19. Human Nature

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Jin Lingling married Gu Xiuhe when she was eighteen years old. She thought that if she married the Gu family, she would be able to get a lifetime of wealth, but she didn't expect such a disaster to happen to the Gu family.

Naturally, she quickly found another man who could make her live a good life. Now she is only 31 years old, but she is also married for the second time. Although the man loves her very much, when he is not at home, she Also because of the daughter, the mother-in-law said a lot of gossip.

Now that she is pregnant, her mother-in-law doesn't dislike her anymore, but she doesn't want to raise Gu Yujun anymore.

Because Gu Yujun couldn't get enough to eat and was busy with housework, the Chen family regarded her as a free servant, and now her health is getting worse and worse, the Chen family definitely doesn't want to spend money on her for medical treatment, and doesn't want her to stay in the Chen family.

This is what happened today.

No matter what age, people like to watch the fun. Many people hear a dispute here. They even ignore lunch and come over to watch the fun and whisper.

Although the defense of men and women is very serious these days, they also advocate equality between men and women and freedom of marriage, so second marriages are not uncommon, but there are still discussions in private.

In particular, Jin Lingling is a rare beauty. After the death of the man and her father-in-law, she quickly climbed up to the son of the Chen family. Regardless of the lives of the two nephews, she took away the remaining wealth of the Gu family and took her daughter to the Chen family. .

"The little girl from the Gu family was so good-looking when she came, and she almost can't recognize her now."

"Yes, the Chen family is not authentic."

Gu Ningjin couldn't lie down when she heard the movement outside. He was afraid that his brother and Jin Lingling would make trouble. At that time, her family will be targeted by her current man.

The man in her defense team is not a good thing. She and her brother are still too weak, and the Yang brothers will be implicated at that time.

Although it is a big deal to work hard, but before his death, grandpa told him to protect his younger brother and grow up and find his elder brother.

It is easy to die, but difficult to live.

Gu Ningjin looked at Gu Yujun, who was wrapped in an obviously ill-fitting gray blouse, shivering, and only a handful of bones were left. He couldn't tell what it was like.

"Don't be arguing," he saw a lot of old people and children watching the fun, but he was moved, looked at her indifferently and said loudly, "You're right, Yujun's surname is Gu, you shouldn't remarry with you. Chen family, since she is back, we will go to the neighborhood committee to write a certificate and transfer her household registration to our household registration book."

Jin Lingling really loved her daughter at first, but when My daughter is a drag on me, and I have a child again. For myself, I can still not have a daughter.

Jin Lingling straightened her beige coat, looked at them with disdain, and snorted proudly, "Then let's go."

Gu Ningjin asked Yang Yi to accompany Gu Shaojin and Gu Yujun to the neighborhood committee to issue a certificate, and then Go to the police station to confirm the account.

Although he can't let his sister live without worry, but he has a bite to eat and will not treat her badly. Now that she is willing to give up, he doesn't have to worry about the Chen family's manipulation in her marriage in the future.

When the Tang family came back, everyone was scattered, and only Gu Ningjin couldn't hold on, and lay on the bed again, seeing Tang Bao cautiously probing in like a little squirrel, showing a sweet smile to himself, "Are you Gu's brother?

" Under her clear and bright eyes, Gu Ningjin felt her face turn red, "Yes, who are you looking for?"

Su Su walked in with her things and smiled at him gently, "My name is Su Su, this is my lover Tang Mingyuan, my daughter Tang Bao, I saw the Yang family closed, I don't know where they went."

Tang Mingyuan saw his face and knew that he was not in good health, he stepped forward and said gently, "Come on, child, I'll check your pulse."

Gu Ningjin did not expect Tang The family will turn around and come back, and bought so many delicious food, and said gratefully, "Thank you, Doctor Tang."

"You are weak, and your rib fracture has not been healed yet. I will get you some Chinese medicine, and you will raise it for another half a month." Tang Mingyuan was afraid that he would not take good care of his body, so he repeatedly asked, "This can't be careless, or it will leave the root of the disease. "

Su Su and Tang Bao heard from Gu Ningjin that Yang Yi and the others would be back soon, so they simply took out what they bought and cooked.

Anyway, there is not a day when you don't want to eat chicken, duck, and fish, but they can't buy it either. They used aniseed money to buy a pound of pork offal, and tofu for a triangular amount of money.

Tang Bao quietly took out four eggs from the space. Anyway, he didn't know what he brought in, and scrambled an egg.

When Yang Yi and the others came back, they smelled the scent of eggs and couldn't help taking a few deep breaths.

If they can't eat, they can only smell more, but they all feel more hungry.

Gu Yujun is even more tired and dizzy, but she also understands her current situation. The hardships of the past two years have turned her from a young lady into a little girl. Say.

Yang Zheng sniffed and sighed in a low voice, "Damn the joint defense team, it's like having a dog's nose, so we can't go out; hey, I've never felt that eggs are so fragrant, after two days, we must Get some more eggs, fry, stew and eat."

"You guys are back." Su Su came out to pour water, saw them coming, smiled and said, "You guys are back, hurry up, the rice is ready."

Yang Yi was very surprised, and came to her side in three steps and two steps, "Auntie, you are still here, I thought you went back." When

he came to Gu's room, he saw hot porridge and steamed buns on the table. There was also a large pot of tofu and wild vegetable soup and fragrant scrambled eggs, which made everyone drool.

Tang Mingyuan greeted them with a smile, "Don't be stunned, everyone eats first."

They usually eat together, and it's been a long time since they had such delicious food.

The steaming pork ribs, tofu and wild vegetable soup, fragrant meat, tender tofu, and fresh wild vegetables, make people drink three bowls

of steamed buns brought in the morning and reheat them, although they use cornmeal, sorghum noodles and wheat flour Mixed Sanhe steamed buns, take a big bite, you can taste a natural and fresh food fragrance, the taste is very good.

It is said that half a child eats a poor old man, and the eight people eat all the twelve steamed buns and a large pot of porridge, and there is not even a little vegetable soup left.

After eating and drinking, Yang Zheng touched his bulging belly, looked at Su Su and Tang Bao, his mouth was very sweet, "Aunt, sister, what you cook is really delicious, I haven't eaten such delicious food for a long time. I'm done. "

"Then I'll cook it for you next time." Su Su was in a good mood after being coaxed by him, and felt that she had a talent for cooking.

Tang Bao and his father looked at each other, they didn't know that Su Su could only stew soup, and if she was asked to cook, it would make people want to kill the salt seller, either the salt was killing you, or it was too bland. Just like salt, even the salt in the bone tofu soup at noon, I didn't dare to let her do it.

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