Brothers Are Like Clothes

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  Before they put down the bowls, an aunt rushed over and called Tang Mingyuan to see a doctor anxiously, "Mingyuan, hurry up and see my old man, who was harvesting wheat before, and for some reason, he felt that the world was spinning and he was pinched. It doesn't work either, I'm so anxious."

"Okay, don't worry, sister-in-law, I'll go right now." Tang Mingyuan poured a few spoons of soup into the bowl, and soon ate it together with the rice, got up and walked out, still Don't forget to instruct "Su Su, you will send all the bamboo leaf tea to me later, Abao, you continue to make herbal tea in the afternoon."

Tang Bao winked at her and asked her to sit on the stool when an outsider came. , poured her another bowl of chrysanthemum tea.

Aunt Chrysanthemum drank tea, and complained to Su Su that the weather was too hot, which made the old man overwhelmed. Seeing Tang Mingyuan get up, she quickly followed.

Su Su wanted her daughter and Gu Xingjin to get along with each other more. After dinner, she greeted, "Zhihan, please pick two buckets of bamboo tea for me to go to the clinic."

This tea was brewed on the stove outside. He Zhihan felt that this tea The color is a bit strange, so I curiously asked Tang Bao, who was washing bamboo leaves, "A Bao, what's the point of this bamboo leaf tea? This is the first time I have seen tea made with bamboo leaves."

"Bamboo leaves have a long history of medicinal use, among which Contains a lot of flavonoids, chlorophyll and these trace elements, bamboo leaf tea has anti-inflammatory, anti-aging, blood fat and blood cholesterol lowering, dredging microcirculation, cooling and relieving heat."

Tang Bao is now very interested in these remedies, and brought a bamboo Jie gave him a cup, "Drink more, too, to avoid heat stroke on this hot day."

He took a few sips, frowning slightly, peach blossom eyes with grievances, "This taste is so strange, are you looking at me now? You don't need to drink Chinese medicine, you came to tease me on purpose"

"You are so ignorant," Tang Bao threatened him, "Wait for your heat stroke, scraping and strangling your neck will hurt you."

"Sister Abao, please don't . Scare me, can't I drink it?" After he finished speaking, he suffocated the bamboo leaf tea in his hand, and stuck out his tongue to make fun of it, and smiled with a hilarious smile, "Would you like to give my brother a piece of fruit candy?"

Gu Xingjin, who was sitting under the eaves and fanning with a fan, drank bitter Chinese medicine while looking at the two of them talking in the yard.

Does Tang Bao need to be so concerned about whether Zhihan will suffer from heatstroke?

As for He Zhihan showing off his presence in front of A Bao, he still wants to eat candy. Believe it or not, he let him eat fists.

As for me, do I care about them talking together?

But now I can be regarded as A Bao's fiancé, and I can be justifiably jealous. Originally, he felt a little embarrassed to tell Zhihan about the marriage, but now it seems that he should tell him this as soon as possible. The good news, A Bao will be his sister-in-law in the future.

Su Su came out of the room, picked up the straw hat and put it on, greeted He Zhihan to pick up the bamboo leaf tea, and winked at her daughter, then said with a smile, "Xiao He, let's hurry up to deliver the tea, wait for the next one. You go to the hometown to buy watermelon."

"Auntie, you are so kind, I want to stay here and not leave." He Zhihan's mouth was so sweet that he carefully picked up two buckets of tea and followed her out.

"Brother He, wait," Tang Bao hurriedly brought two large washed lotus leaves from the side and covered them on the wooden barrel, and then signaled him to leave. "Okay, remember to bring back the lotus leaves later, I can do it. Use lotus leaf to cook lotus leaf mung bean porridge."

He Zhihan replied with a smile, "A Bao, you are so smart, you don't waste anything

. They walked away, so they closed the door, turned around and came to Gu Xingjin's side, looking at him with concern, "Brother Gu, go in and sleep, and the wound won't hurt when you wake up."

Now they are the only ones at home . Well, she seems a little embarrassed too.

Gu Xingjin saw that she was wearing a half-worn light blue short-sleeved blouse with light gray trousers underneath, but she also looked slim, with a faint blush on her white goose egg face, moist almond eyes, and pink lips. She is extraordinarily beautiful in the sun, with a youthful breath everywhere.

Thinking that the beautiful girl in front of him would be his wife in the future, Gu Xingjin felt that his ears were a little burnt, so he didn't dare to stare at her, Qu Zhi touched his nose, plucked up the courage to look at her and asked, "A Bao, are you serious? Will you marry me?"

He knew that even if he was married, he couldn't take care of his family, and if she didn't want to, the melon was not sweet, and he wouldn't force her.

Tang Bao squeezed his delicate fingers, lowered his face, and said shyly, "Brother Gu, I will."

After thinking about it, he was afraid that he would think it was too hasty, so he organized the language, and the bright almond eyes were particularly charming. Looking at him, he said with a bit of admiration, "If you are a soldier, you can protect your family and protect the country. You can still learn a lot of skills. You can get a salary every month, and you can get a discharge fee when you retire from the army. If you can stay in the army, that's not bad. The size can be considered an official, how good."

In fact, she hoped that he would always be in the army, so that the two people would not spend much time together, and their secrets would not be discovered.

Gu Xingjin didn't expect her to understand her pursuit so much. At first, he wanted to find his father, but then he really liked the atmosphere in the army, liked everyone fighting side by side, and wanted to protect the family and the country.

He couldn't help the smile on his lips, and he felt more and more that this little girl was really reasonable. Thinking that he had nothing now, he said embarrassedly, "You can divide the house when you come to the regiment commander in the army, Bao, wait for me to work hard for two." In 2010, I can let you go with the army, and then we can get married again, okay?"

He didn't want to feel wronged by Tang Bao, most of the money he had saved in the past few years had been given to Ning Jin and Yang Yi, and now there are only thirty yuan in his pocket. money.

Now I'm thinking about taking advantage of my hard work for the past two years. After two years of my post, I can also be assigned a house. If I try to earn some extra money, I can also give Tang Bao a decent wedding so that she won't be wronged.

Anyway, he is only twenty-four now, and Tang Bao is only eighteen, so he doesn't care about waiting two more years.

But he is not in a hurry to get married, Tang Bao is in a hurry.

When she heard that he wanted to get married in another two years, she almost cried to him, but she couldn't say that she was in a hurry to get married, so she bit her lip and whispered shyly, "Brother Gu, I don't care about the house, money and other external things, I only care if you treat me well, I want to marry you early, and I will take care of my younger brothers and sisters in the future."

Then he whispered a little awkwardly, "Besides, it's early to get married in the countryside, Sister Cui Cui is seventeen. Married, Tingting is a few months younger than me, and she got married last year."

Of course, there are a few girls in the village who are not married now, so she won't tell him.

"A Bao, you're so kind, then I'll report back when I go back. If everything goes well, it will be settled within a month." Gu Xingjin listened with enthusiasm, but she didn't know that she was already thinking that if she didn't obey, others would I'm ready to cook raw rice to mature rice.

Tang Bao was really satisfied, and tried to look shy, "My mother will pick a good day."

Gu Xingjin didn't expect that he would marry a wife so soon. Zhu Zhu smiled shyly, staring at her like a fool, looking at her shy blushing appearance, her heart bubbling with beauty.

But when he thinks of the new house, he worries again, "Our family doesn't have a house right now. If we don't get married next year, we can give you a home anyway."

Tang Bao didn't want to leave his house either. After listening to his words, he became euphemistic. "Brother Gu, after all, this is just a small village. Ning Jin and the others are still small. If they stay here for a few years, it will be easier to develop outside in the future. Is there no need to build a house here, or let my dad do it?" Let's see if there are any vacant houses, we can rent a house."

She felt that although this is a parallel space, some major events are still the same as the space in her memory. In this case, the policy will change in five or six years. Now, with the spring breeze of reform, she still hopes to leave here.

The Chen Lian Brigade is remote, which is very suitable for them to hang around now. In the future, it is more suitable to be in a big city. When the time comes, those who make money can earn money, and those who want to go to school can go to school.

The marriage between herself and him is indeed due to her own demands, but for Ning Jin and their sensible children, she will really think about them.

Gu Xingjin was still worried about Tang Bao's young age and thought incomprehension, but now after listening to her words, Feng Yan looked at her tenderly, "A Bao, you are right, when I'm not here, it's hard for you to watch more and less. Respect them."

"We will be a family in the future, this is what I should do." Tang Bao quietly praised himself, which is too beautiful.

Gu Xingjin couldn't express his happiness, so he could only fan her with his left hand, and said warmly, "I'll see when the water in the stove will boil, you can go in and rest for a while."

She quickly shook her head, took his palm fan, and stood by herself. He fanned the air behind him, and said with concern, "How about that, my dad said that your wound oozes blood while saving me, so go back to your room and lie down for a while."

Feeling the cool breeze from the fan, Gu Xingjin felt that his future daughter-in-law was so good at taking care of others that he no longer felt any pain in the aching wounds. He thought that he was going to return to the army soon, so why would he be willing to waste time to sleep and talk more while staying with her? Talking is also good, and you can get to know each other better.

"I made chicken with lotus leaf before, but I didn't expect lotus leaf to make porridge."

"Lotus leaf porridge is cold and cool, especially suitable for drinking in summer, it can relieve heat and clear heat" Tang Bao still doesn't know How good is his craftsmanship that he can talk about it in front of him, "It can also dissipate heat and dissipate blood stasis, and has a certain relieving effect on edema and blood stasis. I forgot that you have to drink traditional Chinese medicine for two days. The effect of the medicine is washed."

"Okay, then I'll wait to taste the lotus leaf porridge you made for me."

When I think of Tang Bao not putting mung beans for himself, and then think of Zhihan, I like to drink mung bean soup, and when I think of him waiting The resentful look on his face made him unable to hold back the small smile on his face.

Two men and women who are not particularly familiar, sitting together talking about life in the army, or life in the countryside, it seems that the atmosphere is particularly harmonious.

Tang Bao was also distracted and boiled four pots of bamboo leaf tea, when he saw the courtyard door being pushed open, He Zhihan came back with a watermelon in his arms, and shouted loudly, "A Bao, quickly hoist the watermelon into the well for ice. Once it's iced, we'll get rid of the watermelon at night."

The well at home is not deep, and the water in the well is not enough in summer. After half a bucket of water is lifted, the well water below will become turbid, but this iced watermelon is very good. It's a natural little refrigerator.

Tang Bao was also greedy for watermelons. After carefully putting the watermelon in the well bucket, he hoisted it into the well. Seeing that Zhihan was already lying on the reclining chair and fanning with his palm fan, he casually boasted, "It's good to have you here. Yes, wild peaches in the morning and watermelons in the afternoon, all these fruits are in short supply, why don't you try going to the pond to put a cage in the evening?"

He Zhihan raised his chin and it was stinky. Brother Bao, you are delicious and spicy."

Gu Xingjin, who was next to him, felt very uncomfortable when he heard this, coughed, and said lightly, "Zhihan, my injury is not yet healed, and I have to stay for a few days, you have already Well, there's no need to spend time with me, or you should go back to the army first." On the battlefield, he agreed with the saying that brothers are like siblings, but now, looking at his diligent appearance, he doesn't mind that brothers are like clothes. Let him get away.

This little white face is really hateful, and desperately realizes it in front of his future wife.

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