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Chapter 157

 He Zhihan was no longer in danger, and He Tang's heart that had been hanging was put down. Seeing Su Su came in with the medicine, he quickly got up and said with a smile, "Thank you for your life-saving grace and help, now I really believe in one sentence. As the old saying goes, masters are among the people, and you really deserve your reputation."

Su Su calmly nodded to him, even though she was wearing a half-worn blue cotton jacket and black pants, which had faded from washing, but were clean and tidy.

From a closer look, her eyebrows are more and more picturesque, and her almond eyes are full of autumn water. Even if there are a few shallow wrinkles at the corners of her eyes, it adds to her the charm of a mature woman.

Her voice was also very gentle and sweet, "You're welcome, it's just a little effort, and Zhihan and we have known each other before, so we're not strangers."

"Yes, auntie, I miss you so much, especially your family's delicious food. Yes, the braised rabbit meat that Xingjin brought last time was also delicious." Speaking of which, He Zhihan, who was hanging on to the porridge, felt that he was hungry again.

But Su Su nodded, "You're right, the rabbits are fat at this time, and we haven't eaten meat for a few days. I'll go around the village and see if there are wild rabbits at noon. Meat."

He Zhihan only felt that he couldn't help drooling, with a longing light in his eyes, and flattering with a dog-legged smile, "Thank you, thank you, you are so kind, auntie, you are like my own mother. "

Su Su looked at him in amazement. "Even if there is hare meat, you can't eat this meat and greasy meat now. Thank me for what I do."

The smile on He Zhihan's face froze, and he looked at her pitifully." Can't you eat it at all? I think I'm almost better."

"Thanks for being a doctor, you forgot even the simplest taboo." Su Su said to him dissatisfied, and motioned for him to take the medicine quickly, "It shouldn't be hot anymore. I don't want to be smashed by you."

He Zhihan fooled himself, but he didn't dare to refute, he took the bowl and drank it, and his whole face was wrinkled together in bitterness. The adjutant hurriedly handed him a peanut candy, "This is what Shaojin left behind. You eat a piece, it tastes very good."

Su Su saw him drinking the medicine honestly, and then she felt that she was teaching him a lesson in front of his uncle. She seemed to see He Tang smiling gently at her, obviously he didn't care, and then he was secretly relieved and greeted. He went to have breakfast. "Breakfast is corn custard and egg cake. You should eat it quickly, so as not to wait for the cold to taste bad. I'll watch it here.

" The corn soup was a bit rough, but it had the sweetness of some corn. When the two were full, Lieutenant Li looked at him and asked, "Chief of Staff, do we want to go to the city?"

He Tang nodded, "Go and call. Sincerely, we have to deal with the matter as soon as possible, now that Zhihan is not a big deal, just let him stay for two more days, and we will pick him up after two days after we have dealt with the matter."

He looked at him again . He whispered, "Wait, go back and see how much food stamps and money I have left, buy some food and meat, and bring them over at night."

When Tang Bao got up, the sun was already high outside.

Now that the weather is cold in winter, there is not much work in the production team, and everyone is cleaning up their own three-point land. These vegetables, such as green vegetables, Chinese cabbage, and radishes, will be eaten until next year, and they must be used now. Cover with straw.

Tang Bao saw that Gu Xingjin and the others had already left, so he ate breakfast and went to see the unlucky young man He Zhihan, and made fun of him, "Comrade He, you almost capsized in the gutter, and you almost died for yourself. Yu Gaofei, as an outstanding doctor, how do you think about yourself? Do you feel that you have no love for life? "

He heard a burning sensation on his face, and he simply pretended to sleep to avoid her teasing.

When Tang Bao was about to make persistent efforts, Gu Yujun trotted to look for her, the little girl couldn't hide her joy, and her voice was as clear as a lark, "Sister, Wu Sange caught several rabbits, but they are fat, we want a few."

Tang Bao Bao got up and walked out, "Leave a few more, there are many people in the family, braised rabbit meat, spicy rabbit meat are all delicious."

He Zhihan felt that his stomach was about to beat drums in protest, so he could only comfort himself. Fortunately, none of them were eating here, so he wouldn't be greedy if he didn't smell it.

But Tang Bao walked by the door and looked back at him, with a narrow smile in his shining apricot eyes, "Do you like spicy rabbit meat?"

Seeing him looking at him in surprise and nodding straight, Tang Bao couldn't help laughing. Xiaoxiao "Don't worry, eat spicy rabbit meat at noon, I'll bring it to you and let you smell the fragrance."

"You are so cruel, the most poisonous woman's heart is you, you were not like this before, you were all taken care of. The boss is broken." He Zhihan squeezed his fist and waved it twice in the space, showing his sadness with excellent singing and composition.

Tang Bao laughed and closed the door thoughtfully before pulling Gu Yujun, who was snickering on the side, to leave, and said refreshedly, "I also really wanted to eat delicious food two days ago. I'm depressed."

In fact, living at the foot of this remote mountain has many benefits, at least from time to time you can beat your teeth.

Even Yang Yi and Gu Ningjin were told by the villagers that it would snow in winter and follow their footprints to catch pheasants and hares. The meat and meat of the goods are all wild fruits or medicinal materials.

Illness comes like a mountain down, sickness goes like a thread.

He Zhihan lay in bed for three days before the fever was completely subsided.

Tang Bao specially prepared noodles boiled in pheasant soup for him. The fragrant made him wish he could die, and said happily, "This is really delicious. Now that I'm healthy, I can always eat hares tomorrow. Meat, right?"

"It's not necessarily," Tang Bao liked to hit him the most. "The family has already eaten up, and it's not always possible to catch people when they go into the mountains."

At this time, He Tang and the others came in and listened to them. When He Zhihan said exaggeratedly, he gave him a dumbfounded look, "You are really promising. If you want to eat delicious food, you won't go into the mountains to catch the mother hare by yourself."

Lieutenant Li also put a three-pound pork belly in his hand and a ten-pound pot of soybean oil in the kitchen.

"Thank you, let's eat pork belly in the evening." Tang Bao did not refuse, but thanked him generously. Most of the time when people visit relatives, they bring their own rations, and the meat they buy is always burned at night with them. food.

After speaking, Tang Bao realized that they came back early today, and asked with a smile, "You came back very early today, and there are still a few pieces of sweet potatoes buried in the mouth of the stove, do you want to try it?"

"No wonder I smell the fragrance." Gu Xingjin I went to take out four small sweet potatoes, they were all charred on the outside, but when they were opened, the aroma was fragrant.

He Tang also ate a piece, then smiled and said, "Tang Bao, thank you very much these days, we have done things on our side, we will go back as soon as possible, when you go to the army later, you must come and see me. "

Although he has only been with them for a few days, he has a good impression of these people. He knows that his identity is not flattering. The key is that they have real skills. Therefore, he took out a handful of tickets from his pocket and put it on the table. He smiled and said, "We are

in such a hurry that we can't even pay for the consultation, so you will only suffer."

It was beyond their expectations, and it didn't look like they were short of money, so they might as well give military tickets.

"A lot of tickets, it's more practical than money," Tang Bao thanked happily, "I'll be welcome, thank you Uncle He."

Then he asked with a smile, "Then when did you leave? I received so much from Uncle He. There are no other gifts to return. I have prepared medicinal wine for you. These are quite good for your secret injury. If you feel the effect of drinking, let Xing Jin write back to me and tell me that I will give it to you when the time comes. Send it."

When He Tang had dinner at Tang's house, he would have a drink with Tang Mingyuan every time, and he really liked the taste of their wine, and smiled politely, "Hahaha, if it were anything else, I would still do it. Pretend to say no, but when you talk about wine, I can't wait to nod my head quickly."

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