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Chapter 136

    Tang Bao smeared and came inside, with a flashlight in her hand, and found a house with glass windows. After careful inspection, she made sure that no one was there, so she closed all the windows, and then came to the downstairs. In the room, many bags of flour were scratched.

For a while, the air seemed to be filled with the aroma of flour.

Tang Bao has also become a white-faced person. She looked at the snow-white ground all over with distress. These are all food, so they were wasted in vain.

But she couldn't make explosives for a while, so she was in a hurry to use it, and she could only waste it if she didn't want to.

Afraid of not being powerful enough, she gritted her teeth and took out all the flour in the space.

Of course, she also cherished her own life, so she didn't dare to draw a match for a while.

At this time, Eggy's long-lost voice resounded in Tang Bao's mind, "Haha, baby, please beg me, I can help you."

Tang Bao was taken aback by Eggy's voice, and used The idea and Dandan exchanged, "It's scary, it will scare people to death, okay?"

Then he asked curiously, "DanDian, can you come out and help me set fire now?"

After hearing this, Dandan thought that he had not been able to do it for hundreds of years. When he went out, his mood instantly dropped, "I can't come out yet"

, and he consoled himself and encouraged himself, "I will come out one day."

Tang Bao didn't want to mess with Dandan at this time, so he simply asked, "Then why are you? Help me"

Eggy's disgusting voice sounded in her mind, "Are you stupid? After you leave the room, as long as you don't get too far, you can use your mind to control the ignition, but you are still too weak to stay away. It 's too far."

"You can still operate like this, isn't it the same as taking objects from the air?" Tang Bao asked in disbelief, "Then why didn't you tell me earlier?" Eggy laughed at her words, "I'll be with you sooner. Do you think it's useful? Didn't you realize that your mind was much stronger after sleeping with Boss Gu?"

Tang Bao shook his head honestly, "I didn't find it, I found that the space is much bigger."

"You idiot, if your ancestors knew that their descendants were so stupid and so lacking in talent, I guess the coffin board would be unable to hold it down. ." Tang Bao heard Dandan's irritable tone, and said solemnly, "If my ancestors can really come out, then my mother and I will thank you very much."

"What do you think is beautiful?"

"Then what do you think of my idea?"

Dandan hurriedly said a lot to her, wishing she could put everything she knew into her mind.

Tang Bao left the room after putting down the match as Dandan said. He used his mind to control the match outside the door, and then ran out without looking back.

There was a rumbling explosion soon after, and Tang Bao wished she could fly home with her wings.

This night, she couldn't see clearly. When she found out that someone was running in front of her, she had only one thought. She must not let others catch her, so she could only kill him and prepare to rush over and bump into him. When the time comes, take him into the space and kill him.

Eggy also noticed Tang Bao's thoughts, but informed her with her mind, "Tang Bao, the person running in front is that stinky boy from Yang Yi, do you really want to put him in the space to kill him?"

Tang Bao estimated that he had previously Because of the use of thoughts, now the whole person feels a little dizzy, but when she saw that the man seemed to want to avoid her, she was desperately trying to catch up to catch him, when she heard Dandan's reminder, this was the end. Startled, he quickly retracted his hand.

Yang Yi thought he had seen a ghost, oh my god, I saw a ghost on this night, under the pale and dim moonlight, after the explosion, the fire behind him shot into the sky, and a "white man" covered in white charged at him. She came running by herself and stretched out her white paws to herself. Could it be that she wanted to hold him and go to hell with him to accompany her?

Even if she wanted to catch herself, she couldn't do it without her hand.

When Yang Yi lifted his foot and kicked at her, he heard Tang Bao's familiar voice and remembered, "Yang Yi, why are you here doing what you are doing, why don't you run quickly?"

Yang Yi quickly retracted his foot and looked at him suspiciously. The "white man" who was not far away asked in a trembling voice, "Tang Bao, you are Tang Bao." Could it be that Tang Bao was killed by the bomb and was afraid of going to hell alone, so he allowed himself to accompany her

Tang Bao was turned over by his question. He rolled his eyes and said angrily, "I'm not Tang Bao, is it possible that I'm still a ghost?"

It's a pity that there is no mirror at this time. Tang Bao didn't pay attention to see that she is now white from head to toe, and no one believes that she is human, saying She looks like a ghost.

"No, you are A Bao." For Yang Yi, even if Tang Bao wanted to accompany her to hell, he couldn't refuse her, he quickly retracted his foot, and stretched out his hand stupidly, "I won't let you go alone. From Huangquan Road."

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Now was not the time to listen to his nonsense, Tang Bao grabbed his hand and ran outside, panting, "Run quickly and give me a hand."

Yang Yi felt Her hands were warm and soft, and when she heard the sound of collapse coming from behind, she unconsciously looked back at the blazing building. For a moment, she felt that she might be dreaming, otherwise, how could such a scene happen? It was her . He wanted to deny it, but the facts also told him that the explosion had nothing to do with Tang Bao.

Thinking about it this way, if they are caught, they are really dead.

After recovering, Yang Yi pulled her and ran faster.

If someone else did such a thing, he would be the first to think of catching the enemy, but knowing that it was Tang Bao, he wanted to protect her and leave quickly, even if he was caught, he would take the blame for her.

The loud rumbling woke up the people who had just fallen asleep, and soon there was the sound of gongs, followed by the sound of trucks in the distance.

At this time, Yang Yi subconsciously dragged Tang Bao to the grove where he parked his bicycle. Seeing the white flour sticking to his hands, he frowned and said, "Sister, this can't be done, you are too white now, going out like this will attract people. Attention, I took off my clothes and put them on for you."

Tang Bao realized that he was in a state of embarrassment, if he could hide in the space by himself, change clothes and come out again, but now he can only take care of it.

"I don't want your clothes," Tang Bao saw him begin to take off his clothes, and hurriedly stopped, "Turn around now, don't turn around, I have clothes."

Tang Bao quickly took off his clothes and put them on, then put the The dirty clothes that were changed were put into the space, and he wiped his face with a towel, and wrapped his "white hair" with a black cloth before saying, "Okay, let's get out of here quickly"

"Okay," Yang Yi Seeing her changing clothes, he wondered where her clothes came from, but now is not the time to think about it. He heard the sound of a truck approaching and asked nervously, "Sister, where is your bicycle? Go and ride over here."

He suddenly remembered that their bicycles were bought from the Public Security Bureau, which would be recorded, and if they fell into their hands, they would soon be able to find them out.

So, even if he might get caught, he would have to ride the bike away.

Tang Bao wanted to beat him, this little bastard, and dared to follow her secretly, which caused some of her own secrets to be exposed, but when she heard what he said, she instantly understood his thoughts and smiled slightly, "You haven't heard of it. Don't you know that my ancestors are gods who can call the wind and call the rain? Can I call the five ghosts to carry anything for us?"

Mrs. Su, granddaughter, I need to chat with you, how come I didn't know that I could call the wind and call the rain back then, and still Can summon five ghosts for my use

. "I know now." Yang Yi touched his head, nodded stunned, and looked at her with admiration, "Sister, you are amazing."

Tang Bao had prepared a lot of legends in his heart to convince him, but he didn't expect him to believe it so easily. You believe what I say."

He nodded vigorously, and said without hesitation, "As long as you say it, I will believe it. Besides, if you hadn't had supernatural powers, how could you make the house explode?"

Tang Bao, okay, I'm promoting feudal superstition again Yes, I also know that this is not good, but who made me unable to explain the matter of this dimension, I can only rely on legends to fool me.

Well, the five ghost transport methods have come out. From now on, I will be the remnant of the legendary feudal ideology and the inheritor of traditional dross.

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