The Oriole

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Now even an idiot knows that he got into the wrong car.

Su Suxing's eyes narrowed and she said "stop" with a stern face.

Of course, she was just talking, and she wished that they would drive to the remote and uninhabited places in Liao, so that there was no need to worry about being caught after killing people.

They still don't know why they want to kill their mother and daughter, is it for money, or the old third Hu was unwilling and wanted to breathe a sigh of relief, but no matter what, they just want to live well.

Then, they can only die.

"I'm going to kill you." Tang Bao trembled and said these words word by word. He noticed that his sweaty hands were tightly held by his mother, but instead his terrified expression restrained, and his almond eyes were stained with killing intent. , do not have a thrilling beauty.

Not to mention that there are more than 200 neat bricks in her space, even baskets of fruits can knock them out.

But if he shoots at such a close distance, they will surely discover the secret of his own space.

Then, they must die. If they are soft-hearted, then they will be arrested and scrambled to study their own secrets.

She still understands the truth that every husband is innocent and guilty. Even when her parents knew that they had this magical space, they told herself in a veiled way. If someone discovered this secret, then she must not be soft-hearted.

The driver of the car laughed wildly, "Okay, we are waiting for you to kill hard, brother, I will stop and have a good time with you soon."

The man beside the driver's seat even took out a machete from below. , sitting sideways and looking at them with wretched and disgusting smiles "That's right, don't worry, we have time to take it slow, you guys are obedient, I don't want to scratch your beautiful faces." It's

not that they are so arrogant, it's true They felt that the two girls were so frightened that they didn't even know how to call for help. Seeing the pitiful appearance of them leaning against each other and shivering, they could not wait to put them in their arms and comfort them.

As for why Su Su and Tang Bao trembled, it was because they remembered that they were going to kill someone later. Even though they knew in their hearts that they were bad people and they were just protecting themselves, they couldn't help but feel their body react.

After all, killing is not killing chickens and pigs, and their mother and daughter are just ordinary people, not secret agents or public security, so it is inevitable that they will be afraid.

No other vehicles were seen outside. The heavy rain was pouring down, and the road with potholes slowed down the speed of the car.

The man with the machete couldn't help urging "Lao Niu, hurry up, why haven't you arrived yet?"

"What are you in a hurry, you're not rushing to reincarnate?" The driver Lao Niu really didn't know that he was driving towards Huangquan Road. It's a slap in the face.

Another man said angrily, "It's like you're not in a hurry. Don't fight me later."

"Lao Hua, you are not authentic." , then laughed out loud, "Look at how pitiful they look, who made you offend Mr. Hu yesterday?"

Su Su bit her lip, narrowed her almond eyes, and said bitterly, "It turns out that he really doesn't give up, you guys For the sake of the tiger, even if God does not accept you, I will kill you for the heaven."

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