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Chapter 230 

Lishang really recognized the words on the mural, and said in surprise, "Great, I know where the agency is, we can leave."

Tang Bao saw that he regarded money as dung, and hurriedly greeted him, "Don't go now, let's bring some Go out with gold and silver jewelry."

"These are very pretty, you can play with them if you like." Li Shang looked at her with a smart look that you wanted to frame me, "Although I didn't go out, I listened to them. I said that these capitalist things are not allowed to be used outside. Even if you take them out and exchange them, they are not worth much. If you are caught by the police, you will be arrested and beaten."

Tang Bao was amused by him. "That was the policy in the past and now. It has changed, you just take it out and keep it, and you can use it later."

"Then why don't you get more of your women's jewelry?" Li Shang simply took off his coat, packed some and urged them to leave. "We Go to the agency."

Gu Xingjin saw that Tang Bao liked it, so he simply put some in his backpack, but he still kept more than half of it. Seeing that Li Shang had already left, he gave her cover and signaled Tang Bao to take it away with his eyes.

Tang Bao is also reluctant to keep these good things in the ground, and put them into the space with a wave of his hand. Even if he donates some to the museum in China in the future, it is better than the pearl dust now.

After they left the big pit, Li Shang quickly found the organ to open it, but he didn't go inside, he looked outside hesitantly and said, "Can we leave tomorrow, if there are still Guren, I don't want them to harm this place. If they are wise, they definitely don't want to live like this."

Gu Xingjin nodded, "You are right, their existence is indeed a hidden danger, then we will rest here for the night and go out tomorrow morning to see.

" Yes, Miao Danfeng can't live. "Li Shang's face has killing intent" because their mother and daughter want to change their lives against the sky and live forever, and this has harmed half of the innocent people, and she can't be allowed to live to harm again Others."

Only a hundred people survived outside, and after Li Shang took them to kill all the remaining Gu people, they did not find any trace of Miao Danfeng.

He knew that most of them were attacked by the mother and daughter of the Miao family, so they could only obey orders. After handing over the method of expelling the gu to them, let the old Miao man in the village be the leader. After telling him the secret way, he ignored their retention. He followed Gu Xingjin and they left.

For him, although the mountains and rivers are beautiful and there are natural treasures everywhere, it is also his birthplace, carrying the good memories of his childhood, but it is also his sad place, more like a cage, locked him for a few days. Years, and now he desperately wants to leave here.

For them, walking the secret road was dozens of times closer than going over the mountains, but Tang Bao felt distressed when he thought of the precious medicinal materials such as Panax ginseng in the deep mountains.

But she also knows that her body is a little weak now. It should be said that after there is more land in the space, according to Xiaobai, it is an additional reward for her to destroy the evil spirits, and it can be worth the spiritual power of hundreds of years of cultivation. .

Xiaobai said that he originally thought that Tang Bao would never be able to open up a living place in his life.

Now that there is a living space, it is really an accidental star. It is recommended that Tang Bao better cultivate for a period of time before he can fully recover. It is best to enter the space and cultivate for a period of time.

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