Just Right

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When Gu Xingjin saw Tang Bao leave the room, he quietly breathed a sigh of relief, wiped the cold sweat on his head, closed his eyes and hypnotized himself. It's not because of his lack of determination that he can't have dirty thoughts

, but because he happens to be the age of the young Mu Ai, and he doesn't have a girl he likes. Now facing a gentle and considerate little girl, it's the flower girl, and he doesn't need it at all. Excessive dressing up is enough to be pleasing to the eye, with fair and translucent skin, thick and slender eyelashes, delicate and delicate facial features, and every frown and smile are all smart and charming, which makes him inevitably a little fanciful.

However, when she thinks that she seems to be only seventeen or eighteen now, but she is already twenty-four, and she is the girl that Uncle Tang and Aunt Tang hold in the palm of her hand, she should not think too much.

Well, calm down and naturally cool,

I still think about sending the documents out as soon as possible. If you are lucky, maybe you can still get a credit. If you can be promoted to the regiment commander as soon as possible, then you can let your family members accompany the army. They find work.

Previously, the leader introduced him to a partner, but the partner was dissatisfied with him, because his current position was not high, and the family dragged down too much.

Tang Bao thought he was blushing because he was hooked up with him. Traditional Chinese medicine and dandelion clearing heat and detoxifying, moisturizing lung and promoting body fluid are not too hot, but self-comfort, and more sweat is good for the skin.

After the medicine was ready, he got out of bed and took the medicine. Tang Bao started to do housework, feeding the chickens, tidying up the room, cleaning the yard, and washing the clothes. She tried her best to show that she was a capable girl. If you can go to the kitchen, act coquettishly, flirt with Han, fight mistresses, and fight hooligans, you must be a good wife. Keep your eyes open and look carefully, but you must not miss it.

The weather is very hot now, Tang Bao has done all the work that should be done at home, so he picks up the wooden barrel and prepares to fetch water.

Although there is well water in the yard, there is not enough water in the summer, so they all go to Uncle Jia's house next to him to fetch water. This morning, Yang Yi came over early in the morning to pick up a tank of water, but it was all washed by Tang Bao. Just wash it, it's almost done.

Gu Xingjin had been lying on the bed for the past two days, and his whole body was sore. Seeing that she was going to fetch water, he quickly said, "This big sun, don't go out. I really don't care about my body now, let me go."

He really didn't care. I feel weak, but I feel that I need proper exercise.

But Tang Bao refused without hesitation, "You will have a good rest for a few days before the wound will heal, and now you can't exert force on your shoulders."

After speaking, he felt that his tone was too serious, so he quickly softened his tone and smiled with apricot eyes. Looking at him, "Your shoulder will hurt, why don't you go out for a walk with me", I feel that it's really not easy to coax a man. The most depressing thing is that it was brought about by myself.

Gu Xingjin really wanted to go out for a breath, so he acquiesced to her words and left in tandem with her.

The Tang family was originally the last family at the end of the village. The closest one was Uncle Jia's. They went too far to the Bagua Well in the center of the village. Yes, so the Tang family also paid half of the money for digging the well.

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