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 Tang Bao watched the door of the ward being closed by He Zhihan from the outside again, and whispered worriedly, "Go and lock the door, I'll tell you something."

Gu Xingjin thought Tang Bao was shy when He Zhihan saw it he just smiled, he went to lock the door, sat on the bed, took her to my arms, and said in a low voice, "Wife, I want to talk to you too, it's been a long time since you came out. Now, everyone in the family must miss you. Anyway, you said that Chief He's wife is only left to recuperate, so why don't you go home first."

He also only found out this morning that something was wrong, and a truckload of all kinds of medicines was gone. It disappeared suddenly, and he was considered the most responsible, and could not escape the charge of ineffective supervision.

The people who came here this time began to look for clues, and he went to the military hospital to ask to see if there was any damage here.

This time, the facts are very strange. Five trucks of medicines were shipped directly. One truck from the Military District Hospital of Xin'an Province, one truck from the Zhao Family Hospital, and one truck from their troops. The remaining two trucks were from other troops at that time. just drove away.

At the time of the handover, Gu Xingjin and the others also took the medicine list, opened the truck and saw all kinds of western medicines, drips, bandages and so on inside.

But today the truck was about to drive back, and during their routine inspection, they found that the truck was empty and nothing was left.

The people who came out this time were all under Gu Xingjin's subordinates. Naturally, he did not believe that there was an inner ghost. Most likely, after the handover, while they were not paying attention, the truck containing the medicinal herbs was moved.

As for who made the move, it might be an enemy special agent, someone who wants to steal medicine, or someone who wants to see their bad luck.

Gu Xingjin only blamed himself for not being cautious enough.

But just in case, he still wanted to send Tang Bao away, lest she would also be frightened.

When Tang Bao heard that he asked him to go back, he knew that something must have happened to him. After all, after he fought with him last night, he regretted that he would go back with the medicine first, and would come over to investigate the province in two days. Will I go to the army to build a hospital, and then I will walk around with myself.

But now urging himself to go back to his hometown, and using such a lame excuse, it is obviously abnormal.

"Tell me honestly," Tang Bao glared at him, "I don't believe your excuse."

Gu Xingjin looked at her clear and bright eyes, suddenly he didn't want to lie to her, and whispered, "Our carload of medicines are gone. , I have to do a thorough investigation, I'm afraid that an accident here will implicate you, so I let you go home and avoid it, so that even if I am really being censored, you can think for me outside."

Tang Bao saw his evidence To tell you the truth, I felt at ease, raised my chin and looked at him arrogantly and said, "I want to tell you the same thing, I met the legendary treasure hunter today, and I want to catch that little guy. It's not easy. I happened to hear a big secret. This was arranged by Mr. Gu. The mother and daughter of the Zhao family knew about it. I was so angry at the time that I put away all the medicines. Before I found you, I fainted."

Gu Xingjin never thought that his own father would harm him in this matter, if he didn't have Tang Bao here, he would really capsize in the gutter this time.

"He's really ruthless," Gu Xingjin was really about to be mad, walking around in the ward and exhaling a few long breaths, he calmed himself down and held Tang Bao's hand on his own. He kissed his lips, and his deep phoenix eyes restrained the sharpness of the previous ones.

It happened that the sunlight outside the window warmly fell on his face, softening his original serious face for no reason, adding a touch of warmth "Wife, promise me, don't take such risks in the future, just tell me the news, If something happens to you, then I don't know what to do."

His eyes were sincere and worried, and his expression was dense, which made Tang Bao feel a little embarrassed.

She knew that the little fool had misunderstood that she was working hard for him.

Tang Bao felt that it was better not to tell him the truth at this time. Anyway, it was impossible for him to know that he was teleporting too far, which hurt his mental strength, and made him think that he was doing it for the goddamn five ghosts. That's why it can't be resisted, and that's why it becomes such a ghost.

"I won't be able to do it next time, it's really uncomfortable to use too much mental power." Tang Bao softly acted like a spoiled child in his arms "I think it's definitely more uncomfortable than having a child, next time I won't do it again. Dare to be so self-sufficient."

Let this silly boy think that his greatest ability is to take away a truckload of medicines.

Gu Xingjin was really heartbroken when she heard her soft and tender acts of coquettishness to him, especially hers. When those beautiful eyes looked at him, it made him feel that he was able to come out of the water even with a morbid face, adding a fragile beauty.

Gu Xingjin felt that even if he got along with her day and night, he still felt that he couldn't see or hug her enough.

He felt that her lips that were not rosy enough were annoying, so he lowered his head and kissed her lips gently, tenderly and sweetly.

At the moment when his lips and tongues met, Tang Bao felt that he could feel his care and cherishment.

To let her understand that he was really afraid of his own accident, she reached out and grabbed his neck, clinging to him softly, letting Gu Xingjin touch and kiss her.

Gu Xingjin saw her charmingly looking at him, her almond eyes were like a pool of water, clear but bottomless.

He hugged her tightly, the bodies of the two were very close to each other, and he could feel the softness and warmth from Tang Bao's body.

He just likes to hold her like this, looking at her white porcelain skin without the slightest flaw, it really makes him want to rub her into his body, so as to avoid worrying about her.

In the end, he was the first to say, "Then I will take you out of the hospital later, I will take you back to He's house to rest, and in the afternoon, I will take you to put your things back."

"Okay," Tang Bao chuckled in his arms, "I also took some medicines from the Zhao family hospital. I'll put them all together later.

" It's more eye-catching." His big hand patted her buttocks neither lightly nor heavy, and said solemnly, "Remember, you are not allowed to be ignorant in the future, or you will see how I will deal with you."

Tang Bao knew that he would never dare to mess around outside in the daytime, so he deliberately reached out to touch his Adam's apple, Xingyan gave him a few bundles of autumn spinach, and whispered provocatively, "How can you clean up my appearance? Was it like that last night?"

Gu Xingjin also thought of last night's beauty in his mind, and his body couldn't help but heat up, this little goblin, if the time and place are not right now, or if she is not in good health, he has to clean her up. She was so obedient that she didn't even have the strength to seduce him. See if she dared to provoke him.

Tang Bao saw that the man's face was starting to turn red, and then his ears and neck were also red. Instead, he looked very good-looking, with those phoenix eyes. Shiny, there is a soft light flowing in his eyes; the flying eyebrows, the high nose bridge, and the thin red lips look really handsome.

Looking at his handsome face, Tang Bao actually felt that she was a little bit moved. Could it be because he looked so masculine, but she knew that even if she was a little too much today, he wouldn't dare to do anything to her? Yes, reached out and rubbed his hair, and smiled softly, "Be good and let me take care of you. If you dare to resist, then I will call for help. The pervert will see what you will do when the time comes."

She pulled the hair on his forehead to cover it. With more than half of his forehead, the exposed eyebrows and eyes are even more delicate, two lying silkworms that are just right, the eyelashes are raised in a gentle arc, and the rosy thin lips, he is definitely not worse than the previous Feng An, Feng Feng . Ann herself can't touch it, and she can't even look at it, but this man is her righteous husband, but the kind that bullies him by the way.

Gu Xingjin didn't know that at this time, his wife was comparing himself with other men. He was not used to being stiff and allowed her to bully. He said awkwardly, "Okay, don't make trouble. When you go back, you can do whatever you want."

Tang Bao saw that it was good and put it away, and said lazily, "Okay, then you can borrow He Zhihan's car to use it. Now it's noon, but it's not eye-catching. Let's put the things back first, and you will take care of the aftermath."

"That's okay, you don't have to worry about the aftermath, I will handle it."

Gu Xingjin knew that this time the medicine disappeared, and his subordinates were also very nervous. Someone paid attention to the empty truck, and told them a few words after waiting, and said that they had found a truck that was stunned by Li Daitao, and

Gu Xing drove steadily so that Tang Bao in the passenger seat would not feel uncomfortable. being watched.

The place where the truck was parked was in the backyard of the guest house. Gu Xingjin took the car key and drove the truck to the remote river. Seeing Tang Bao filling the truck out of thin air, he also felt that this scene was very shocking.

For this fantastic thing, I just feel that I am really eye-opening.

However, he was more concerned about Tang Bao's body. Seeing that she didn't look too uncomfortable, he asked worriedly, "Are you really all right? Why do I think your face is worse? Why don't we go to the hospital or"

"I am now I just want to go home and have a good sleep," Tang Bao gave him a weak look, and muttered, "Don't worry, I'm a doctor myself, and I know how my body is."

Gu Xingjin could only follow her wishes . , drove a truck to the vicinity of Gu Tang's house, and now that a truckload of medicines has been recovered, I don't feel relieved if I don't put it under my nose.

He sent Tang Bao back to He's house and asked Mrs. Liu to take care of Tang Bao more. He hurriedly drove back to the guest house and began to take the list of these medicines.

Fortunately, these medicine boxes have not been opened, so as not to make people feel overwhelmed. Gu Xingjin did not finish the match by himself until the afternoon. After he got out of the car, he saw that several of his subordinates also came back with a frown. He waved, "Hurry up and get ready for dinner, wait for the next night to set off and rush back."

"Company commander, give us some time, we will be able to find out"

"That's right, it's clear that someone is cheating on us"

Gu Xingjin looked at his subordinates unwillingly He raised his eyebrows, beckoned them to come forward, and then said in a low voice, "The truck was dropped by someone from the Zhao family hospital, and now it has been transferred back by me, you all give me a little bit of wisdom, if there are more mistakes, Then we would be too embarrassed."


Gu Xingjin felt that this incident was caused by himself, he had already paid for the people in the guest house to prepare a rich meal, and it happened that the guest house bought a large piece of roe deer today. Meat, he tasted a piece, and thought it tasted really good.

Gu Xingjin remembered that He Zhihan's car was still outside the door, so he picked up the big pot of roe deer meat, and smiled at the brothers who were crying and howling, "Don't make trouble, your sister-in-law is weak, let her eat these first and wait for her. When we go back, you will have to eat."

"Boss, this is what you said."

"I told you to eat quickly, and we will leave when I come back."

Tang Bao slept comfortably, and in the afternoon I feel much more comfortable, my head doesn't hurt, and my heart doesn't panic. As for her mental power, she can't use it now, and she doesn't dare to use it.

Seeing her come down, Lin Yafen quickly stuffed her with a ginseng the size of two thumbs, and said with concern, "You child, you know how to take care of me, and you don't know how to take good care of your own body. You eat this first, it's not enough for me. Where can there be?"

Mrs. Liu brought her the Ejiao that has been hot on the coal stove, and also echoed, "That's right, look at your little face, this is Ejiao cooked with rice wine as you said, hurry up. Drink it."

The taste of being cared about is really good, Tang Bao smiled and promised that he would never dare to mess around again.

She can't tell everyone the truth, she can only say that she's been running around a lot these days, which is why she's tired.

However, when He Yuhang came back from work, he felt that Tang Bao had taken out such a large sum of money, and he must have been worried, so he was tired, so he leaned forward and whispered, "Tang Bao, if you don't think so now, why don't I let it go? Feng An gave the money back 3,000 yuan."

Tang Bao quickly shook his head, "Don't worry, it's not because of the money, I'm just worried that a few Chinese medicines are hard to find. I 'm a little tired."

He Tang, who came back, was shocked when he heard Feng An's three thousand yuan, and asked with a straight face, "What's going on with Feng An asking for so much money?"

He Yuhang did not expect to be killed by his family When Dad caught it, he didn't dare to hide it. He told the story again, and the He family was stunned.

"Six, Lu Qianyuan," Lin Yafen said in a hurry, "Why are you kids so bold? If you can't get so much money, you'll be wasted. No, how much can you get back now, Lao He, let me If someone calls him, he is becoming more and more unreliable."

Tang Bao hurriedly helped Lin Yafen to sit down, and said in a soft voice, "Don't worry, Auntie, I'm really optimistic that Feng An can get it out. Xingjin also knew that I used the money. He just said that failure is the mother of success. Even if he can't do it, he will definitely do it next time. Feng An is really a genius, and we all believe he can do it. He Tang was a lot more calm, and asked seriously, "

Where is the money mainly used?"

"Machine and materials," Tang Bao looked at him and smiled, "If only uncle knew someone in the machinery factory, I'm worried now. The only thing is that he can't find the right person here."

"You want to pull me into the water too." He Tang was amused by her words, "You're really not afraid of him, right?"

Lin Yafen also asked with a puzzled face, "Yes. Ah, aren't you worried? It's not Lu Shiyuan or Lu Baiyuan, it's Lu Qianyuan."

Tang Bao smiled and said confidently, "Investment is inherently risky, and since I can earn Lu Qianyuan, naturally I can earn a lot of Lu Qianyuan."

She said this very well . The momentum, and the confident look on his face, made the little girl look particularly dazzling.

Gu Xingjin, who came in with a large pot of roe deer meat outside, heard his blood boil, such a capable and confident girl was his wife, and when he walked in, he smiled and said, "I believe in Tang Bao and Feng An, if you are not afraid of difficulties, The revolutionary spirit that is not afraid of difficulties is a good thing. It doesn't matter that I have nothing to eat. I'm going back to the army tonight, and Tang Bao will ask everyone to take care of me."

He Tang and the others naturally agreed, and the stupid sister-in-law Liu also returned. God, rush into the kitchen to serve the meal.

"Sister," He Yuxin came to Tang Bao's side, stared at her with bright eyes, and couldn't hide her excitement, "You are really amazing, next time I'll go out with you to find medicine, okay?"

Tang Bao reached out and rubbed her Gu Xingjin, who was talking to He Tang, saw Tang Bao rubbing other people's heads again, thinking about it, she likes it so much Rub her hair, I'll let her rub a few more times next time, lest she rub other people's heads, which is really annoying.

After eating dinner, Gu Xingjin left in a hurry, not even having a chance to say goodbye to Tang Bao in private.

The mother and daughter of the Zhao family didn't know that there was a lot of damage in the warehouse of their hospital, but they kept people watching Gu Xingjin and the others, and when they heard they left overnight, they thought they were going back to plead guilty.

Gu Xiu'an was full of anger at the time, so he took advantage of the familiar terrain and colluded with the driver, and only then changed a carload of medicines. Now that he calmed down, he felt that he had gone too far.

It cannot be denied that at that time, he also blamed Gu Xingjin's mother's fault on his son. After all, no man was willing to wear a cuckold, and he was humiliated in front of his own woman, which made him so angry.

He picked up the phone, put it down again, and sighed irritably.

"Why are you so frowning?" Zhao Meixiang handed him the tea in her hand, and said with a smile, "This is your favorite Longjing."

Gu Xiu'an took the tea and took two sips, then put down the cup and looked at her and said, "You Didn't you say before that you are going to invest in the establishment of a hospital in the army? How is your preparation now?"

Zhao Meixiang heard him mention this, and knew that he was worried about his eldest son. "The funds have almost been raised, and now we are waiting for the above documents to come down. If you are worried about Xingjin, you should go over and investigate where is a better place to build a hospital."

Gu Xiu'an felt better when she saw her being so considerate. Okay, I'll go there as soon as possible."

"However, you have to bring Qiqi with you." Zhao Meixiang sighed helplessly, "It's said that women's colleges don't stay, and Qiqi's thoughts are on Xingjin, I'm really afraid If this doesn't work out, it will hit her too hard, and you know that her body is really bad."

Gu Xiu'an naturally knew that her stepdaughter's body was not good, but she was smart and much better than her son's current wife. After thinking about it for a while, she frowned and said, "Yeah, we have to think of a way to get them divorced as soon as possible."

Zhao Meixiang would never give any idea on what method to use to get them divorced.

In her heart, she wanted Gu Xiu'an to threaten and lure Tang Bao, or to force Tang Bao to leave Gu Xingjin, so that after Gu Xingjin knew, it was impossible for the father and son to reconcile. It's a good thing to kill two birds with one stone.

Seeing her frowning with worry and thinking hard, Gu Xiu'an couldn't help laughing, "You don't have to worry, it's better for me to come forward and let her be smarter and leave Xingjin, this country girl is petite and looks stupid, she really doesn't deserve Xingjin."

Zhao Meixiang waited for him to say this, and asked worriedly, "But she has finally climbed up with Xingjin now, even if Xingjin can't stay in the army in the future, he is still more handsome than the country boy. She must think it would be good even for the couple to go home and farm."

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