6. The Sun and Moon in the Pot

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The legendary ancestor of the Su family was proficient in Xuanmen medicine, fate, physiognomy, and especially Lingzhi.

But in their line of business, there are too many spying on heaven, and ten times they will commit at least one of the five evils and three deficiencies. The five evils are widowhood, widowhood, loneliness, loneliness, and disability.

In any case, the descendants of the Su family were weak and lacking in shock and talent, and the countless treasures left by their ancestors could only be left in and out, and soon disappeared.

When it was passed on to Su Su, Grandma Ting Su felt like listening to a book when she talked about the glory of her ancestors.

Moreover, when Granny Su gave her the legendary family heirloom, she was even more stunned. One was a white jade safety buckle with a bad water head and ordinary jade, and another was said to be a very powerful medicine pill.

Anyway, no one knows what the medicine will look like after eating it. Therefore, no one dares to eat such a good medicine. Besides, they don't know what the effect is. myself.

Granny Su has some attainments in feng shui and fortune-telling. Seeing that Su Su is only interested in medical skills, she does not force her. Anyway, she cannot force her. She also thinks that her daughter will live longer.

At that time, there were not many books left by the ancestors. Fortunately, some things depended on talent, so she simply left the Su Family Medical Center to her.

Tang Mingyuan was one of the apprentices in the medical center. They used to be in the town's medical center. After the revolution, the Su family was considered a remnant of feudal ideology and the heirs of traditional dross. The hospital is the group of people with bad ingredients.

Granny Su thought about it, and her hair was almost gray, so she and her daughter moved to the Chen Lian Brigade to live.

Fortunately, the Su Family Medical Center used to be benevolent. There was free hot water in winter and free wild chrysanthemum tea in summer. There was no infamy. Many people in the Chen Lian brigade had received the favor of the Su family, and finally stayed quietly. Let go of them, and cover up for them, so that they are not criticized.

Granny Su once said in private that Mo Chu of the Chen Lian Brigade had the cemetery of the elders of the Su family, which would allow the Su family not to worry about their lives in a short period of time.

Anyway, she could only figure out that her daughter would be safe for ten years here, and she instructed her to bury herself somewhere. One month after her daughter and Tang Mingyuan got married, Granny Su disappeared in her sleep.

Su Su said it very carefully, and Tang Bao suddenly realized "Mom, then I, now, like this, isn't it, because Bai Yuruyi is in my body"

After she finished speaking, she realized that she was speaking fluently again.

Su Su also noticed it, and held her daughter tightly and nodded, "It should be, are you okay now?"

Tang Bao wanted to know if the wooden seal he bought was still there, and he forgot that he was still holding Su Su's hand. , As soon as his mind moved, he and Su Su came to the space.

"This" Su Su looked at the small place here, and before expressing her surprise, she found that she and her daughter were outside again.

Tang Bao was also helpless when he encountered such a willful space, bit his lip and looked at Su Su and asked, "Mom, do you have any books left? Is this Baiyu Ruyi button a mustard seed space? Does it require something to restore my previous wooden seal now? It's gone, and I don't know how long I can live."

This was the first time Su Su heard her daughter say it so neatly, her eyes were red with excitement, and when she heard this, she quickly said, "There are a few booklets, Mingyuan, hurry up. Take the hoe, we'll dig it out, maybe the baby can understand."

Tang Bao was also very happy, and the family didn't care about dinner, they all took the hoe to the firewood room, removed a few bundles of wood and pine branches, and started dig.

The most exciting is Tang Bao. For the first time, I found that it was so refreshing to work with a hoe. I felt that if I could get better, I would definitely work hard every day, and I would not be lazy.

After digging for a while, I found a small box. After I took it up and opened it, the charcoal was wrapped with cloth on the side. In addition, the box was made of specially treated fir, and the dozen or so books inside were still in good condition.

But Tang Bao looked at it one by one, but his smile gradually became distorted. What kind of ghost typhoid and miscellaneous diseases is

this ? Books are treasures themselves, but my daughter doesn't think she likes them, so she quickly said, "By the way, there are three or four boxes of books buried under the house in our town. My mother buried them there. There will definitely be what you want."

Anyway, she wasn't sure if she had a case, because she was only interested in medical books, and the others were only responsible for digging holes, which were buried by her mother.

Tang Mingyuan hadn't married Su Su at that time, and he didn't know what was buried there. He asked in a low voice, "If you think about it, is there any other place?"

He was really reluctant to see his daughter's pitiful eyes. For fear that her mother-in-law buried a box of books for reading Feng Shui, so that her daughter would not cry to death.

Su Su saw both her father and daughter looking at her eagerly, so she quickly said, "Don't worry, don't worry, my mother-in-law has put all the important books in her collection. Buried under the firewood room, there seem to be three or four boxes of books."

Tang Bao breathed a sigh of relief, and looked at them with anticipation in Xing's eyes, "Then when can we dig it?"

"It's not easy," Tang Ming said. Seeing Su Su's sad face, he was also a little sad, "The big mansion is now divided among several families by the commune. I'll go see who lives there tomorrow, and then think about it."

Tang Bao hurriedly Said, "Mom and dad, let's not hurry, wait until next time you go to the commune to pick up medicines, it will be bad if you go to the commune often."

She had also met the "Down with capitalist roaders" in the town before . "Watching someone wearing a high hat, smearing their face, shaving their ghost's head for criticism, parading the streets, and showing off to the public.

A lot of people wearing red armbands shouted madly, and the scene of fisting and kicking against the fighters really made her a little unacceptable, and she was frightened to have a fever.

And it's only 1969, so it's better for her family to keep a low profile as much as possible. She understands that her parents' sacrifice to her, even if there is a little danger, would rather be a fool in the past few years than to have them in any danger.

Anyway, if there is no accident, it should be calm in 1976. At that time, I was only twenty-five years old, and I was still very young.

"Tomorrow, you will have the opportunity to go to the town," Su Su said with a light smile. "Your niece has been here today. She said that the Red Army from your eldest brother's house is going to get married in a few days. I will ask you to go back tomorrow."

The Su family has never been rich in children, but they are not destitute. Instead, they are quite lucky.

Granny Su only had the daughter Su Su. Dad Su Su thought it didn't matter at first. Later, when he was buying medicinal materials outside, he met a beautiful woman.

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