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 Gu Xingjin looked at Tang Baobai's blushing little appearance, and felt strange in his heart.

She is not by her side, and she thinks about her day and night, for fear that she will be seen outside, and she will definitely not eat well and sleep well.

But looking at her wife's beautiful appearance, it was as if she was not by her side, but she lived more freely.

This unconscionable woman, don't know how to think about herself a little more?

Listen to what she said, she still doesn't want to go home, but fortunately she came, phoenix eyes looked at her deeply, "I'm here on a mission, stop by for a visit. Chief of Staff He."

During the four days Tang Bao was in the He family, he really ate five or six meals a day with Lin Yafen.

One is that this person feels good when he eats a lot, mainly because he must cook a lot, and Sister Liu, who helps the He family cook, is really good at cooking. He Yuxin told her secretly that Sister Liu's ancestors were all royal chefs. , Her grandfather helped others a lot, and it has been almost ten years since she came to the He family willingly to take care of them.

Tang Bao looked at his eyes, and his first reaction was whether he was eating fat. Did he immediately react? He beckoned him to sit down, poured him a cup of tea diligently, and asked in a low voice, "You haven't eaten dinner yet. Let me get you a bowl of fried rice with eggs, okay?"

He came a little late, and they had already eaten dinner for a while. Today, the He family sisters went out for a walk with Lin Yafen dressed in sturdy clothes, He Tang Before he came back, only Tang Bao and Mrs. Liu who were cleaning the kitchen were left at home.

Gu Xingjin felt that his wife still had a bit of conscience, and whispered, "No, it's too troublesome to eat here, I just came to see you, and I have to live in the guest house later."

"It's okay, they are all It's good." Tang Bao then came to the door of the kitchen and asked, "Aunt Liu, do you have any leftovers for dinner? My lover is coming to see me."

Sister Liu replied with a smile, "Yes, I 'll be here. Get it for you, just sit with him for a while."

"Thank you, Auntie," Tang Bao said sweetly, "he has a good time today."

When Gu Xingjin heard her say that she was her lover, she couldn't help but bubbling with beauty. His wife still cared about him, and asked her in a low voice how long it would take before she was used to it

, "I'm here. This is good,

it will probably take seven or eight days." Tang Bao hesitated for a while, and then asked, "Why are you here? Are you living far away from here?" He said, "If we can, we can go back together this time."

Tang Bao nodded, thinking that it was a coincidence. Since he is here, he will tell him by himself. As for whether to see or not, let him Make up your own mind.

Just as she opened her mouth to speak, Mrs. Liu came over with a plate full of fried rice, with a kind smile on her round face, "I don't know what comrades taste like, so I just do what Bao likes, you take your time. Eat." The

soup pot is used for egg fried rice, and there are shredded pork, sour beans, and yellow eggs in it, with a little green chopped green onion and a little red pepper, it's really fragrant.

Gu Xingjin opened his mouth to eat, and looked at her teasing low smile, "Didn't you like to eat sour before? Did you have it?" Tang Bao rolled his eyes, "You think too much, I

'm here today."

When her mother went out by herself, she prepared a lot of soup for her to avoid children, just because she was worried that she was still young and had a baby.

Of course, as long as the son-in-law treats her daughter well, she hopes that Tang Bao will have a lifetime with him, and she does not want to separate them.

Besides, if he was pregnant at this time, wouldn't he properly wear a winking hat?

Gu Xingjin also knew that it was impossible, but he just hoped that he would have a child with her, and whispered, "Why don't we go to the hospital for a check-up?"

Afraid of being misunderstood by his wife that he was underestimating her medical skills, he quickly said, "Didn't you say that doctors don't treat themselves? I heard that the Zhao's hospital here is very well equipped, so let's go to see their strengths and weaknesses, and check them by the way. Let's take a look at our bodies. I haven't handed in my examination this year, so you can just stay with me, okay?"

"Okay," Tang Bao agreed, he wanted him to go to the hospital to see that man and see him right. With a smirk to himself, he glared at him, "Don't hurry up and eat."

Laugh, what's so funny, if that is really your dead ghost father, there are times when you cry.

Looking at his silly appearance, I really can't bear to tell him this sad thing now, and they are coming back soon, it's not appropriate to say it at this time, just wait until I'm alone with him and say it slowly.

Just after Gu Xingjin finished eating, the sisters of the He family helped their grandmother in, and Tang Bao hurriedly got up to introduce them.

Lin Yafen really feels that she is much more relaxed, and she is naturally very amiable towards Tang Bao's lover, "You can stay here when you are here, and Lao He will be back tomorrow. Don't blame me"

"No, I" Although he also wanted to stay with his wife, it seemed a little inconvenient to have children in this house.

Lin Yafen now regards Tang Bao as her life-saving straw. Naturally, she is very hospitable and interrupts him with a smile, "Don't see outsiders. When Lao He came back, he told me that he was like his own when he was in your hometown. If you have the opportunity, you will take me to your place for a few days. If you don't stay today, how can I

be embarrassed to go in the future?" She really wanted to go to Tang Bao's house, thinking that Tang Bao's daughter was so powerful, she guessed Her parents are definitely not bad.

She used to be confused by herself, but now that she has the desire to survive, she naturally thinks a lot.

Gu Xingjin was moved a little, and looked at Tang Bao subconsciously.

Tang Bao thought that he had something to say to him, so he echoed, "If you don't have to go back, then just stay."

On the afternoon of the ninth day of February, the weather outside was gloomy.

Even though it was already February, the cold wind was blowing, and it was still icy cold.

Gu Xingjin and Tang Bao rode the Hejia sisters' dump truck to the hospital.

Tang Bao looked at Gu Xingjin's stern face, and whispered a step behind him, "Don't be like this, you haven't seen anyone yet, maybe I made a mistake."

"Don't worry, I'm fine." He was right. Tang Bao smiled reluctantly, but he really wanted to ask his grandfather whether he didn't care, even if he liked the new and disliked the old and didn't like his grandma, even if he was not young, but the other two younger sons. Why did he ignore it?

He always felt that Grandpa had experienced the pain of losing his son twice, and that's why he accumulated the sadness in his heart, which made him go so fast.

Tang Bao actually didn't know where the man was. When he was about to ask a nurse, a surprised voice came from a woman, "Brother Gu, why are you here?"

Gu Xingjin looked at the emaciated stranger in a white coat in front of him. The girl looked at herself with a look of surprise, but unfortunately she was only a little familiar to her, so he just nodded to her, took two steps forward and asked, "Hello, comrade, do you know where to find Gu Xiu'an? Zhao Qiqi looked at the

handsome man in front of him. He was tall and had long legs. Although he had changed out of his military uniform, he was only wearing blue overalls, revealing a gray pullover sweater inside, pants of the same color underneath, and a pair of Jiefang shoes on his feet. Still so pretty.

Seeing that he didn't know her anymore, she was very disappointed, but after he saved her, she thought about him day and night, especially when she was dreaming at night, she often dreamed about the clips she was with him, as if she It was supposed to be his other half.

Just because of this dream, she pushed several marriages that her grandmother introduced to her, feeling like she was possessed by a demon, and all she thought about was him.

At this moment, listening to him inquiring about his stepfather, he was stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Is there anything you want to do with my father? I will take you to see him."

Before seeing anyone, Gu Xingjin naturally wouldn't state his purpose, but nodded with a stern face, motioning her to lead the way.

Tang Bao followed behind with a calm expression on his face, but he didn't stop complaining about me. I am such a big living person, and that woman can completely turn a blind eye to me. I don't have any sense of existence.

That woman gave it to me last time. Even if he guessed that he was the nanny of the He family, he gave him a look, but now he completely ignored him, fearing that it was only that man.

However, that man is mine,

Zhao Qiqi is wearing embroidered cloth shoes, but she doesn't walk fast. Instead, she stretches out her hands in the pockets of her white coat, which makes her waist extraordinarily slender.

Although she also knew that she was a little thin, but many people praised her for being particularly good-looking, she would naturally not miss a good opportunity to perform in front of him at this time.

"Brother Gu, since you rescued me from the enemy last year, I heard that you were seriously injured, and I always wanted to thank you in person, and even specially asked my grandmother to go to your leadership and want you to be transferred from the army hospital. Went to our hospital for treatment, but I didn't expect to hear from your superior that you have been discharged from the hospital to go home to visit relatives, I have always kept that in mind."

Tang Bao listened to her soft-spoken whispers from behind, and felt goosebumps all over his body. The pimples are all up, and I can't help shivering.

Even if Gu Xingjin was walking, his eyes would always look at his wife. Even if he didn't know it before, it was impossible for him to come into contact with this woman's private affairs. But since he got married, he was not ashamed to ask questions, and he was very diligent and eager to learn. It's no stranger to her. She knows that she is in a special period these days. She can't get cold, and she should try to avoid cold water.

I didn't want her to accompany me today, not only because she was not feeling well, but also because I was afraid that some conflict might scare her.

At this time, he saw Tang Bao shivering, and stopped quickly, and asked with concern, "What's wrong with you, is it cold or not feeling well?"

At the beginning, Zhao Qiqi wanted to ignore the woman who followed Gu Xingjin, thinking that she should be passing by by chance, even if she was a relative of the He family sisters, she thought she didn't know her, so as not to come up and talk to herself and disturb her. Chat with him.

I also felt that she really didn't know how to look at people, and she followed them stupidly all the time.

At this moment, when she heard Gu Xingjin's caring tone, her face changed instantly, and then she smiled reluctantly, "Brother Gu, this is"

She thought she didn't know Tang Bao at first, but now she can only pretend to the end.

Gu Xingjin felt that he led the team to save her because of the order of the organization, and he didn't feel that he was her savior. Now he naturally didn't know that she had other thoughts about him, and said lightly, "This is my lover."

"Ah . , you are married." As soon as she said this, she quickly filled in for herself, "After you saved me, my grandmother went to ask you about you in order to thank you. You weren't married at that time."

Tang Bao felt that this woman was too fake, Xingyan looked at her with a smile, and said with a bit of shyness, "Speaking of which, you can be regarded as our matchmaker, if it wasn't for the time when he was injured in order to save you and returned to the countryside to recuperate. , when I was feeding the chickens and ducks, I took care of him who was sick in bed, and in order to repay me, we got married."

Hehe, I just want to see your sad, disappointed and uncomfortable expression so that you don't want to see me, I'm going to change It becomes your fishbone, and you can't go up or down if it's thorny.

"You, aren't you repaying your kindness?"

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