Kick Hall

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 Tang Bao felt that this person was too good at chatting. He said that his parents were both Chinese medicine practitioners. Political commissar Jia didn't think Chinese medicine was any good.

Moreover, he has now understood the situation. The wife is sick, and he also thinks that Gu Xingjin is justified in doing laundry and grocery shopping. Is it because he drank all the tea in the enamel jar and put it aside, he got up and said goodbye, "Then you are busy, I'll go first, if you have any difficulties, come to me, my surname is Jia, Xibejia."

"Oh" Tang Bao felt that if he rashly offered to ask people to see a doctor or something, it would easily arouse people's resentment, but he felt that His nasal congestion was heavy, and his cough was a little broken, so he could only remind me politely, "I think you still have to go to the hospital. Goodbye, goodbye."

"Then you can bring a few candies. It will be more comfortable." Tang Bao took a candy tin box, filled him with more than ten candies, and smiled shyly, "Don't dislike me. The craftsmanship, if it's delicious, I'll take it again."

Political commissar Jia didn't want to accept it at first, but it was really comfortable in his throat, and said with a smile, "That's ok, next time you come to my house to talk to my daughter."

"Okay. "Yes," when Tang Bao sent him out, Wang Yuxian, who had prepared the briquettes, came up in a hurry, but saw Political Commissar Jia leave and greeted with a smile, "Commissar Jia, you are leaving now, stay for dinner. "

But he didn't let him eat at his own house. After all, his house only had tuna and eggs and leeks at night, and he absolutely couldn't entertain guests, but if he stayed at Tang Bao's place to eat, he and his son and man could come to eat.

It's too ugly to say rubbing rice, it should be said to be accompanying guests.

Political commissar Jia nodded with a smile, "Hey, I have a meeting. Let's go first. If you have something you can't solve, come to us."

Tang Bao saw that he had left, so he handed her the wool basket. With a smile, he asked, "sister-in-law, you didn't say how many needles were needed?"

"Oh, that's my excuse, okay?" Wang Yuxian saw Political Commissar Jia leave from the second floor, and then asked nervously, "Did he say anything, you got a scolding, why did you get criticized? I listened to my man, Political commissar Jia is a famous smiling tiger."

"No," Tang Bao thought to himself that he was so good, how could he be criticized by the political commissar, and looked at her with the look of you wronging me, "People just ask me if I am not used to it, or if If there is any problem that needs to be solved in the organization, then we leave."

"Really?" Wang Yuxian saw her nodding affirmatively, and muttered, "I thought you were criticized, so I came here to help, it's fine, I'll just do it. I can go back and cook dinner with confidence."

She actually smelled the medicine, but she didn't mention it, lest she knew she was sick and had to bring something to her, and hurried downstairs with a basket.

In the army before, Tang Bao had dealt with her several times. In my impression, Wang Yuxian was just squeamish, and she was too fond of children and loved petty cheap. I didn't expect it to be unexpectedly loyal today.

Tang Bao closed the door and went to put all the candy away by himself. He didn't bother to burn it alone. He ate some delicious food in the space, then came out to wash up and hid in the bed.

It's cold now, even if it's in the sun, the laundry can't be dry for a day, especially the padded jacket, which needs to be dried in the sun for at least three or four days.

Therefore, the coat should not be washed unless it can be washed, but Tang Bao's body-fitting underwear needs to be changed every day, and she will not take these clothes outside to wash, so as not to be embarrassed.

Now that she is short of money, she is thinking about whether she wants to make some underwear to earn a little money on the bed.

Forget it, she still thinks of a way to cure diseases and save people to earn money.

She took out a few medical books and read them carefully.

When Gu Xingjin came back, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening, and when he saw Tang Bao lying in bed reading, he couldn't help shaking his head, "You said that reading at night is not good, but now you know it."

"You're back, do you want to eat something?" Tang Bao put down the book and saw the dirty clothes on his clothes, he urged him, "There is still hot water on the

stove in the kitchen, you should wash it first." After calculating the run out, Tang Bao replaced it with good briquettes every day to seal it. Anyway, he needed hot water, and he didn't care about one more briquettes every day.

Gu Xingjin looked at his dirty coat, untied it and put it in the washbasin before going to scrub it.

In fact, Tang Bao's underwear was washed at home, so he only washed her coat once. Most of the time, he washed his own clothes.

Before marrying a wife, he was used to washing his own clothes, and he didn't think there was anything wrong with washing his clothes at all.

Especially these few days are her little days. Before, my father-in-law specially explained that he could not let her touch cold water.

He took a quick battle bath, and then went to bed. He was afraid that he would be cold, so he deliberately stayed away from her and said with a smile, "The food in the cafeteria is not oily and watery, I'm really hungry, give me a bun, a zongzi. It's fine."

"You're so good to pass." Tang Bao took out a lunch box of dumplings that were still warm, and gave him a pair of chopsticks. "Hurry up and eat, remember to brush your teeth."

"Would you like to eat some?" She shook her head, took a piece of cloth and put it on the quilt, and ate.

He knows that his wife loves cleanliness, and he doesn't refute it. In fact, in his youth, he also lived the life of a noble son. Later, in the army, he couldn't live a delicate life. Now that his wife loves cleanliness, he doesn't find it troublesome.

After he went to brush his teeth before going to bed, it was almost ten o'clock, Tang Bao closed his eyes drowsily, "By the way, political commissar Jia is here today, so I have trouble finding him. Actually, I really have trouble, but I'm sorry. go find him."

Gu Xingjin had also heard of Political Commissar Jia, and was a little worried when he heard the words, "What is Political Commissar Jia doing and what did he say embarrass you?"

"They are nice and enthusiastic." Tang Bao told him the conversation between the two Once again, I told him the reason for making candy, and smiled brightly, "Actually, I just feel that I want to have a good relationship with your leader, don't you mean to eat people's mouths and take short-handed people? He took what I made for you. Tang , I will never dislike you in the future."

"Wife, you are so nice." Gu Xingjin did not expect Tang Bao to be so cautious about children, including quitting smoking, but it also showed that she really wanted children. , that really can't help but be silly.

However, thinking of the difficulties she said, she asked curiously, "What difficulties do you have?"

"I watch the astronomical phenomena at night. Right." Tang Bao said that the sleepiness was gone. Seeing his tangled face, he asked narrowly, "Do you think the political

committee will solve these two difficulties for me?" Gu Xingjin said politely, "Then you should hurry up and sleep. You will have everything."

Then he asked with concern, "Are you out of money? I still have more than 60 yuan, you can use it first, and I will pay the allowance soon."

Tang Bao heard his money. Not much more, the dead duck said stubbornly, "Just kidding, I still have money, I just said this on purpose, look at your attitude, and see if you will dislike me for being too good at spending money."

He sighed again, "Actually, I What worries me is that I have nothing to do all day long, I can't eat and sleep, how about your hospital here? Is there any traditional Chinese medicine?"

Gu Xingjin thought about it, hesitant. He said, "There are more than ten military doctors here. I will ask if they want someone over there. Or I will say hello to Zhihan and let him operate."

Tang Bao felt that he only came, and it is not good to ask for help for his own business." Forget it, in this cold weather, I don't want to go to the hospital from morning to night, so I'll wait until next year."

She yawned, and got into his arms, "Good night, husband."

Gu Xingjin kissed her forehead, hugged her and whispered softly, "Sleep."

They slept sweetly, but Ye Tingting was sulking in the warm quilt. She had been waiting to watch the excitement, but nothing happened.

On the contrary, it was windy in the afternoon, and she liked to dress beautifully and wear less, and now she felt uncomfortable at all.

Thinking that Zhao Qiqi said bad things about Tang Bao to herself, she became more and more disliked by Tang Bao, and decided that she must find a good lesson to teach her.

The next day, when Gu Xingjin woke up, he heard the sound of rain outside the window. He couldn't go to wash clothes in this weather. He saw Tang Bao sleeping sweetly, so he quietly got up, put on a raincoat and filled the four large wooden buckets at home with water. , I just went to the army cafeteria for breakfast.

After the reform, there is no need for tickets to buy things outside, but the army canteen still issues meal tickets and food tickets to everyone every month. Everyone can eat with the tickets, which is also an additional subsidy for this special company.

The advantage of eating breakfast in the cafeteria is that there are many comrades in arms. While eating porridge and steamed buns with Sanhe noodles, everyone occasionally said a few words, which was quite lively.

Even on rainy days, the training would not stop. Instead, Gu Xingjin personally led the team and carried out weight-bearing field training with them.

Anyway, this place is remote. Except for the small hillsides, the mountains and the valleys, it is like a place where birds don't shit. More than 1,000 people don't have to worry about disturbing the people when they go out.

However, when I went out, it was past two o'clock in the afternoon when I came back, and they all turned into chickens.

Gu Xingjin let them walk in place in the rain and patrolled the past row by row. Although after more than six consecutive hours of non-stop running with heavy loads, everyone was inevitably a little tired, but they still walked in a neat way. He stepped forward to give everyone a salute, and said loudly, "Take a break, look to the right, everyone is working hard in today's training, and now they all go back to change their clothes and go to the big kitchen to drink ginger soup. There is no training in the afternoon, so they are disbanded.

" After returning the salute, they left in neat steps.

Today, they are all going out for training. Ginger soup has been prepared in this big kitchen. Even if everyone is in good health, training is training, and cherishing must be cherished.

Gu Xingjin himself and Zhao Youbang took a few big strides to go home to change clothes, but was stopped by Political Commissar Jia, who was holding an umbrella, and shouted, "Company Commander Gu, you five companies are back."

He stopped and gave a salute. "Yes, political commissar, we have successfully completed the task of running 120 kilometers in 6 hours and 30 minutes."

Political commissar Jia stepped forward to cover him with an umbrella and said with a smile, "Very good, this is your first time. The four companies came back."

In fact, he couldn't stop laughing anymore, he told Commander Ye that his lover was fine, it was because he had just arrived and was not accustomed to the soil and water, so he fell ill, but Commander Ye thought that he was pretending I was sick, and I asked myself to bring a doctor to the door to confirm it.

Political commissar Jia was worried about others coming and scared his little daughter-in-law, so he just brought someone by himself, just when he saw Gu Xingjin, he said with a smile, "yesterday your lover gave me a few candies, the taste is very good, I will be cheeky and ask for some more today. Grain."

Naturally, this was a good excuse he came up with, but he was embarrassed to ask for other people's things in vain, and he was carrying a large iron box of biscuits in a net pocket.

Gu Xingjin's heart was actually 10,000 reluctant to give others the candy Tang Bao made for himself. However, when the leader opened his mouth, he naturally agreed, "It's fine if the political commissar doesn't dislike it, she just likes to think about it."

He was afraid of Tang Bao is doing something that cannot be seen by outsiders. Even if he has the key, he will not open the door, but knock on the door.

"Come on," Tang Bao quickly came to open the door, and when he saw Gu Xingjin's body soaking wet, he snapped, "Hurry up and drink a bowl of ginger soup, and then eat a scallion boiled egg to drive away the cold, the heat The water is ready, go take a shower, and then come out to eat some porridge."

Tang Bao pushed Gu Xingjin into the small bathroom, and took out his washed clothes and put them on the balcony before pouring water for them.

"Don't be busy, I'll check your body first." The military doctor put down the medicine box in his hand and took out the stethoscope from it.

As soon as Tang Bao heard this, he saw the middle-aged military doctor who could not hide his pride. I finally found something I was interested in.

It's like the hero finally has a place to work.

She smiled cutely on her face, "I am a Chinese medicine practitioner myself, so I naturally know that I am in good health now, so you don't need to worry about it." The military doctor glanced at Political Commissar Jia when he heard the words.

Political Commissar Jia put his fist against his mouth and coughed a few times, looked at Tang Bao, smiled, and said gently, "You child, I saw that your throat was uncomfortable yesterday. This is Dr. Yang from our military hospital. It's okay if he shows you."

Tang Bao didn't know that Political Commissar Jia wanted to come to relieve himself. Hearing that he insisted on saying that he was ill, he smiled and looked at them and said, "You guys are so strange, I don't think so. If you are sick, you have to see a doctor. Political Commissar Jia, you are sick yourself, but you insist on not seeing a doctor." The military doctor looked at Political Commissar Jia, frowned at Tang Bao and said, "What nonsense are you talking about, I gave Political Commissar Jia three days ago. He has taken the cold medicine, and he has already recovered from his illness."

Tang Bao felt that the man's interface was too timely, and finally gave himself room to play, raised his chin, looked at them with almond eyes and said, "According to our traditional Chinese medicine. It is said that the eyes open to the liver, the nose to the lungs, the mouth to the spleen, the ears to the kidneys, and the tongue to the heart. From the face, you can see the operation of various organs in his body.

However, the human body itself has the function of immunity. Sometimes small problems such as colds and fever can also use their own immunity to fight the invasion of the diseased body.

However, Political Commissar Jia has a heavy nasal congestion, a cracked cough, and a little redness under his nose. This is obviously because the cold is not good. If you have a fever, you don't believe in taking his temperature. If it is not 38 degrees, I will let you handle it.

The military doctor felt that this little girl was really eloquent. She said so much without panting, so that she couldn't get into her mouth, but at the end, she doubted her medical skills, and she couldn't help showing a sullen look on her face, and said, "Okay, okay. , this is what you said, if I measure out that Political Commissar Jia doesn't have a fever, I don't want you to do anything else, as long as you go to the training ground for a month and treat your laziness well."

Tang Bao thought . Thinking that she is very diligent, this person must be sick, or else she is curious, but Yang Junyi thought she was afraid, narrowed her eyes, and snorted, "Why are you afraid?" "

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