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Although Mrs. Tang is already sixty-three this year, her hands and feet are still very agile. She pushed Su Su away with one hand, and walked into the kitchen by herself. "Every day is delicious."

She is of medium height, neither fat nor thin, with some wrinkles on her face, but she is still fair, with a smile on her brows and eyes, she looks kind, but when she saw Tang Bao, her eyelids drooped and the corners of her lips pulled down. With a mean face, he reprimanded in a low voice with disgust, "Dead girl, don't hurry up and get out." He was about to go out after she was full, and Tang Bao, a fool, was stomping in front of him, how did he find out what his son's family was?

My father stood at the door of the kitchen frowning, winked at him, and slowly passed him and left the kitchen.

Madam Tang saw that there was no fish soup in the pot, so she subconsciously turned over the jars below. Two were empty, and the third one had half a jar of cornmeal.

"Mom, what are you doing?" Tang Mingyuan looked at her skillful actions, and felt like a fire was burning in his heart, dissatisfied, and with an indescribable anger.

For the elderly in the countryside, as long as the elderly can work on their own, most of them only charge two or three yuan per child, eight yuan for a mother's mouth, and five yuan.

Fortunately, she disliked this place in the countryside, and she didn't come here several times throughout the year, but every time she came, it was like a devil entering the village, which made him feel bitter and astringent. Madam Tang didn't feel embarrassed when her son bumped into it. Instead, she said confidently, "I'll see if there's anything to burn. Your eldest nephew and his partner are here, so we can't help but let people go home hungry."

He took the bamboo knot, spooned the three bamboo knot cornmeal into the pot, looked at him and said, "What are you doing to bring in that fish soup and make some lump soup." Tang Mingyuan stepped forward and looked at the rice and glutinous rice in the jar The fans were gone, and I knew that it was my daughter who moved.

He secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and went outside to bring in the fish soup. Although the thorns in the fish soup had been removed, he also carefully left the fish meat, in case there were thorns.

Madam Tang dug out the remaining five eggs, knocked them all, and found soybean oil. It wasn't because her family didn't feel bad, she poured a lot of them, and copied a plate of oily and yellow scrambled eggs.

The room in the middle was also divided by two ordinary cabinets. Inside was where Su Su and the others slept, and a simple square table and a few simple wooden stools were placed outside.

These are all made by carpenters in the village. The craftsmanship is very rough, and there is no painting or anything, but it is very common in rural areas.

Although Su Su didn't like seeing these people from the Tang family, she didn't want to make Tang Mingyuan embarrassed, so she picked up the bamboo-woven kettle and poured them two bowls of tea.

"Don't you have an enamel tea jar in your house?" Liu Qiaoyue was the object brought by Tang Hongjun. Compared with most people today, she is thin and white, but she is white and plump, with an obvious double chin on her round face. Fortunately, she is tall. Not short, oily black big braids are the most popular looks in this era.

At this moment, she looked at the old coarse porcelain bowl in front of her, her small eyes filled with disgust.

Then it landed on Tang Bao, looking up and down unabashedly, it was impossible to peel her off and take a closer look.

Tang Bao was unhappy with that look, and slowly opened the curtain and walked into the inner room. Now that Mrs. Tang was tossing around in the kitchen, she first put away the things in her parents' room.

Even if it disappears in space, it is better than being taken away by them.

Tang Hongjun's eyebrows and eyes are handsome, especially the pair of Danfeng eyes are very bright and affectionate. At this time, he softly coaxed Liu Qiaoyue, "I really wronged you, I would have brought the enamel tank prepared for you if I knew it."

Looking at Su Su again, With a dazzling introduction, "Auntie, Comrade Qiaoyue is the daughter of the deputy director of the enamel tea pot factory in our town. We are going to get married on March 28th, and then you can go have a cup of tea."

Now this time Marriage, in order to show the style of the new era, do not have those cumbersome etiquette, and do not hold a banquet, drink a cup of tea, eat two candies, or melon seeds and peanuts, that is considered a ceremony.

Only then did Su Su understand why Zhao Hongjun smiled so much towards Liu Qiaoyue.

Tang Bao packed up the things that should be cleaned up, and smelled the fragrance of scrambled eggs again, and then walked out slowly.

Mrs. Tang was obviously looking at the plate and served the dishes. She put the fragrant scrambled eggs in front of Liu Qiaoyue and smiled very kindly. "

Qiaoyue , there's nothing delicious at home. You're wronged." Tang Hongjun is very good at borrowing flowers to offer Buddha, Most of the eggs on the plate were placed on Liu Qiaoyue's plate, and she said gently, "Eat more, you've been tired and thin recently."

She distributed the remaining eggs to Mrs. Tang and Tang Mingyuan, and said with a smile, " Milk, you can eat too, Uncle Third, I have something good to tell you."

Liu Qiaoyue glanced at him and said with a bit of dissatisfaction, "Comrade Red Army, don't talk while eating."

Tang Hongjun smiled embarrassedly He smiled, "Okay, okay, eat quickly."

Tang Bao slowly ate the small bowl of corn gnocchi soup in front of him, seeing that they were all anti-customers, and for a while he was glad that he didn't live with them.

Otherwise, he may be forced to go to Liangshan and rebel.

Now that I bear them, I look at my father's face, just like my mother told me quietly before, how come Mrs. Tang also gave birth to Tang Mingyuan, and when Tang Mingyuan can't bear it, he will not regret it later.

Tang Bao ate slowly, only half of the bowl was eaten, and all the pot was divided up by them.

When Liu Qiaoyue was full and full, she looked at Tang Bao and said with a gift-like tone, "Although you can see it's useless if you look at it slowly, luckily there's not much to eat, so pick a day and send it to my house. "

Tang Bao looked at his parents in confusion, but didn't understand what she meant.

On the other hand, Tang Hongjun felt that he had worked hard and made great achievements. If it weren't for him, how could Tang Bao, a fool, marry into the Liu family, and quickly said, "Uncle, aunt, the Liu family has taken a fancy to Tang Bao, so you should also do some clothes for Tang Bao. Lenin suits, get some nice looking bedding ready."

Tang Mingyuan frowned when he heard what he said, and looked at him sharply, "What do you mean?"

Su Su also tightened her body, but lowered her head to hide the dissatisfaction in her eyes.

Mrs. Tang automatically classified their expressions as happy and stupid, patted her thigh and smiled broadly, "Tang Bao can get married, thanks to Hongjun, Qiaoyue, don't worry, Tang Bao is not stupid, but she is slow. Come on, I will definitely give birth to a big fat boy for your eldest brother in the future"

"I won't agree to this, you all leave me." Tang Mingyuan clenched his fists, resisted the urge to hit people, and looked at them with bad eyes" Let's go now."

If it weren't for fear of scaring his wife and daughter, he would have wanted to lift the table, and they were too deceiving.

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