Make a Name For Yourself

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Tang Bao himself agreed, and He Tang and the others didn't have much to say, so he could only helplessly watch them go out, comforting himself, "Anyway, my brother and Zhao's hospital are helpless, and it's normal for her to be a little girl."

"Maybe Tang Bao can take good care of people." After Lin Yafen finished speaking, she felt a little guilty, and smiled reluctantly. "It's also possible," the He family sisters said. "If Tang Bao can take good care of the Zhou family boy, then You can make a name for yourself."

When they walked to the door and were about to get into the car, they approached Tang Mingyuan and Su Su, who had returned from the black market. When they heard that a child had chickenpox, they also got into the car with them to have a look. condition.

Compared to Tang Bao, Tang Mingyuan and Su Su's calm demeanor made the Zhou family's heart more inclined to their medical skills.

When they went to the isolation ward, they saw that the little boy on the bed had fallen into a coma because of a high fever. The three Tang family took turns to check the child's pulse.

Tang Mingyuan asked them to prepare warm water to warm the child, and was the first to say, "Chickenpox was a light red rash at the beginning, but this child has turned into dark red papules and several transparent blisters. Now the most dangerous time is to treat his high fever symptomatically. , To prevent secondary infection of the skin, the treatment is mainly to dispel wind and clear heat, detoxify and remove dampness. I think this is the syndrome of wind-heat and dampness. There was a glimmer of hope in his heart, and he quickly said, "Then please Mr. Tang, please prescribe the prescription quickly." Tang Mingyuan looked at his wife and daughter, asking for their opinions, "Do you think honeysuckle, forsythia, plantain seeds are used? , Liuyisan, these decoctions, can you prescribe the right medicine?"

Su Su nodded solemnly, "Your recipe is the same as what I thought." Then she shook her head, "But this recipe is good for chickenpox, but it is useful for high fever. It's not big, if he continues to burn, even if the chickenpox is cured, this person will be stupid."

After Tang Bao carefully observed the child, he opened his mouth and said, "Mom and Dad, I think he is a serious sign of damp heat, with red lips and red face, slippery pulse, and strong evil spirits. The evil spirits of damp heat can only be increased to clear heat, cool blood and detoxify. , he can choose western medicine for symptomatic treatment, and anti-inflammatory water can be used to avoid aggravating his virus infection. Generally, antibiotics are ineffective, so simply use Chinese medicine to smear and decoct."

She knew that her parents like traditional Chinese medicine. If they think they are not good at disease, I let people go to the hospital for treatment, but I haven't tried the combination of traditional Chinese and Western medicine.

However, in Tang Bao's view, both traditional Chinese medicine and western medicine have their own strengths and weaknesses. As long as they are used properly, they complement each other.

When Su Su and Tang Mingyuan heard their daughter's treatment plan, they looked at each other, but nodded, "Then you can prescribe the prescription first, and let them deliver the medicine as soon as possible."

When He Chi arrived, he happened to hear Tang Bao's words, he looked at her with admiration, "It's really the back waves of the Yangtze River pushing the front waves. We are all too self-contained, and our eyes are not as wide as your little girl."

Zhou Shenglei heard that they all echoed Tang Bao's little girl's words. He urged Tang Bao, "Doctor Xiao Tang, then you can quickly prescribe the prescription."

Tang Bao did not refuse, she went to the desk and began to prescribe the prescription, and finally discussed the dosage of various medicines with his parents, and then let them go to find the medicine .

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