30. Unexpected Joy

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Tang Bao swallowed subconsciously when he heard "pork", and then realized that the girl in front of him was not a simple person.

Even though she was wearing tattered, tanned wheat-colored skin with a healthy sheen, but wearing a pair of round-toed shoes on her feet, it seemed that her tattered clothes were too deliberate.

Tang Mingyuan looked around cautiously, and asked in a low voice "how to sell?"

The girl just saw that the father and daughter were dressed neatly, and then came to say hello, showing a smile, "One piece of wild boar is one dime and one pound, and there are some domestic pig hind legs left. Lean meat is cheap, only one 60 cents a pound, no ticket."

Tang Mingyuan still followed, bought three yuan of meat, and prepared to make dumplings, these days the family hadn't seen meat for a long time.

The black market here is obviously more lively than before. There are everything for food, drink, and utensils. It is estimated that the complete range of things can be compared with the supply and marketing cooperatives. Of course, the ones here are definitely more expensive.

Moreover, the place is big, and the sellers will not gather together.

Tang Bao couldn't help but tempted to buy a marinated pheasant, and also bought some dried kelp, dried shrimp or something, and then he was ready to go back.

There were not many trees behind the hillside, so as soon as the sun came out and walked around, Tang Mingyuan saw his daughter sweating, so he asked her to wait for him under the tree, and went to see why Yang Zheng didn't come.

Tang Bao sat under the shade of the tree without any hesitation, with a bamboo basket in front of him. In order to prevent Yang Zheng from becoming suspicious, he also put dry kelp, dried shrimp, two pounds of rice, and more than two pounds of pork. With the marinated pheasant, she looked at the fat and thin pork with extremely hungry eyes, imagining that she was already eating braised pork

, and just thinking about it was so beautiful that her saliva almost came out.

In the poor memory of myself, I used to eat fish, shrimp and seafood for weight loss and three highs. I didn't want to touch meat.

God, I was wrong, if I can fill my space with meat, I will definitely cherish the opportunity to eat meat, and I will never be too fat to choose thin.

"Daughter, how do you sell your meat?" An old lady with a yellow face, thin skin and gray hair in a blue blouse came over and squatted in front of her, her slightly cloudy eyes almost sticking to the flesh.

Tang Bao saw that his posture was similar to that of people who came to sell things on the black market. He raised his head and smiled at the old lady, "Auntie, I just bought it, I don't sell

it." "Daughter, can you sell me a little bit?" The wife asked bluntly. Seeing her shaking her head apologetically, she pleaded bitterly, "My old man is dying. I just want to give him a good meal, but today the pork is sold out."

Tang Bao couldn't bear to hear it. Although I haven't eaten meat for more than ten days, I can eat eggs almost every day at home, and I nodded in agreement, "Auntie, the meat is three yuan." The

old lady took out an old handkerchief from her pocket, but there was only a dime or two in it. Money and a delicate, transparent and pure jade bracelet with smooth shape, thick material and no cracks.

She looked at her with anticipation, "Daughter, this is the dowry I hid, a suet jade bracelet, can I exchange meat with you?"

The food in the past few years was more precious than gold and jade.

Grain can feed one's stomach and survive, but gold and jade cannot.

At that time, when the collective canteen was eating a large pot of rice, each person had only 2 taels of coarse grains on average.

The collective canteens have been disbanded in recent years, but the various foods they eat are still very precious. Most people are hungry and afraid. Steamed bun.

On the contrary, this gold and jade are worthless, especially this jade, which is even cheaper than gold.

Tang Bao felt that it was too precious. Judging from the quality of this jade, it would definitely be worth hundreds of thousands or millions in a few years.

After all, my luck has never been so good. God can't look at him in a different way, but wonder if this old lady is the trustee of the joint defense team.

Although Tang Bao was very envious of this good thing, he still subconsciously refused "no"

The old lady thought she thought it was not worth it. After all, no one dared to wear this thing now, so she quickly said, "Daughter, this is true. I was reluctant to sell it for five yuan before. My son didn't send the money back this month. The money has been spent on medical treatment again, you can help me and exchange it for me."

At this time, Tang Mingyuan saw his daughter talking to someone, and hurried over, looking at them suspiciously.

Tang Bao hurriedly told the story of the incident. Xingyan looked at his father with bright eyes, his beauty was particularly dazzling, and he hesitated to ask, "Is this not good?"

But Tang Mingyuan knew his daughter too well, and she knew her just by looking at her. I like the bracelet very much, but I am afraid of taking advantage of others, so I nodded and said, "Then it's not easy for everyone to change it, you give aunt two kilograms of rice."

Su Su once wanted to exchange gold bars for money, but her daughter did not agree with her death. It was always said that it would be valuable in a few years, and now the family can live well, but Su Su didn't insist.

They also know that their daughter loves things like this gold jewelry.

When Tang Bao heard what his father said, he instantly accepted the suet jade bracelet with peace of mind. Anyway, even if he didn't take advantage of it, the old lady had no money in her hand, so she had to exchange the bracelet for other places.

The old lady watched her give herself the rice and meat, and quickly took out a cloth bag to put it in. Her eyes were red with excitement, and she couldn't help thanking you, "Thank you, I'm going out to meet a noble today."

Although Tang Bao understood that at the moment The situation is like this, but I still feel that I have taken a big advantage in my heart. As soon as I turned my eyes, I said, "Auntie, my father is a Chinese medicine doctor, why don't you let him go to see the uncle?" The

old lady was really happy. "I really met a noble today."

After saying that, she quickly took the lead and went out. No matter what, she still hoped that her old man could live a few more years.

Tang Bao followed after a few steps, only to remember that Yang Zheng had not come yet, so he quickly stopped, "Dad, we forgot about Yang Zheng"

"He still has something to do, and he will go back by himself later." Tang Mingyuan thought that this kid is young, but he has a lot of heart, sweet mouth, and good temperament. He talks with people he knows, and I heard that there are a few people who want to stay outside. Get a black market.

Only in this era can we have enough food and clothing. Many diseases are caused by hunger in the past two years. After Tang Mingyuan treated the old man, he determined that it was due to gastritis caused by long-term hunger, coupled with malnutrition and anemia. After careful consideration, he prescribed a Commonly used herbs, such as Huoxiang, Hawthorn, Yuanhu, Ji Neijin, Amomum vulgaris, which are not valuable herbs, were left behind after the two old men shouted incessantly.

At this time, it was already past eleven o'clock. Fortunately, it wasn't far from the state-run hotel that he had made an appointment with. Tang Bao was sitting on the back of the bicycle, thinking that the dumplings he was thinking about couldn't be eaten, and he was extremely listless.

"Hey, what a fool, it's easy for you to want to eat meat."

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