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 Tang Mingyuan brought his wife and daughter Tang Laohan and greeted them in front of them. Tang Laohan nodded, said a few polite words, and went to talk to his old relatives.

Madam Tang was wearing brand-new blue clothes and trousers, sitting on the edge nibbling melon seeds. Maybe she had been told beforehand, but she gave them an unwilling look on her face, with a slanted look.

Tang Hongxia also knew that they were in conflict. She didn't want to let the Zhao family see jokes on this happy day. She took Su Su's mother and daughter to another room and sat down. She grabbed a few candies for Tang Bao before saying with a smile on her face. "The house is too crowded, so I borrowed a few rooms from the two next door. You can sit there as you please. Mingyuan, you can go to the kitchen first.

" She doesn't go into the kitchen very much, for fear that they will be more and more busy when they go to the kitchen.

"Come, let's drink tea." Tang Mingzhong was of middle height, with ordinary eyebrows and eyes, and looked very honest and honest. He held two brand-new white enamel jars with the characters of big red 囍 and handed them to Su Su and Tang Bao. He didn't look particularly happy. .

Tang Bao thanked him, lifted the lid and saw that there were actually a few pieces of tea leaves. After taking a small sip, it was still sweet. He felt that the Liu family had made a lot of money in order to marry Zhao Aizhen. Otherwise, the Zhao family would not be able to be so extravagant. Hospitality, after all, there are two unmarried sons.

Tang Hongxia smiled with a smile on her face, talking about how good Liu's family is. She bought a watch, a bicycle, a sewing machine, and a tape recorder. She couldn't hide her bragging. A few men should be careful when carrying them into the car."

"Aizhen looks lucky, and it will be a blessing in the future."

Of course, everyone who heard it cooperated and said good things, it seems that this marriage, that is Male talent and female appearance, a pair made in heaven.

Tang Bao looked around, didn't see Zhao Aizhen, and didn't see Tang Hongjun, he knew that he was courting the Yue family, but he thought about whether Liu Xiaojun would come to pick up the bride, and if he got angry then, everyone's expressions What will happen and when Liu Xiaojun becomes

self-willed, can everyone still praise him?

It's a pity that I have to sit next door after waiting, so I can't see the excitement.

However, the good thing is that Zhao Aizhen doesn't have to be afraid of fooling her at


Tang Bao felt bored listening to the laughter.

At this time, Zhao Aizhen walked in wearing a pink floral blouse and blue trousers, which made her look fresh and clean, as if she was glowing.

In 1969, when materials were scarce, most people's clothes were mainly black, gray, blue and green, and the colors were dull and monotonous.

However, in the city, you can often see people who look like male and female cadres wearing really good shirts,

but in the countryside, even if you have really good clothes, you are often reluctant to wear them unless you are in an "extraordinary period".

"Oh, looking at Aizhen looks really good." Several women pulled Zhao Aizhen to sit down and surrounded her with praise.

Zhao Aizhen showed a very reserved smile, but when she raised her hand, she showed the new watch on her wrist just right, and smiled and talked to them, "I just like us talking together, thinking of seeing the mayor later. I feel a little nervous in my heart."

"Oh, my silly girl, the mayor will be your uncle in the future, and your in-laws are both capable people, so do you still have to worry about your future life?"

"That's right, you usually want to see the mayor. It's hard on the other side, in the future"

Su Su didn't bother to join in the fun, so she motioned Tang Bao with her eyes to go out with her to get some air.

The Zhao family lived in the kind of blue brick unit building assigned by the factory. There were two floors. They lived downstairs. When they went out, they could see the small yard between the two buildings. Now there are several pots in the yard. I can already smell the aroma of chicken, and many children are attracted to swallow their saliva not far away.

Zhao Mingyuan was busy cutting vegetables, and the five men and women of the Tang family and Zhao family were also working.

Su Su went up and put the vegetables he cut into a clean basket on the side.

Tang Zhiguo, who came with a basket of briquettes, put down the burden, looked tired and couldn't stand up, sat on the stool beside him, gasping for breath, then patted his head again and said loudly, "Oh, I forgot to buy salt."

Seeing Tang Bao standing there, dressed in ordinary blue clothes and trousers, also looked very cute and cute. It was a world of difference from the unkempt one I saw last time, but I couldn't bear to be cleaned up.

But if she is good, she will have no good fruit to eat.

He took out two salt tickets and a piece of two yuan money from his pocket and handed it to her, then said with a smile, "Tang Bao, go to the store at the door to buy two packs of salt for me, and the rest of the money will buy you soda. "

It's normal for people to run errands, and since he spoke out loud, Tang Bao naturally couldn't refuse.

At this time, she really didn't expect anything to happen. After greeting her parents, she took the money and tickets and went out.

After all, when they came in, they saw a shop diagonally opposite the door, and it was broad daylight again. Su Su just subconsciously told her daughter, "Then go back quickly."

Zhao Zhiguo looked at Tang Bao's back, and thought in his heart I am also fortunate. Fortunately, I saw Tang Bao outside. If there were a lot of people sitting together, it would be really difficult for me to find a reason to send her away.

And the third aunt did not follow, so the big cousin should be happier

. However, how did Tang Bao offend the big cousin, so that the big cousin must find someone to teach her a lesson.

I just hope they know the importance when they do it, but don't scare the stupid cousin again.

Most people seek advantages and avoid disadvantages, and he is no exception. One is a great cousin with a promising future, and it can be said that he is still in control of his future.

One is just a little cousin in the countryside, who doesn't usually communicate with each other, which is self-evident.

It only took Tang Bao seven or eight minutes to go to the store outside to buy salt, but was told that their salt was gone today and asked her to go to the store in front of her.

This is a bit of a coincidence.

When Tang Bao was passing through the small alley, she heard footsteps behind her, and her whole body became subconsciously alert. She quickened her pace and walked forward, but saw a man in coarse clothes walking over with a pole carrying a wooden bucket. The road is blocked.

She took advantage of the situation to stand against the wall and turned around to look. Behind them were three ordinary men in loose blue overalls, with the words Textile Factory printed on their pockets, and also holding cloth bags in their hands.

"Oh, this is really a coincidence," one of the men also came to Tang Bao and stood against the wall, and said politely, "We all stand on the side and let him go first."

At this moment, Tang Bao felt something was wrong.

Because she found that there seemed to be people at the entrance of Hudong on both sides, but they didn't come in, which was a bit wrong.

But she naturally lowered her head and looked at the ground. When the man carrying the barrel was about to walk to her side, she quickly turned around and ran back.

She felt that something was wrong. Although she suddenly let go and ran away, she looked a little silly, but even if she was regarded as a lunatic, it would be better than being made dumplings.

"Grab her, where are you going?"

The two men in blue overalls shouted eagerly, then threw the cloth bag in their hands and reached out to grab her.

The other two also ran towards Tang Bao, obviously trying to catch turtles in the urn.

Tang Bao was a little anxious. Although the blue bricks in the space could crush them to death, the problem was that there were people on both sides of the alley, and most of them were accomplices. If she did it herself, wouldn't they see her secret

? If he turned around and ran away, he didn't even know anyone, would he still be able to catch up and kill him?

Seeing that he was about to be wrapped in dumplings, Tang Bao bit his lip and his almond eyes sharpened.

After marrying Liu Qiaoyue, Tang Hongjun enjoyed the good treatment of the Liu family's son-in-law, and did not want anyone to share all this with him.

But I didn't expect that grandma, an idiot, really took Aizhen to Liu's house under the bewitchment of her aunt.

Aizhen was sent by them to accompany Liu Xiaojun who was playing marbles in the yard downstairs. The three women went to the balcony upstairs to talk while looking down at the two people in the yard.

Madam Tang also tried her best to say that Aizhen was a good, well-behaved and obedient girl, not knowing how much better than that idiot Tang Bao.

It is undeniable that Zhao Aizhen is very good-looking, with a fair goose egg face and delicate eyebrows, plump red lips and smiling phoenix eyes are particularly lovely.

And also take care of people, Liu Xiaojun took her to play marbles with him.

Seeing her son clinging to Aizhen so quickly, Jin Xiufang was not very satisfied, but felt that this girl was too good at making things happen. If she really entered the door, she was afraid that her son would be pinched in her palm.

Although she wanted to marry a wife for her son, it did not mean that she was willing to coax her son into confusion by her future daughter-in-law.

But Liu Xiaojun likes it. Although he is a bit stupid, his family is used to bullying the weak, and he likes to eat alone, and he is used to suing the wicked first.

Reluctantly to say something, it is estimated that he is innocent and

his domineering temperament, and he also keeps the neighbors at a distance, and he is polite when he encounters them, but he does not allow his children to come over to play, so as not to eat Loss has to be compensated.

Zhao Aizhen knew for a long time that he was an idiot, even though he looked tall and fat, and was already a 20-year-old boy, but in his heart he was like a five- or six-year-old child, as long as he had fun, he would be happy.

She played with him, coaxed him to say good things, called his brother quietly, and flattered him that he was good at playing marbles.

This made Wu Xiaojun very excited. put one in his hand.

It was because the family was willing to spend less time with him, and Sister-in-law Wu would only let him watch TV obediently. The little boy liked this playmate more. He said, "Mom, I like my sister, and I will let her play with me in the future."

Aizhen was held by his hand, and lowered her head in a shy whisper, "Will you let me go?"

"Then why don't you stay with me?" Liu Xiaojun was

young I've been lonely for a long time in my heart, and I was looking forward to having someone play with me. Seeing that she didn't agree, I just hugged her and cried and said, "I don't want you to go.

" I almost vomited blood because of the benefits I got from the Liu family.

Seriously, if he had a sister himself, he would definitely be willing to marry his sister to Liu Xiaojun, so that he could take the opportunity to get everything in the Liu family in the future.

But now, the aunt's family has succeeded. Aizhen has older brothers and younger brothers, and can have his cousin for his own benefit. He knows that he must be cruel.

Fortunately, he had accidentally met Aizhen eating with other men before, and even if there was no ambiguous thing between them, he would try to turn the affair between them into a fact.

But after he asked Hu Xiaobing to drink too much, it was said that there was already an improper relationship between the two.

So he came up with a brilliant idea of ​​killing three birds with one stone.

Here, let Aiguo call out Tang Bao, and when Tang Bao is tied up, he will encourage Hu Xiaobing, who has been overcharged, to come out and make a scene when the parents of the man and woman meet.

And the Liu family couldn't lose this face, so they came up with their own ideas to put Tang Bao on top.

In this way, the aunt's family will not think about relying on Aizhen to control the Liu family in the future. Tang Bao is unwilling and unable to escape from his palm, and the Liu family will value himself more in the future.

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