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Chapter 92

  "Dad, I brought you something delicious." Tang Bao gave himself a lame excuse and handed him the bunch of lychees in his hand.

Tang Mingyuan was also reluctant for his daughter to have nightmares alone and couldn't sleep, and smiled and gave her a step down, "Okay, your small room is too stuffy, come and sleep in our room, it can be cooler, I'll make a floor. "The father and daughter both forgot at this moment that Tang Bao had spent several hot summers in that room.

"Okay then" Tang Bao went to their room contentedly, fell asleep on the bed logically, and watched Tang Mingyuan take out a straw mat from the corner and spread it on the floor, a roll of clothes was a pillow.

He looked at his daughter who smiled sweetly at him, his heart softened, and he lowered his voice and said, "Don't be afraid, Dad is watching over you, and sleep with your mother."

Tang Bao replied softly, perhaps there was something here that reassured her The breath, perhaps knowing that someone was with her, made her sleep extra peacefully.

The next morning, Tang Bao opened his eyes and saw that it was already bright outside.

Her parents were not around, so she stretched out and got up and went to the kitchen.

There are three hard-boiled eggs on the dining table, as well as white steamed buns and corn soup, which makes people appetizing.

Su Su was in the corn soup, and when she saw her daughter, she quickly waved, "You can really sleep, like a little lazy pig, hurry up, while no one is here, give your dad two pieces of braised pork.

" The meat, and three big buns were taken out, and he said with a smile, "Mom, you can wake me up."

"Your dad won't let me call you, let you sleep more." Su Su brought him a big piece of braised pork. , smiled and said, "This taste is really good, you eat two more."

Tang Mingyuan smiled, intoxicated by the atmosphere that his wife was really good to him, he heard his wife continue to say, "You have to taste it carefully, next time Also try to see if you can make this taste, it's too expensive to sell outside."

"Okay," Although a little depressed, nothing made him feel more at ease than their mother and daughter by his side, and the braised pork was really delicious.

After breakfast, Tang Bao consciously cleaned up the dishes.

Tang Mingyuan was very reluctant to leave home to go to the clinic, and whispered, "You guys just came back, take a good rest for two days, don't rush to collect medicine, wait for me to come back for lunch to burn."

"Okay, I see." Su Su urged him to leave quickly." It's almost seven o'clock, you'll be late if you don't go."

He glanced back at his daughter washing pots and dishes by the stove, then took Su Su's hand, leaned over and whispered, "Why don't you come with me? "Go to the clinic"

Su Su, who wanted to go to the black market with her daughter, refused, "No, I hate seeing western medicine."

Tang Mingyuan, who was disgusted, could only get up and leave by himself, but bumped into a worried man at the door.

"I'm sorry uncle, auntie, my daughter-in-law has fallen, you hurry up and have a look." The young man was sweating profusely, his eyes were red, and he was about to cry. "The child in her womb is only five months old. What can I do, will it be okay?"

Su Su quickly got up and strode out with him "Mingyuan, let's take a look first, see if it's red."

Tang Bao washed the dishes, wiped the table, and cleaned it again For a moment, I wondered whether I should go to the black market for a walk by myself.

Tang Mingyuan came back in a hurry. Seeing that his daughter was still there, he quickly asked, "Do you still have the Scutellaria baicalensis and ramie roots? They were all bought last time.

" In his own space, as soon as his mind moved, medicinal herbs appeared in his hand.

Tang Mingyuan brought a few more Chinese medicines and put them together before quickly looking at his daughter and saying, "The situation over there is not very good. Your mother said that she can't go home for the time being. If you want to go out, you have to be extra careful.

" The daughter of the black market has been there many times, and they have nothing to worry about.

Tang Bao replied obediently, and watched him leave in a hurry. He also put on a big straw hat before leaving with the basket on his back.

Now it can be said that most of the money has become goods, and she still wants to sell it as soon as possible.

Of course, a pair of seagull watches are for parents, and she also keeps the pair of Longines for her marriage.

When I remembered that Gu Xingjin left, Eggy never came out, and I don't know what happened now.

After she closed the courtyard door and left, she didn't find anyone sneaking open the door and entering.

Mrs. Tang felt that the Tang family had been unlucky recently. Old man Tang had been sick and had nightmares for a long time. He finally recovered. As a result, she and Tang Hongjun went to the city and were robbed. Not to mention, they even beat him up. ,

This made Tang Hongjun stay in the hospital for two days before returning home to continue to recover from his injuries, and he was also worried about whether the marriage between Xiaojun and Tang Bao would be successful.

She talked to old man Tang about this, and the more she thought about it, the more uneasy she became. When she remembered that Su Su's mother used to read feng shui fortune-telling, she was worried whether it was Su Su secretly doing something.

For example, tie the villain or something.

She came in secretly early in the morning. Fortunately, the Tang family lived in a remote place. Now the sorghum and corn in the field were growing lush and green, but no one found it.

After all, everyone is busy with work now. Seeing that she came here alone with a basket, they thought she was here to visit relatives or a matchmaker, so they wouldn't pay more attention.

Madam Tang waited patiently for Tang Bao to leave, and then went in and started to rummage through boxes and cabinets. She made sure that she didn't find anything wrong, and she didn't poke a villain. Only then did she feel hungry and went to the kitchen to find something to eat.

Fortunately, when Tang Bao was cleaning up the kitchen, he kept the rest of the braised pork and steamed buns in the space to prevent them from going rancid.

Madam Tang couldn't find anything in the kitchen, so she couldn't help scolding a poor ghost. Fortunately, there was still rice in the rice jar, so she simply washed the rice and cooked by herself, and found seven or eight eggs, ready to fry them later. Egg.

Anyway, they are ready to eat, and then wait for their son to come back to finalize the marriage of Tang Bao and Liu Xiaojun.

To be honest, she really hoped that her granddaughter Aizhen would marry into the Liu family, but the eldest grandson was not happy, so she could only coax the eldest grandson to be happy first.

Although she also loves her daughter, the most promising Tang Hongjun ranks first.

Even if it is a big sun, the black market is as lively as ever, and many people are trading under the shade of trees.

One of the watermelon sellers also cleverly used a few big trees on the side to build a simple pergola. Now the weather is hot, his business is exceptionally good.

There were also a few people who bought a watermelon in partnership and cut it there. The watermelon was fully ripe and the flesh was very red, making people drool just looking at it.

Tang Bao also wanted to eat it, so he reminded him, "Uncle, a pound of watermelon is 8 cents. You can cut it and sell it by piece. For a dime, you will definitely sell more, and you can earn more than buying the whole thing.

" It makes sense, then I will cut one and try it." The watermelon sellers are not rigid, they cut the watermelon into pieces and started selling "watermelon for a dime, crisp and sweet, don't miss it when you pass by."

This time, it really attracted a lot of people. Everyone was willing to buy a piece of watermelon to eat. It tasted good. Although it was a bit reluctant, they still bought one to take back.

Tang Bao also bought a piece of watermelon, and stood on the side eating while listening to the gossip of the people next to him.

The topic that everyone is talking about now is that Weiyang Town has been officially changed to Weiyang City, and I heard that the wages of workers will go up by one liter.

There are also people who are envious of the hukou of urbanites. Not only can they go to work, but they can also receive various subsidies. Some

people complain about the current establishment problem.

More people are paying attention to when the factory will be set up, which will require a lot of workers. If they can enter the factory, they will be treated as workers in the future.

However, no one will talk endlessly, after all, it is too hot now, and I have to rush home to work.

The uncle who sold watermelons sold out more than 20 watermelons at once. Seeing that Tang Bao was still there, he said with a smile, "Girl, thank you for your good idea, why don't you go home yet?"

Tang Bao shyly said to him. She smiled and pointed to the basket she put on the side, "Uncle, you've sold out, I just want to borrow your place to use it."

She heard Ning Jin mention it last time, there are a few people here who specialize in the black market Buying valuable or rare ones can make a fortune by selling them to leaders.

She can't ask one by one if she wants watch cigarettes, she can only put peach or huanghuali to attract people's attention, if not, then she can only let them come to the door.

The uncle who sold the watermelon nodded with a good temper, "Okay, then you can use it." He
didn't walk away after saying that, wondering what she would come up with to sell.

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