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"Then what are you waiting for?" Liu Qiaoyue quickly gave her an idea. "If you really like her, then cook cooked rice with raw rice, so that he will definitely be with you, or he will be arrested and criticized.

" It's not good, it's too embarrassing, besides, it's a new society now, women in the brothel can get married, I don't."

"You fool, since you like people, why don't you give it a try? If it does, it is Everyone is happy, even if it doesn't work, then you won't leave any regrets, right?" 

"It's not good, if it spreads out, how can I be a person?"

"What are you afraid of, or find someone in the public eye, you and her are not careful Hug and hug each other, or it's just"

Ge Hongxia heard her heart pounding, and saw them leave, she was stunned for a while, and the passing nurse greeted her with a smile, then she came back to her senses and went silly. pharmacy.

Wu Aihua happened to be coming in from outside. The young man had a natural smile and bright eyes. Looking at her, he greeted her with a smile, "Dr. Ge, if your brother invites you to dinner at noon, will you come with me?"

"Yes," Ge Hongxia saw his smiling eyes and looked up. The corners of his mouth turned up, his heart pounded like a deer, and his face was blushing, adding a bit of beauty, and pretending to be calm, "Then let's go together at that time.

Wu Aihua is born with a smile. With a reply , she passed her and entered the pharmacy. She really didn't know that she was being missed.

Ge Hongxia put her hands in her pockets and walked back, her eyes flashing with determination.

She knew him two years ago, and she When he fell down on a bicycle, he took him home; when he was accused by a patient, he stopped in front of him to save himself; when he was sick, he gave himself medicine.

So, for his own happiness, She has to fight once.

If Wu Aihua knew what she was thinking, he would definitely tell her that it was because your brother and my brother asked me to take care of you more.

Although some people still can't even eat enough rice, there are many factories in the town and the benefits are good, and many people are no longer satisfied with buying things with tickets, and go directly to the black market to buy things.

There are also people who don't want to burn it at home when they treat guests. It's too troublesome. Therefore, there have been more and more state-run restaurants or various restaurants on the side in recent years.

Of course, those who open restaurants now need special approval, or when there was

noon, the state-run restaurants were very lively.

When Ge Hongxia and Wu Aihua came over, they saw that Wu Aiguo and Ge Xiaobing had already ordered two dishes and were drinking. Seeing them, Ge Xiaobing hurriedly greeted them, "Hongxia, Aihua, you can come here, sit down."

He got up . He went to the window and urged him to serve the dishes, "Comrade, can we please hurry up some of the dishes we want?"

The girl who brought the plate looked at the police uniform on him, and her dissatisfied face instantly showed a smile, "Okay, comrade, it will be done right away. "

Wu Aihua usually doesn't like to drink, and he doesn't drink much, so he just drinks tea like Ge Hongxia.

"Aihua, come and have a drink at the bar, how can a man not drink?" Wu Aihua poured half a small bowl of white wine for his brother after seeing his younger brother drinking tea, and teased, "I will be disliked by my father-in-law in the future."

Wu Aihua instantly Thinking that Tang Bao still has medicinal wine at home, he really needs to learn to drink earlier, so that he can accompany his future father-in-law to drink some next time.

Seeing that the three men were drinking, Ge Hongxia simply poured them wine and listened to them by the way.

Wu Aihua asked curiously, "Brother, have you checked the black market too strictly recently?"

"It's not that there are endless riots in the black market, robbery, fights, and riots, and our side has also been affected." Wu Aiguo said After sipping a sip of wine, he picked up the chopsticks and ate the braised pork, and said in a low voice, "But the black market can't stop it, and now they go to Mantoupo to trade."

Ge Xiaobing approached them and said in a low voice, "My mother has also gone there to buy rice and noodles these few days. I heard that some people are still secretly raising pigs on the mountain. It will not be difficult to eat pork in the future."

"Then I will go shopping next time . ," Wu Aihua asked curiously, "When will the wind blow over?"

Ge Xiaobing ate a few peanuts, raised his eyebrows, and said in a low voice, "It will take another ten days for the pickets to leave, and when they leave, It can be recovered."

Wu Aiguo looked at Ge Hongxia, who was quiet, and asked gently, "Is your hospital busy recently?"

Ge Hongxia smiled shyly, "Fortunately, nowadays people are afraid that it will be too expensive to see a doctor in the hospital. Not many, but most of our fifty-odd hospital beds on the second floor have no vacancies."

Ge Xiaobing smiled and shook his head, "The main reason is that every village and brigade has barefoot doctors, otherwise you are not busy."

Wu Aihua drank some wine When Jiu Jin was over, he felt a little floating, and said with a smirk, "Doctors and barefoot doctors, we all serve the people, Uncle Tang's medical skills are very good, I"

"Yes, I know you like to study medicine." Wu Aiguo hit Duan brother's words, for fear that he would say something about Tang Bao, he smiled and changed the subject, "People in the faraway villages don't know how strict we are, and they bring a lot of wild things over here to change things. These days, we caught them on the spot. Now, these game will be cheaper for us."

"With more people and less meat, I got half a hare." Ge Xiaobing rubbed his chin and smirked, "There are mountains near your house, so take us to the mountains for a walk. , get some game to beat the teeth." The

Wu brothers responded with one bite.

It is rare for everyone to eat in a state-run restaurant, with good wine and good food. After eating and drinking, Ge Xiaobing and the others went back to the Public Security Bureau first.

Wu Aihua was overwhelmed with alcohol, intoxicated, swaying while walking, and muttering, "Why are everyone swaying while walking?"

"Aihua, be careful." Now couples can't hold hands on the street, and Ge Hongxia watches him go. Shaky, I really couldn't muster the courage to step forward to help him.

But seeing that Wu Aihua was about to hit the door, she still couldn't bear it, and anxiously stepped forward, "Be careful, don't bump into it."

Several men and women came to the door to eat. Seeing Wu Aihua's appearance, she made fun of it with kindness and went to go. It is better to help him to sit on the wooden stool by the door, let Ge Hongxia bring him a bowl of tea, and wipe his face with a handkerchief.

Ge Hongxia had a thief heart but did not dare to do anything in the end. Instead, she served him with tea and water.

It was said that drunkenness was clear, Wu Aihua wiped his face with a cold handkerchief and felt a little more awake. Seeing how busy she was, she said apologetically, "I'll just sit for a while, you go back to work first. It's bad if I'm late."

"It's alright, are you feeling better now?" Ge Hongxia really liked him, even if he smelled of alcohol now, she was reluctant to leave. Seeing someone coming over, she raised her eyes subconsciously. , but saw Tang Bao and a middle-aged man walking slowly

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