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In fact, Yu Cheng didn't think that the little girl Tang Bao could blow up the pharmaceutical factory.

He just felt that what he said was a little difficult, and let her retreat.

He is usually ruthless and calculating in every way, but in the face of Tang Bao's smart almond eyes that are very similar to his sister, he subconsciously doesn't want her to be too sad.

In his opinion, Gu Ningjin, a young man who is dead, is the most useful and can play a great role. Gu Xingjin outside will definitely not give up when he hears the bad news, and Zheng Wei here, in order to please Tang Bao, also Will get to the bottom of it.

In this way, the Yu family in the back can't hide it, and when the time comes, when the fire is added, the two families can be easily pinched.

Hearing his words, Tang Bao widened his watery almond eyes in surprise, and looked at him puzzled, "What did you say, why did you blow up the pharmaceutical factory to make a big noise?"

Looking at the gentle and handsome man in front of him, In Tang Bao's mind, the scene of killing three people in a row, the blood, and their terrified eyes at that time, made Tang Bao's scalp numb when he thinks about it, and he feels that he may have asked the wrong person. .

She felt that even if he looked at Sven, he was more like a cold-blooded killer in his heart.

It was entirely because of his initial rescue that he had forgotten his fierce methods.

"You don't believe me" Yu Cheng saw the little girl's beautiful almond eyes looking suspiciously at him, and instantly thought of his sister, but said with great interest, "By the way, I forgot to introduce myself, I'm from Mayor Yu. Nephew, I heard them have a meeting in the past few days, saying that the enemy has been rampant recently, and they don't want the pharmaceutical factory here to be completed smoothly, so the arrest is very strict."

Seeing Tang Bao's serious listening, he motioned her to follow him to the secluded place. He continued, "Perhaps you think they are wronged, but I want to tell you that among the people who were arrested, there are indeed some people who have problems. Now I am sent to bring people over to continue the review."

After he finished speaking, he lit a cigarette, bit the cigarette and exhaled the smoke ring, and laughed at himself coldly, "It's not that I don't want to help you, I'm also a puppet in the hands of others, if you really want to save people, then We can only make a big mess."

Tang Bao felt a chill in his heart, but he couldn't refute what he said. Chen Weimin was always disliked by the Gu brothers, but now there is really a problem among the people arrested. He took the opportunity to torture him. No one can say he is wrong.

However, she also felt that this matter was not that simple, and her heart turned, but she looked at him innocently and asked, "Then why did you go to blow up the unbuilt pharmaceutical factory?"

Yu Cheng naturally couldn't tell her, I just think that the pharmaceutical factory here is not going well.

With a serious face, he said, "That's not true, communes, supply and marketing cooperatives, and enamel tank factories, textile factories, etc., the more challenging thing is that places like the Municipal Party Committee Family Court or the Military Family Family Court can make big noises. But there are a lot of people in these places, if it exploded, how many casualties would there be?"

After saying this, he felt that he was very compassionate, and he could put down his butcher knife and become a Buddha on the spot.

When he saw the little girl looking at him with the most powerful face and the kindest expression on his face, he sighed deeply, "But the pharmaceutical factory that has not been built is different, there are people working during the day, but not at night. People, but they are the most important targets in the city, and if something goes wrong, who cares about these opportunistic people."

He said this very reasonable, and it was also for the safety of the masses.

However, Tang Bao still felt that something was wrong, and if he believed what he said, there would be a ghost, so he could only express regret, "Your method is very good, but now only the army has explosives; Wei He can help."

In fact, she still has a way to make the pharmaceutical factory explode, not only because there are explosive recipes in the miscellaneous notes left by Grandma Su, but also in her memory, she sees a tragic incident caused by an explosion.

Flour was used by every household. She was worried about the safety of her family at that time, and she went to find out about it later.

In a sealed room, when the flour reaches a certain concentration, as long as there is a fire, it will expand violently in an instant, resulting in an explosion.

Coincidentally, I went to Dongshan City to buy more than a dozen bags of flour, which makes my heart beat faster if I think about it.

If it was someone else, they would definitely be worried about safety. If she was, she could take the opportunity to hide in the space.

Yu Cheng looked at the little girl's tangled face, rarely softened her heart, and reminded her, "Now Mayor Yu's son, even my cousin, is also in the joint defense team, you have to be careful, you will see him immediately. Walk around, lest he be bad for you."

Tang Bao really wanted to know what was going on in the middle, so he pretended to look at him cautiously, bit his lip, and seemed very helpless, and asked worriedly, "What is the relationship between me and him? I haven't seen it before, why does he think I'm not pleasing to the eye? Is it because I look so unpleasant to the eye?"

Yu Cheng thought of his sister, who was as cute, cute and kind as her, but Jin Xiujuan didn't like it either. Is she not pleasing to the eye?

His eyes darkened, and Sen Leng whispered, "Perhaps you have offended someone who shouldn't have offended."

After saying this, he felt that he shouldn't have said something, lest she think of something, he saw Looking at Tang Bao, he sighed, "I have to go, I hope to see you next time, and don't see you in such a small state of embarrassment, it's ugly."

Seeing him turn around and stride away, Tang Bao couldn't help rolling his eyes. , This person clearly knows what's going on, but he doesn't want to tell the truth. It's really unfortunate to hang his appetite like this.

She also walked out quickly, and talked to the parents who were waiting outside about what was going on inside. In fact, the most important thing was to be outside, and she could take out some food from the satchel later.

After all, his satchel is so big, it would be too abnormal if he kept taking out things.

Tang Mingyuan and Su Su couldn't get in, so they could only suggest what kind of wound medicine Tang Bao could use to be more effective for Gu Ningjin's injury.

When Tang Bao returned to the small room again, he saw that there were several doors in this row closed, and there were guards outside. He made a fearful appearance and did not dare to lift his head. After entering, he closed the door and saw that Zheng Wei had not come back. He knew that this matter was really tricky, and his identity as the son of the deputy mayor couldn't bear it.

Her eyes darkened, if Zheng Wei couldn't do anything, then she would follow Yu Cheng's previous advice.

At this point, since there is no way to retreat, then simply muddy the water in Weiyang City, so as to attract the attention of the top, but have the opportunity to turn over.

She took out three tightly tied lunch boxes and three pairs of chopsticks from her satchel, and whispered, "The dumplings that my parents bought, hurry up and eat your fill."

Yang Yi heard the words and leaned against the door to guard , lest someone suddenly come in from outside.

It's rare to eat dumplings now, so the two kids were afraid that they wouldn't be able to finish them, so they ate a box, thinking that they could take the remaining box back to eat later, so that they could have a taste.

She fed it to Gu Ningjin herself, and whispered, "Don't worry, you have the strength to heal your wounds when you're full. Most of you have external injuries, and some internal injuries. I'll take care of you when you go back."

Gu Ningjin eats her . Feeding the dumplings, his obsidian-like eyes smiled, "Okay, I'll be fine, you all have to be careful." The

young man now has only a warm blood, seeing her so worried about himself, wishing he could get up and jump a few times to express himself It's really okay.

Even if they ordered pads of eggs or something before, the dumplings were too delicious. Under Tang Bao's persuasion, they still finished the three lunch boxes of dumplings.

Tang Bao took out a few more packets of medicinal powder, and explained the internal and external use, and then whispered, "Don't worry, I know someone who heard the news that the real enemy special is about to act, and you will be able to go out soon. "

Tang Bao," Gu Ningjin heard her words in a hurry, grabbed her hand, looked at her nervously, and said in a low voice, "You must not have anything to do with the enemy, it's really too dangerous , remember, don't see him again in the future, and don't have anything to do with them."

He was afraid that in order to save them, Tang Bao would provoke people who shouldn't be provoke by going to the doctor in a hurry.

Tang Bao looked at the young man who was covered in scars and worried about him, and pretended to smile lightly, "I just want to get in touch with others, and they won't pay attention to me. I just look like the kind of person who can only hold back."

She Worrying that something will happen to Zheng Wei now, he whispered, "I'll go out and have a look first."

Gu Ning saw that Tang Bao had left, and looked at Yang Yi and said in a low voice, "Ayi, look at Tang Bao more these days. "

Yang Yi also understood what he meant, and nodded solemnly, "Don't worry."

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