang Bao now thinks of him, otherwise he would definitely not mention him.

The hole was huge, as deep as one person. When he jumped down, he didn't know where his hand touched, and a hole suddenly opened on the side.

Tang Bao hurriedly handed him the flashlight and said excitedly, "It's said that all the hardships come, you must have accidentally bumped into the place where the treasure is hidden."

"Don't come down first, I'll go take a look first." After smelling it, I didn't find any special smell, lest it be a snake python's cave, so I went in carefully.

The cave was very dry, and it became more and more spacious as he walked. He was sure that there was no danger, so he invited Tang Bao to come in. Since his wife was not by his side, he was still worried about her safety.

Tang Bao was actually very sleepy and tired, but she was really curious about this magical basement, and followed him for a while with interest, and found a hall with murals, a lot of food, and a dozen boxes. jewelry.

"God, there are so many treasures." Looking at the boxes of big yellow croakers, as well as the delicate jewelry and jade, and the Dongzhu bigger than the thumb, Tang Bao was really eye-opening, and his eyes lit up, "It must be Lishang. Mother didn't explain clearly, if we hadn't come here by accident, these babies wouldn't be able to see the sun again."

"Yes, you can put as much as you can." Although Gu Xingjin was also surprised that he could see so many good things here, However, they were not particularly excited, because when they went out on a mission a few times, that was the real trip to the treasure house, and the room was full of gold, silver and jewelry.

This place is too evil, he is not going to come again, of course, let Tang Bao get more, but he is interested in murals.

The people in the murals are as graceful as life, and their expressions of joy seem to be telling that it seems that the ancestors here came here. He had to let Li Shang come, who wouldn't allow him to understand the words like earthworms. When he turned to look at Tang Bao, he found more than a dozen boxes containing jewelry, and now there is only one box left.

Well, you have to get used to your wife's ability to carry five ghosts.

Gu Xingjin said with a bit of ridicule in his concern, "Why are you still too tired to carry this box?"

Tang Bao said without turning his head, "I can carry it even if you have more than a dozen boxes."

He reluctantly looked at a box full of gold, silver and jade articles, "This is not for them, but also for Lishang to decorate, I can't be too greedy." The two went back the same way to wake up Lishang, who was still in a coma.

"Is this the underworld?" Li Shang opened his eyes and looked at the place where he was staying, and then looked at Gu Xingjin with complicated eyes, "I didn't expect that I would die in your hands in the end, but that's fine."

"What's the matter?" Gu Xingjin didn't expect that he had a cold face at first, and he wouldn't say a word to himself for a day, but after he started talking to himself and conspired to escape from here, he seemed to be a different person, often saying things that made people laugh and cry. "We're still alive, I accidentally shot that thing in the dead end, he's gone, and now we've found the secret room, let's go in and see if we can get out of here."

"God, we really "I'm still alive." Li Shang got up and looked at it, he couldn't help smirking and patted Gu Xingjin's shoulder, "You are really amazing, you are my hero"

Tang Bao was eating nougat and peanut candy on the side, when he heard He couldn't help but think about his words, and looked at them with clear eyes, "Hum, I can't repay the grace of saving my life, so do you want to promise me?"

Gu Xingjin still doesn't know that there is corruption Female, when he heard this, he felt numb all over and retreated to her side. Fengyan glanced at her helplessly, "Can you not tell me this cold joke that makes my scalp numb?"

But his heart was hard to hide. Huanxi and proud of their wives really liked them so much that even if they were talking to a nicer man, she couldn't help being jealous.

I have to say, this is a very good misunderstanding.

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