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On October 21st, just after one o'clock in the afternoon, Tang Bao was sleeping peacefully on the warm bed when he heard a knock on the door.

In order to maintain his good image of being serious and motivated, Tang Bao could only leave the warm bed. After getting dressed, he still held a medical book before opening the door.

But after opening the door, she saw Zhao Meixiang's mother and daughter at the door of her house, she instantly restrained the smile on her face, frowned and said, "What are you doing?"

She saw Zhao Qiqi's face was sallow, and she was wrapped in a thick cotton coat at the moment.

It's already like this. It is said that she has no energy to trouble herself.

However, she still doesn't dare to be careless. After all, Zhao Meixiang and her daughter are not fuel-efficient lamps.

Moreover, behind them were two guards and a young girl with a familiar face.

Of course, if it wasn't for seeing strangers, how could Tang Bao talk to them calmly, and they would have been shut out a long time ago.

Zhao Meixiang's face was also a little haggard. At this time, she looked pitiful, helpless and compromising, and said weakly, "Tang Bao, I'm here to ask you to save Qiqi. We were wrong before, and Qiqi shouldn't be. He had a bad idea about Xingjin, so he wanted to dismantle you. Now you see that she is already like this, so let's go and save her. I'll kneel down for you."

Tang Bao heard her words, really She was stunned for a moment, Zhao Meixiang exposing her short confession like this is really abnormal.

But she saw the stunned expressions of the three behind her, and after thinking about it, she understood her vicious thoughts.

When she said this, she not only concealed the reason for the disagreement between the Zhao family and the Gu family, but also forced herself to save people. Otherwise, they would definitely announce that she was jealous of the scandal between Gu Xingjin and Zhao Qiqi.

However, Zhao Qiqi is dying now and shameless, but he can't let her ruin Gu Xingjin's reputation.

Tang Bao heard Zhao Meixiang kneel down and threatened himself, and sighed, "Ms. Zhao, medicine doctors don't die, and Buddha saves people who are destined. Your Zhao family hospital is also famous in Xin'an Province, and you can't do anything about Miss Zhao's illness. I only know a little bit about it, and I would never dare to risk Miss Zhao's life."

Zhao Meixiang knew in her heart that Tang Bao was not merciful, but since she came, she could not help but agree, and said with red eyes, "Our Zhao family hospital. It's useless, I was helpless to Ms. Lin before, but you can cure Ms. Lin, who is dying of a lingering illness, and now my daughter can also be cured."

After saying that, he bowed his knees and slowly knelt down to her.

The reason why he knelt down slowly was of course because he wanted Tang Bao to support him, so that she would not actually kneel on the concrete floor.

But Tang Bao didn't cooperate. Seeing her kneeling down to her, she didn't help him. Instead, he stepped aside and said embarrassedly, "It's not the old society anymore, don't be so servile and kneel when you say kneel, let's just kneel down. Now is a new society, we must talk about being civilized and polite, right?"

But she spoke too slowly, and when she was kneeling on the ground, she finished speaking.

If she had said this earlier, Zhao Meixiang would not have knelt down, but now that she has knelt down, she will not give up until she achieves her goal, crying and saying, "I know I was wrong, pity the hearts of parents in the world, as long as you promise. Save my daughter, I can promise you anything."

Zhao Qiqi hated to death, and at this point, she could only be forced to take action, and she simply knelt down, crying very sadly "Doctor Tang, please You save me, I don't want to die, I will never cause you any more trouble in the future, you have a lot, don't bother with me."

Ye Tingting heard that Zhao Qiqi liked Company Commander Gu at the side. I was really surprised. Later, when I saw their mother and daughter kneeling down, I felt that Zhao Meixiang was really kind to this sick eldest daughter.

SHe also opened her mouth and said, "Doctor Tang, please fulfill Aunt Zhao's love for her daughter. Besides, don't you all who study medicine talk about the hearts of doctors and parents?"

The two guards were stunned for a moment, looked at each other and went to help them. They said warmly, "You all get up and talk, so that others will see it, it's not good."

They didn't notice that there was someone hiding at the stairs.

In this cold weather, everyone kept their doors closed and heated the fire at home, but Wang Yuxian happened to come back from someone else's house, and happened to see them coming, so she followed curiously to watch the fun.

Seeing the situation now, Wang Yuxian was not good. Anyway, she herself did not dare to offend Commander Ye's precious granddaughter. After thinking about it, she turned around and ran back.

Although Tang Bao didn't say to see Luo Wei's doctor, the taste of the decoction of traditional Chinese medicine could not be concealed from others. Everyone dared not ask more questions in front of Luo Wei and Head Gu, but they were all guessing in private that they must be wanting to give birth. My child, I am drinking traditional Chinese medicine, and I am usually close to Tang Bao.

Now Wang Yuxian feels that only Luo Wei can help Tang Bao.

Although Colonel Gu's military rank cannot be compared with Commander Ye, everyone knows that Colonel Gu's brothers and cousins ​​are very promising. 

Yu Fengya was cooking a fire together at Luo Wei's house, knitting sweaters, and gossiping. When she saw her hurriedly running over to talk about things, both of them couldn't sit still.

Luo Wei got up with a straight face and said, "Sister Yu, I'll go take a look first, I'm sorry."

Yu Fengya saw them striding away, she bit her lip, and quickly followed.

When they arrived, the Zhao family's mother and daughter were still kneeling on the ground and reluctant to get up.

The guards really didn't dare to forcefully help these two thin women, but it's not a way to stand still like this, and the influence is not good. The two looked at each other, and one of them quietly exited.

Luo Wei stepped forward and said loudly, "Aiyo, what did these two do wrong, that's why they are kneeling in this Tang Bao, if you can forgive them, forgive them"

And Wang Yuxian was also afraid that he would be too conspicuous to watch the fun, so he soon called out several other households in this building to watch the fun.

No, she was saying that everyone came to give Tang Baozhuang courage.

Tang Bao felt that Luo Wei was very good at talking. When she said this, it seemed that the Zhao family's mother and daughter were at fault first, so she pretended to be helpless and sighed, "Yeah, I don't blame you for what you did in the first place, but I'm also not sure about Miss Zhao's illness. If you want me to prescribe medicine, then write it down in black and white first. If someone dies, I'm not responsible."

Zhao Meixiang glanced at her and saw more than ten people in the corridor. , his face is instantly hot.

Since she was so embarrassed, she didn't want Tang Bao to feel better, so she cried bitterly and said, "Tang Bao, I beg you to save my daughter, if you still blame us in your heart, I will let your father-in-law come to give it to you too. Kneel down, okay?"

She didn't believe it, she told herself that she was her mother-in-law, she could still not compromise, if she guessed correctly, the previous guards must have gone to Commander Ye and Gu Xiu'an.

Anyway, even if Tang Bao doesn't agree now, in front of Commander Ye and Gu Xiu'an, she can only agree no matter what.

Even if he is the mother-in-law, the father-in-law is a relative. According to the superstition of today's people, if the elders kneel in front of the younger generation, they will be struck by thunder.

At this point, even if his daughter died, she could only die in Tang Bao's hands.

When Luo Wei went to Gu Yuhang's wedding a few months ago, she also stayed in Xin'an Province for a while. Hearing Lin Yafen talk about this, she said unceremoniously, "You really can be hard on others and pick up a man with amnesia. I won't return it, I will leave the children to be self-reliant. Now it's up to others to see their future. You, a stepmother, can't use such nonsense to wrong people. You can't treat them in your own hospital, but now you are forcing the little girl to treat them. Good her, you can't be so unreasonable as a human being."

The military sister-in-law who followed her listened with great enthusiasm.

God, this is really unexpected

Tang Bao really didn't feel that she couldn't bear anything. After all, she didn't stand in front of their mother and daughter. How could she be so lenient?

And she felt that this was just a striker, and there would definitely be follow-ups in the future.

At this time, she can still be distracted and think about it, if Gu Xiu'an also came to kneel, should she have someone shout to the high hall next to

her, but when she saw Yu Fengya was there, her heart was not calm, and now the two of them are They didn't know each other, but if they waited for Gu Xiu'an to come, it would be bad.

However, she herself is too conspicuous now, and if you talk to her about it, it will make people pay more attention.

But at this time, she looked downstairs and saw Gu Xiu'an and an old man in a military coat coming, followed by guards, she could only say "Yu, Aunt Yu, I'm making medicine in the kitchen, you can go in and see for me. Come on."

Yu Fengya has never been in their room, and this is the first time her daughter-in-law greets her. In the past, even if she greeted her and wanted to ask more about her son, she just smiled politely. Leave with a smile.

Therefore, Yu Fengya hurriedly responded, she passed the kneeling Zhao family's mother and daughter, and stepped into the place where her son lived.

Tang Bao also told her worriedly, "Please watch the ignition for me, you can't leave the kitchen if I don't go in."

"Okay, don't worry." Yu Fengya, who felt that she was entrusted by her daughter-in-law, entered the kitchen. , saw a large iron pot on the coal stove, carefully opened the lid, saw a pot of tea eggs inside, stunned.

However, as soon as she thought about it, she realized that the woman outside was Gu Xiu'an's current woman.

She took a deep breath and felt very complicated for a while, but she still came to the door of the kitchen and listened to the movement outside.

Although Commander Ye felt that Zhao Meixiang was not as upright as her father and brothers, but he also knew that the Zhao family had too few children and grandchildren. When the three Zhao family came to him, he saw Zhao Qiqi weakly calling him Grandpa Ye, and he felt in his heart. Sadly, only then did the guards who were responsible for their own safety and granddaughter accompany them.

Gu Xiu'an briefly told him about the misunderstanding between himself and his son, and three points were true and seven points false, but Commander Ye did not doubt the truth of what he said.

When the guards flew back and said that the Zhao family's mother and daughter were kneeling at the door and reluctant to get up, they naturally couldn't sit still and came over quickly.

When the military wives saw them coming, they all subconsciously gave way.

Zhao Qiqi's body itself is very weak, and now she is ashamed and angry. When she saw them coming, she felt that she could add fuel to the fire. She tilted her body and leaned on Zhao Meixiang's body weakly, and fainted perfectly. .

Zhao Meixiang simply hugged her daughter and sat on the ground, crying like a dead daughter, "Qiqi, don't do anything, it's all your fault, you shouldn't offend those who can't be offended in the first place."

Although Tang Bao don't know Commander Ye, but the military wives next to him greeted Commander Ye, and they knew that their cards had been revealed. Before they wanted to speak, they said, "Ms. Zhao, I really have no confidence in curing your daughter's disease. Kneeling like this is of no use except to embarrass me.

Two months ago, my wife was injured and was hospitalized. My parents and I could only wait in the hospital for the doctor to treat him. We The three of them are helpless, but they believe that the doctor will definitely cure him.

But your Zhao family hospital is very famous in Xin'an Province, and you have invited experts from several hospitals for consultation, but there is nothing you can do. Do not do what you want to others, I have always kept in mind the words of my parents, and I will never force others to be difficult."

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