Looking For Husband in a Thousand Miles 5

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 "However, there seems to be a lot of things on the tree." Although Tang Bao didn't see what was on the tree, he gave himself a very bad feeling and asked in a low voice, "Xiao Bai, could it be that we found the wrong tree? It looks very normal."

Xiaobai didn't dare to rush forward, but after a moment of concentration, he jumped to the ground dexterously, and turned around Tang Bao several times before he said excitedly, "Why? Maybe this is usually the ancient god tree Jianmu, Jianmu is a bridge that can communicate with heaven, earth, human beings and gods, and can travel up and down the world."

"Then there must be something wrong with this tree." Tang Bao pierced Xiaobai, "Or you wouldn't know it now. Turn around me, and squatted on the tree a long time ago, instead of circling around me."

Xiaobai climbed onto Tang Bao's body smoothly and nodded, "Yeah, there are unclean things here, and There are a lot of Gu on the tree, only you can put the tree into the space, as long as you enter the space, those Gu will die naturally."

Tang Bao said angrily, "It's not that you don't know, the tree grows in the soil, I can't take it. When I entered the space and waited for me to dig a tree, I would have already been killed by the worm, okay?"

"Of course I know, but can this tree be the same as other trees?" Xiao Bai looked at him with disgust in his eyes. She "Can you stop being so afraid of death? How can the Gu now be so powerful? I have been with Shenshugou before. As long as you go to collect it, Jianmu will cooperate with you to enter the space. As for those Gus, it is impossible to enter you now. You must have a special flute sound to listen to the command."

Tang Bao breathed a sigh of relief, "It's good that you can't speak human words, at least you can understand the words of the tree, then you can ask Jianmu again, if I tighten the tree Space, will this place collapse?"

Xiaobai looked at her with his idiot's eyes, "No, this is a cave, and it's not the tofu slag project you mentioned."

Tang Bao suddenly said, "It's broken, it's broken. , we heard the sound of the flute before, could it be that someone is going to indulge Gu Xingjin?"

Tang Bao, who suddenly remembered this, couldn't care about anything else, and hurried forward to collect Jianmu, but in the The moment she touched the tree pole, it seemed that there were countless caterpillars attacking Tang Bao's hands and body. Her arms were red and swollen at a speed visible to the naked eye, and she couldn't help crying in pain.

"It hurts to death, Mom." Tang Bao didn't want to let himself hurt in vain. As soon as he thought about it, he wanted to tighten Jianmu's space, but Jianmu didn't move at all, and Tang Bao was so angry that he almost jumped. "What's going on? Why? I can't take it in."

Xiaobai is also in a hurry. "You, I haven't made it clear to you. If Jianmu enters the space like this, it will wither. You have to send me into the space first. You have to let me in the space. Support Jianmu !"

Tang Bao grew up in the countryside, and he also had the experience of being stung by caterpillars. The itching and pain were intertwined, like being burned by fire, which was really a very unpleasant experience.

But now Tang Bao feels as if her whole body is surrounded by caterpillars, and her whole body is stinged. The intense itching and pain made her tears unbearable, and she felt like she was hot. Like being burned.

Tang Bao couldn't care about anything else. At the same time as Xiaobai was sent into the space, when his mind moved, Jianmu disappeared in place and entered the space, and Tang Bao also hurried into the space.

There was a loud noise in the space, and Xiaobai came on stage.

"Hahaha, Jianmu is mine now." Xiaobai lay on Jianmu, unable to stop being silly. "Spiritual power, zero wood, hahaha, now you don't have to worry about my lack of spiritual power anymore."

The moment Tang Bao entered the space, he felt a lot of things fell from his body. When he looked down, it was all black bugs. Although he didn't know it, he knew it wasn't a good thing. Killing the goblin, roaring, "Xiao Bai, you liar, and you said that Gu is not against me, are these all Gus?"

Xiaobai quibbled on the tree, "I said that those Gus will not enter your body, not that Gus do not. I will prey on you."

However, Xiaobai couldn't bear to see Tang Bao's swollen and swollen face. "If you are really uncomfortable, then you will pick a few leaves and eat it, and it will not hurt."

Tang Bao felt that if he was self-control The strength is almost, and now she really can't help rolling on the ground.

The terrifying pain was like being burned by fire, and the stinged body developed an extremely itchy rash, which quickly spread to the whole body, and it was unbearably itchy. In severe places, the rash had formed blisters.

As soon as Xiaobai said that leaves can make him feel better, he hurried forward to pick the leaves. Only then did he see the tall trees outside. Now they are quietly falling into the spiritual wooden box where Xiaobai slept before, and it has become only about a meter in height.

And the whole tree is purple and looks weird.

Tang Bao was a little hesitant when he wanted to pick the leaves, "Why did it suddenly become so efficient? If I ate the leaves, I wouldn't die."

"Jianmu was about to be killed by these stupid people. Space, you also need to cultivate well, and now it will be better to cultivate."

Xiaobai can't wait to stick himself on the building wood to practice, so he urges Tang Bao, "The building wood is still small, you can just eat two leaves. And when Jianmu was rescued by us, people outside will feel it, you should leave here quickly, so as not to be beaten up."

"You didn't say it sooner." Tang Bao didn't dare to delay, so he hurriedly picked two leaves and chewed them. After swallowing it, he hurriedly left the space without caring about the pain all over his body.

She felt that if the other side could know what was going on here, if everyone over there came over, no one would look at Gu Xingjin, and she could take the opportunity to bring him out.

On this night, Tang Bao didn't dare to use a flashlight, so she could only walk deep and shallow to the bright light in the east. Before she could go far, she heard footsteps, and many people hurried with torches. run over here.

Tang Bao hid in the space and watched them run towards the cave, and he hurried to the east.

Gu Xingjin was sitting on a chair in a silk red short coat and trousers, looking at the bed with new green and red stitched sheets, the two beds were neatly folded with red, big green flowers on the bottom with mandarin ducks at the bottom. The quilt and the lit red candle swayed, and I heard the sound of drinking, laughter, and cheerful singing from outside, and my face was gloomy.

Every day here makes him feel terribly tormented.

Success or failure is tonight, and your own life and death are also tonight.

Not to mention that he has a wife, even if he doesn't have a wife, he can't accept that a big man like him should be forced by a woman, not to mention that she will slap her in the face if she doesn't like it, and want to sleep with him if she likes it, thinking of herself as something.

Besides, people didn't want to be with him because they liked him, but because of the damn legend that

Miao Danfeng came in wearing a brand-new green satin dress, and behind her were two strangers, one tall and one short. The man, behind him, Li Zong came in with a large thick porcelain bowl on a log tray.

The glamorous Miao Danfeng walked in and saw Gu Xingjin in the bridegroom's suit looking particularly handsome under the light of the red candle, with a smile on his face, "Give him the medicine." The

short man looked at Gu Xingjin. His eyes were filled with hatred and yin and yang, "He's turned into a pot of medicine, Danfeng, don't you dislike the smell of medicine all over his body?" The

tall man also smiled and said, "Why don't we take him to the holy pond for a wash? "

Li Shang still had that dead face, and came to Gu Xingjin's side with the medicine bowl, motioning him to drink the medicine.

According to what the two had agreed before, Gu Xingjin knew that there was medicine in the bowl, so he knocked it over when he waved his hand, glared at them and said, "What do you guys want?

" He wanted to slap him, but his slender hand was held by a tall man, "Danfeng, don't worry, if you break someone, it's not you who will be distressed. Anyway, there is still a big pot of this medicine, wait for our brothers. Give it to him personally."

Miao Danfeng then restrained the anger on his face, turned around and gave him a charming smile, "It's still my brother who treats me well." The short man was angry when he saw that the opportunity to show his hospitality was taken away. He stared at Li Shang in disgust, and scolded him with disgust, "What are you doing here, why don't you hurry up to fill the medicine?"

Li Shang still walked out with a dead face, and soon came over with another bowl of medicine.

The two men stepped forward to restrain Gu Xingjin's hand and asked Li Shang to pour him the medicine.

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