49. Distress

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Tang Bao finally felt relieved when he heard that he was willing to help him. He felt that he had saved him in vain. He mixed cornmeal and white noodles to make a pot of soup, and generously put a spoonful of fragrant lard. Finally sprinkle some green onions.

After dinner, Tang Bao went to pack up the herbs.

Zheng Wei watched her skillfully pack the bags of medicinal herbs, and said a little worriedly, "Tang Bao, I'm worried that they will find them, or I should leave now.

" Are they waiting for the rabbits?" Tang Bao kept packing the herbs, and said warmly, "There must be a way ahead of the driveway, you should go to rest first, and you can leave tomorrow if you recover."

Of course, it's not that she is considerate, she just wants to send him away Go to sleep and put away the buried things.

Zheng Wei was not only physically tired, but his heart was also very tired. He slept on Tang Mingyuan's bed and quickly fell asleep.

Tang Bao put away all the things that should be collected, but when he was about to go to bed, he found that there was a power outage.

She was a little confused, but went to bed anyway.

Anyway, even if someone wanted to look for Zheng Wei, they probably wouldn't dare to look for it with much fanfare, and it was impossible to look for it from home. After all, he was very well-behaved in the eyes of outsiders.

The next morning, the rain was still falling, but much less.

Yang Yi and the others visited a few times yesterday, but they didn't see Tang Bao coming back. They thought she lived in Tang's house in the town. When they came here early this morning, Tang Bao and the others hadn't gotten up yet, so they thought there was no one there. At home, and went back.

Tang Bao slept too late yesterday, and today it's raining again, it's overcast, and because of the power outage, the radio speakers didn't sound, so she overslept.

After waking up, he quickly got up to feed the chickens, cooked porridge again, and cut a salted duck egg. Seeing that he hadn't moved, he was a little worried and asked through the curtain, "Brother Zheng, it's time for breakfast."

A weak voice came from inside. Voice "Po, I may have a fever."

"Then I'll come in and show you." When you go in and take a look, good guy, his face is flushed, and he knows he has a high fever with a pulse.

Tang Bao didn't expect his body to be so weak. He originally wanted him to leave in the morning, but now it seems that he can only recuperate at home first.

She had to boil Chinese medicine for him and let him eat some porridge, thinking in her heart that she might just go to town by herself. Anyway, the favor to save him is already there. Get this hot potato out.

"Brother Zheng," she had an idea as soon as she turned her mind, "you are not in good health right now, my traditional Chinese medicine is not as fast as western medicine, I am afraid it will delay your illness, or I will go to town and let someone from your family pick you up Is it alright?"

Zheng Wei looked at her gratefully, "but it's raining now, and those people are always guarding outside, it's too dangerous for you to go out."

"It's okay, they didn't see what I looked like yesterday . , you can't drag it on, my family lives in a remote place, and now there is an accident at home, they all think that there is no one at home, you just stay at home and just stay at home."

Zheng Wei felt that this girl liked him very much. Why don't you care so much about your own affairs?

"Well, you go to the municipal committee to find my dad. My dad's name is Zheng Shenghua, and he is the deputy mayor who just took office." Although his eyes are not big, they are bright and warm." You must be careful on the way, and be careful of being followed, if you can't, come back first, don't force it, or I'm afraid you will be in danger."

Tang Bao heard that his father was the deputy mayor, and felt that he was covered The lightness is about to fly, and my luck is really good. I accidentally met the son of the deputy mayor. Could this be the legendary "ape dung", I was going to marry Gao Fu Shuai

Zhengwei wrote a letter for Tang Bao to take, and told her to be careful.

Tang Bao felt that wearing a mino jacket not only protected against rain, but also made it impossible to see the real face, so that it could be safer.

Occasionally on rainy days, I saw a few people wearing hoodies and hats, but I couldn't really see their faces.

As she walked, she carefully paid attention to the surrounding situation. When she came to the place where the accident happened yesterday, she saw a car parked not far away, as well as a military truck with a tarpaulin behind it. I don't know how many people were there.

She raised her heart all of a sudden, pretended to be nothing, and wanted to walk over according to the original footsteps.

"Stop," came the fierce voice of a man in the car, and then a tall man got out of the car and opened his umbrella, came to her and frowned, "We are from the joint defense team, and now we are searching for dangerous elements. Our captain has something to ask. You."

Tang Bao lowered his head and looked timid, "Yes, I listen to comrades." He

came to the car and took the opportunity to look inside. There were two men smoking and talking.

The man sitting in the driver's seat had acne on his face, looked at Tang Bao's fair face with presumptuous eyes, and said frivolously, "It's definitely not right to come out in this weather, let her in, I'm going to search to see if she's from yesterday. That woman."

The man behind laughed slyly and got out of the car in an instant, "It's the captain, you are so eye-catching, you can see that this person is not right at first glance, I saw that she is the girl from yesterday, and she must be in the same group as Zheng Wei and Wang Gaozi. "

If you want to add guilt, there is no excuse.

Tang Bao was very sure that they couldn't see what they looked like yesterday. They said this just because they wanted to treat themselves.

But there are three of them. She really felt that she was in a dilemma. The two men outside had forcibly took off her jacket and pushed Tang Bao into the seat behind the car.

In summer, the clothes are thin, and the little girl who takes off the loose clothes suddenly looks slender and beautiful.

The light beige double-breasted top is from last year, and it is a little tight now. It looks like the little girl has a slender waist and a curvy figure, which is particularly attractive.

Wang Jun was bored because of the rain, and he had to wait for the instructions from above to go home and hug his wife, so he wanted to find fault with the little girl, but he didn't expect such a beautiful little girl in the countryside, but it made his small eyes a little bit. Bright.

His eyes wandered wildly on her body, and he said frivolously, "Little beauty, yesterday you were an enemy special, you can't try to cover up Xiaobai just because he has a good-looking face, hurry up and hand over the letter on your body, or else I just started the search."

"I didn't, I really didn't, my dad is a doctor" Tang Bao definitely couldn't admit the crime, and Zheng Wei's letter was kept in the space by himself, he was definitely looking for it. not reach.

However, he was obviously a drunkard, not drinking.

Wang Jun wasn't here yesterday, the ghost knows what woman rescued Zheng Wei, but now it's just an excuse to bully others.

Hearing her rebuttal, and seeing her trembling with fright, others were obviously shaking with anger, and quickly walked from the driver's seat to the back, reaching out to touch her face, "Go to hell" and slap your lungs, facing this Damn, she just felt the blood all over her body rush to the top of her head, she waved her hand and gave him a slap in the face, her eyes were red, and she roared vigorously, "You dare to touch me, I will kill you"

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