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They walked out with umbrellas and bamboo hats. Under Tang Bao's umbrella were Yujun and Yang Zheng. They walked in the front. When I was at the door, I almost bumped into a woman with a child on her back.

Mainly because the woman walked too fast, and the little girl with the umbrella on her back held the umbrella too low, the woman didn't pay attention to the person in front of her, and she came over from the corner.

"You don't have eyes." The woman glared at them dissatisfied at first, and scolded "rush to reincarnate."

Gu Xingjin, who was behind, saw the two little boys vying for favor with Tang Bao, and felt that he had fallen out of favor. I also want my brother and sister to talk affectionately around him.

Hearing the woman's exit, he has no good words. Gu Xingjin stepped forward quickly, his face darkened, but his voice was full of deterrence. "What did you say?

" He stared at her happily, as if he was about to make a move if he disagreed.

Ye Miaoxian is not afraid of half-year-old children, but seeing Gu Xingjin standing tall and straight, staring at her with sharp eyes, exuding coldness all over her body, instantly made her feel an inexplicable pressure.

Besides, those half-year-old children hadn't seen it for a while, and now they seem to have grown a lot taller all at once.

Anyway, seeing that people are not easy to provoke, she simply ran inside, hum, just these people, she is not afraid of them.

Tang Bao watched the mother and daughter go in, and then stretched out his arms around Yang Zheng, who was squeezed under his umbrella, and asked curiously, "Do you know them?"

If she was not mistaken, that woman was the one in the lockbox photo. Although she looked a lot fatter than in the photo, and the child was a lot older, she felt that some idea was about to pop up in her mind.

"I know." Yang Zheng was still young, so he didn't need to care about the protection of men and women, but he was very happy when Tang Bao hugged him. He didn't know that Tang Bao was trying to save some effort on walking and regarded him as a kidnapper.

"I heard that her lover passed away from illness and left a posthumous child. Now she is taking care of her in the factory, as if she is managing a warehouse. This is a clean and decent job."

Tang Bao's eyes lit up, "Is this woman in the enamel tank factory? "

Sister, how did you guess it?" Yang Zheng looked at her curiously. "Sister, you know her."

Tang Bao was deeply afraid of what this little clever ghost might have guessed, and said vaguely, "I just heard about it from my cousin." Quickly change the topic, "We have to leave quickly, it's raining, it's getting dark early."

Gu Shaojin came over and squeezed Yang Zheng out, pulled Tang Bao's clothes and said with a smile, "Sister, I want to go with you." And gossip to her again, "The place where the woman lives now, I heard that men often come here, she is a little old, and she says she is a relative, I think there must be something tricky here."

Tang Bao felt that the child's intuition was really good. It's amazing, she is now 80% convinced that this woman has something to do with Liu Zhihua, and she is already thinking about how to create chaos.

While listening to Shaojin's words, she thought that she could imitate the woman's tone and write a letter, and if she handed in the password box, the photo and the letter, it would cause a lot of turmoil.

It's best to find out who the Liu family has a bad relationship with. Besides, if this kind of thing happens, the woman will have a bad life in the future. Will it be too cruel?

But when she heard Shaojin say The woman felt angry when she saw them, and Gu Yujun, a little girl who didn't like to speak ill of others, muttered in an unspeakable tone, "That auntie is too much. When I went to Chen's house, she told me to eat more and she could give it to me. I am looking for a family to be a child bride, although the man is a bit stupid, but he said I can sell it for a good price."

Gu Shaojin heard that the woman asked the Chen family to give his cousin more food, and felt that the woman was not useless. Yes, but when he heard the back, the whole person jumped up with anger. "It's too much, sister, we'll take care of her next time."

Gu Yujun hurriedly said, "Farewell, she has a good relationship with the Chen family, and I heard that she has a relationship with many big people. We're doing well now, I don't want to see them again in my life."

Tang Bao also felt very depressed. If he guessed correctly, the woman's plan was to bring Gu Yujun to the Liu family

. Of course, Gu Yujun was too pale and thin before, and the Liu family would definitely not like it.

However, knowing that Ye Miaoxian was not a good person, she felt that she was plotting against her, and she would not feel sorry for her. After all, in this day and age, the relationship between men and women is still relatively strict.

Although Tang Bao was very tired, she still walked forward with a sigh of relief.

It takes twenty minutes to go home even by bicycle, and it takes about forty to fifty minutes for them to walk.

But this rainy day, the mud road is muddy, there are many small puddles, and the walk is slow, and the two cars are not seen parked there again.

Tang Bao secretly breathed a sigh of relief, and when he came to the village, he realized that something was wrong.

It's already about six o'clock, the sky is drizzling, and it's already very dark, but the electricity was also cut off yesterday, and now every household is lit with kerosene lamps or candles.

At this time, everyone should be eating dinner, but now the men are wearing bamboo hats and shoji, and follow the twenty-odd joint defense team members with flashlights.

Tang Bao was startled and asked Jia Baiwen, who was on the side in a low voice, "Uncle, what's the matter? Are you here to search again?"

She thought that Zheng Wei's father had already come to pick up people, but now seeing the people from the joint defense team, I knew things were going to change.

"You're back." Jia Baiwen was usually afraid of seeing these people, but now he was moved. "They are all good comrades who serve the people. Knowing that there is no electricity in our village, we divided into five teams to check. If there is a problem with the wiring, come over to repair the electricity in the rain, and help us check the wiring by the way."

Tang Bao heard this and could only say that I believed in your evil

. However, he found this good excuse, and he had to go back quickly and let Zheng Wei change his clothes, hoping to get away with it.

Seeing that Tang Bao's face was not quite right, Gu Ning stepped forward and said thoughtfully, "Sister, come to my house to eat together at night."

Tang Bao replied absentmindedly, "Okay, I'll go back and change first."

She hurried back home and saw The padlock on the door was still in good condition, so he breathed a sigh of relief. After opening the lock, he hurried to find Zheng Wei, but when he looked at the person on the bed, his face twisted and bit his lip, speechless, "God, what the hell are you doing?"

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