56. Good things

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Liu Zhihua saw that Tang Hongjun had left and closed the door, and then he opened the cardboard box, saw the contents inside with a satisfied smile, raised Erlang's legs, cut open the letter, and read it.

Tang Bao looked at two camellias, two cigarettes with Dazhongjiu, and two bulging envelopes. She was far apart, and she didn't know what was written in the letter, but she wanted to pass these things along.

If this letter can be handed over to the Public Security Bureau or the Deputy Mayor.

As he said, it took a lot of effort to send his parents to the picket team, then if he can treat others with the way of others, that would be the best.

Even if they can't get them in and tear this matter apart, the Liu family can't take care of themselves and doesn't have the time and energy to suppress their parents.

However, after Liu Zhihua read the letter, he took out a box of matches and burned the letter to

Tang Bao, watching the letter turn into ashes and falling into the spittoon on the side.

She vented her emotions to the fullest in the space, and finally regained her senses.

At this time, Liu Zhihua dipped his fingers with saliva. After counting, he got up and opened the lower level of the bookcase on one side, preparing to put some of these things in the safe.

However, it is impossible why his safe is missing It is absolutely impossible that the lower level of the bookcase has no mystery. It looks like the bottom of the cabinet, but the bottom is empty, just enough to put this safe.

All that is stored here are his private rooms, and only he knows where the safe is placed, but now there is no safe, and the thought that emerges from him is whether the safe has been discovered by his wife.

He only felt cold in his hands and feet, and walked to the room panting heavily. He wanted to go to the room to find his password box when his wife didn't come back.

Tang Bao heard the sound of the door opening and closing from the next door, so he quickly tiptoed out of Space, quietly went downstairs.

Fortunately, it is raining again outside, Tang Hongjun and the others did not come out, but were drinking tea and eating peanuts in the living room.

Tang Bao went downstairs in fright. After climbing the ladder to leave Liu's house with weak hands and feet, he didn't even bother to hold an umbrella, so he ran to Zheng's house.

Fortunately, she knew where the office compound was. It was raining in the reception room at the door. One old man and one young man did not stand guard, but sat inside while drinking tea and talking, without paying special attention to who came and went.

The main reason is that most people stay at home in this weather, Tang Bao covered herself with an umbrella and walked in without looking away.

The people inside took two glances, seeing that she didn't look around and sneaking around, and didn't care too much, thinking that the nanny of which house went out to buy things and only came back now.

Although the courtyard is also bare, the high blue brick courtyard walls and the neat red brick courtyards inside make it look a bit grand.

Previously, Zheng Wei explained in detail where he lived because he was afraid that someone would guard him when he went to the office building, and Tang Bao, a little girl, was too eye-catching, but it would be safer at home.

Tang Bao followed Zheng Wei's instructions and came to a small courtyard. Seeing that the house number was correct, he knocked on the door.

Even though she was carrying an umbrella, the strong wind and slanting rain still wet her trousers, but she was fortunate that few people walked around in this weather.

"Come here." Soon a middle-sized woman came to open the door. Bai Jing's face with a bit of richness could not hide her worry. Seeing Tang Bao, she asked, "Daughter, who are you looking for?"

Tang Bao saw her with short ears and short hair. The white really good shirt and light gray trousers, with a watch on the wrist, is very similar to what Zheng Wei described. It is estimated that she should be Zheng Wei's mother. , smiled shyly, "Auntie, are you Comrade Zheng Wei's mother?"

Zheng Ma nodded, led her in, and looked at her vigilantly, "What's the matter with you here?"

"Comrade Zheng Wei was chased yesterday. He came to our village by accident, and I let him live in my house, and people are still looking for him."

Before Tang Bao finished speaking, Zheng's mother's eyes were already red with excitement, "That's great, Awei will be fine. Thank you so much. Where is your home, I'll ask his father to send someone to pick him up."

Tang Bao recounted what happened when he encountered Zheng Wei, and then he said tactfully, "Now that there are people guarding the entrance of the village, it's better for uncle to bring a few more people there. It's better not to make too much fanfare."

"Okay, okay." Now What she said, Zheng's mother always agreed, and there was nothing more important than the safety of her son, and said anxiously, "Let's go to find my lover now."

Tang Bao didn't want to be too conspicuous, so as not to be stared at, SHe politely refused, "Auntie, I have something to do right now. I'll go to the Su family's compound first. Just hand over this letter to Uncle Zheng."

Mother Zheng took the letter she took out of her satchel and nodded, "Then. Be careful, we will see you later, I will definitely let my lover thank you."

After Tang Bao went out with her, she slowed down and distanced himself from her.

After exiting the gate, Tang Bao trotted and quickly returned to the Su family compound. Fortunately, Yang Yi had given him the key to the padlock in the room yesterday. After Tang Bao entered, he found that none of them came back.

She breathed a sigh of relief. She slumped on the chair on the side, and found that her whole body was soaked by the rain, and she had sweated because she was too nervous. She felt that she needed to change into clean clothes.

She cautiously changed into the same clothes and trousers as before. Seeing that no one was there, she was very curious about what she had done today, and as soon as her thoughts moved, she entered the space.

First open the iron box that came out of the picket team. The purpose is to introduce some letters of introduction. I saw that the top header on the top is the right and impressive printed font "Introduction Letter" three big characters, the content in the middle is blank, and the following Drop is the address where the letter of introduction is issued.

Below the letter of introduction is a pistol and a dozen rounds of bullets.

Tang Bao never thought that he would get such an important thing by accident. This blank letter of introduction has been a good thing in the past few years. It can be used.

However, I only know pistols, but I don't know how to use guns. It seems that I have to slowly explore.

She looked at the two military green lockboxes, one large and one small, and was very worried, "I don't know the password, this thing is useless in my hands. I'm going to start researching the structure of the safe now."

"Hahaha laughing at me, why are you so stupid?" Dandan, who hadn't seen him for a long time, suddenly appeared in the space, and came to Tang Bao's side like a ball, laughing wildly, "I'm not. Did I tell you already? You can do whatever you want here."

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