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I have never done anything wrong in my life, and I am not afraid of ghosts knocking on the door in the middle of the night.

But in this life, there are a few people who can pat themselves on the chest and say that they have nothing wrong with them in this life.

Old man Tang admits his duty, but yesterday's nightmare made his heart skip a beat. He felt sweaty under the hot sun. This is peace of mind.

When he saw Tang Bao now, he remembered the scene yesterday when Mrs. Su stabbed herself with a knife and stabbed herself for cramps, wiped the sweat from her forehead with her sleeve, and wondered if he should visit them.

When Tang Mingyuan and Su Su got married, Mrs. Su gave them a silver dollar in private, and agreed that they should give birth to Tang Mingyuan.

According to the agreement at that time, Tang Mingyuan didn't need to care about the Tang family after he entered the Su family.

But after Mrs. Su was gone, Mrs. Tang asked them for five yuan a month, and he did not object, thinking that the third would give five yuan, and the eldest and the second would give tickets, so that they could save some money. , don't be afraid when you get old.

It may be because the third child doesn't live with them, they always feel that they will be lying in bed when they are old, and they can't expect the third child to be filial in bringing medicine and food.

But now Tang Mingyuan and his wife are locked up, and the eldest grandson said that this matter is very important, so let them not worry about it, he will help.

He was really afraid of that kind of place, so he endured it and didn't go there. He didn't expect to have nightmares as soon as he closed his eyes these two nights. It was really torturous.

At this time, Mrs. Tang came out with an enamel tank with peeling paint. When she saw Tang Bao, she thought of the money she took last time, and shouted angrily, "What are you doing again?"

Tang Bao looked like a pissed off little daughter-in-law, weak Weakly whispered, "Milk, I just wanted to ask if my eldest brother has asked about the Liu family for me."

Madam Tang sneered bitterly, "Hongjun is so busy, you are still urging your soul, it's not that you disliked Liu before?

The old man Tang couldn't listen anymore, frowned and said, "Shut up for me." Then he looked gloomily at Tang Bao and said, "Your brother will come over after work, you can just ask him when the time comes."

Tang Bao looked at his big bags under the eyes , I knew that he didn't sleep well, so naturally he wouldn't stay to continue to be annoying, and said obediently, "Then I'll go see my parents first, and come back later."

"No," Mrs. Tang was not willing to let it go . Such a free laborer, quickly said, "Where are you going, leave those beans for me to peel without a wink."

"Oh," Tang Bao stepped forward and started peeling the beans, but he was thinking about it. What excuse did he use to find out how much Tang Hongjun knew about the Liu family's accident, just as he was about to speak, he heard footsteps coming from outside, and then two police officers came in, one of them was Wu Aiguo.

Wu Aiguo just glanced at Tang Bao lightly, then his face was serious, and he said solemnly, "Uncle Tang, we are from the Public Security Bureau. I came here yesterday to ask if you have been to Liu's house recently. You said no, but press Based on the testimony from the Liu family, your two sons went to the Liu family alternately on May 28th and 29th."

Old man Tang and the others are very taboo towards the police at their age and don't want to deal with them. His sweat became more enjoyable, and he said honestly, "I don't know about them either."

"That's right, we are very honest, and we have already said everything we know." Madam Tang squeezed the gray one in her hands nervously. Coarse apron, guilty and short-tempered for fear that they will take him away.

Tang Bao saw their fearful appearance, and then she understood in her heart that Old Man Tang and the others were not only because of their own actions, but also because she was frightened when she saw Wu Aiguo. She peeled the beans and listened to them very carefully.

Of course, in Wu Aiguo's eyes, the scene of Tang Bao peeling beans with sweat under the scorching sun looked like a miserable little pity.

Naturally, he couldn't bear it any longer, and pointed at Tang Bao and said, "What is the relationship between this little girl and you? I didn't see her last time."

Madam Tang hurriedly said, "It doesn't matter. My third child has been separated a long time ago. If my comrade thinks there is something wrong with her, even if she takes her away, she was running around the town a few days ago."

Facing Madam Tang, this Tang Baoke didn't mind the disgusting attitude at all, instead he was curious about what Wu Aiguo meant, and squatted there and looked at him suspiciously.

Wu Aiguo looked at the little girl's face that was tanned brightly red, and remembered that although she was not in good health before, she was also raised by Tang Mingyuan and the others. Now the little girl's parents are not there, and the appearance of being under the fence is really pitiful. Instead, he was moved with sympathy and said, "You go out with us."

Tang Bao obediently responded, clapped his hands, and followed them away obediently.

Madam Tang didn't care about Tang Bao's life or death at all. Seeing them leave, she quickly closed the courtyard door and asked nervously, "Are they suspecting the eldest and second child of our family? The

old man Tang wiped his sweat, his back bowed even more, and with a sigh, he said, "Alright, wait a while before leaving, so as not to run into them."

Here, Wu Aiguo and the others went out of the alley . , He and his colleague whispered a few words, the colleague smiled kindly at Tang Bao, and then walked a few steps to the front to smoke.

Wu Aiguo looked at Tang Baowen and said, "Don't beg them, I will check the Liu family carefully, I will take care of Uncle Tang's affairs, you go home quickly." The

Liu family will deal with their own causes and consequences , Tang Bao had already told him, and he also felt that the Liu family was too much. Originally, his attitude towards Tang Bao was just normal, but after his marriage with his younger brother was messed up by himself, he always felt that he was a bit sorry for the Tang family.

In particular, the Tang family never complained about their backsliding, and Tang Bao wisely stuffed him a cigarette before, and now he naturally takes care of her.

She knew in her heart that he was thinking crooked, but she didn't correct it, she responded obediently, and inquired a few things about the Liu family.

Wu Aiguo couldn't tell her about the lockbox that suddenly appeared in the office, so as not to frighten her, he just said a few words vaguely, got a report letter, and told her a few words before he left with his colleagues in large strides.

Tang Bao didn't want to go back to the Tang family, so he simply walked to the Su family compound.

It's about two o'clock in the afternoon, and it's the hottest time of the day. Even if someone is outside, they come and go with straw hats.

When she met someone riding a bicycle, carrying a wooden box and chanting and selling popsicles, she saw that there were children buying it, and she went up to buy a white sugar popsicle for five cents. It was cold and sweet. fine.

Just as she was about to enter the Su family compound, she saw Ye Miaoxian riding a bicycle past her like the wind.

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