70. The Wolf saw the Sheep

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 Tang Bao looked at his figure walking away with a straight posture, and took a big mouthful of soda. The soda soaked in the well water was a little cold, and the orange flavor was really delicious. The steam was full. It was really enjoyable.

She felt that today Gu Xingjin seemed to be very kind to herself, just like Yujun to herself. Maybe she also regarded herself as a sister.

However, it seems that it is not bad to have such a brother.

Tang Bao rummaged through what Gu Xingjin had left for himself, and found a small bag of white rice and flour, about four or five catties, a box of canned meat, and four large white round breads, which cost two cents a piece, and more Food stamps, the taste is very good.

She is really moved now. There are still many good people in this world, but I don't know if it is because they think of her as a little girl with passion and courage.

She strolled around for a while, and seeing that no one was around, she closed the door and entered the space to organize things.

The important things in the family have been received in the space, as well as the unexpected wealth of the Liu family, plus some food that I bought, the space of about five square meters is almost full.

She is now looking forward to Eggy's transformation as soon as possible, so that Eggy will be able to make the space bigger.

When the space was only three square meters, Dandan could turn it into five square meters with all her strength, she was looking forward to a hundred square meters, and she was excited when she thought about it.

Anyway, it's still early, and there are still some things that can be stuffed in the space. She still thinks that she can go to the black market and see if there are any good things.

She feels that she is a bit of an old man's mentality now, or it may be that she has heard too much about the era of lack of clothing and food. Knowing the value of food, she always wants to fill her space to feel at ease.

The black market was still as lively as ever. Tang Bao walked around with a basket on his back, bought some eggs and duck eggs, as well as some rare dried red dates, two watermelons, a few cantaloupes, peaches, and pears.

There are also some bits and pieces of snacks, biscuits, preserved fruit and so on.

It's cool to spend money, especially if it's not his own money, it makes Tang Bao feel more happy.

I want to buy this, and I want to buy that too. If it weren't for the fact that there were fewer and fewer people buying and selling in the black market, she felt that she could go back and forth again.

When she went back, the sun had already finished get off work, and the sky had already darkened, it was estimated that it was about seven o'clock.

It is estimated that the items in the backpack weighed more than 30 kilograms. Tang Bao slowed down, went to the back of the tree quietly, and put the items in the backpack into the space. This is the correct way to use the space. It's really a must for home travel, and I happily walk out from behind the tree.

However, he found that a sturdy middle-aged man in a gray shirt and blue pants was standing in front of him, with fierce triangular eyes drooping on his face, and a wooden stick in his hand. He looked at Tang Bao like a wolf. to the sheep.

Li Laosan works in a steel factory, but he likes to smoke and drink, and he likes petty theft. Before, he accidentally saw Tang Bao buying red dates and taking money without any counter-offer. Later, he bought things very neatly. No hesitation at all.

Seeing that she was looking good again, thinking that she had bought cigarettes and meat, and that she had no money in her hand, she somehow became wicked, and felt that she was getting both money and people today.

He lowered his voice and said viciously, "Go inside for me, if you dare to yell at me, I will kill you."

Tang Bao seemed to be frightened, shaking all over, and obediently turned around and walked inside.

Li Laosan looked back and saw that there was no one outside. Looking at the woman, she was already frightened and stupid, but she added a bit of pitiful appearance. She only felt itchy in her heart, and her smile was even more wretched.

But seeing Tang Bao still walking deep into the woods, Mr. Li wondered if the girl was a sand sculpture, or it was impossible to be so obedient. "Okay, stop for me." As soon as he finished speaking, Tang Bao was very obedient. She stood there, turned around and looked around, very good, surrounded by trees, no one would see what she was doing.

Seeing her looking around, Li Laosan thought she was trying to run, and smiled evilly, "Don't try to run, this month is dark and windy, we are fine."

Before he finished speaking, he felt that there was a wooden stick flying out of thin air in front of him. Come, knock it on his temple, roll his eyes, and the whole person faints to the ground.

Tang Bao's thoughts moved, and another wooden stick appeared in his hand, poked his waist, came to him and squatted down again, and gave him a pulse. It was determined that his brain was rapidly congested, causing him to faint, and he was relieved.

After all, the temple is a big nerve point. If she uses too much force, it will be bad.

Although he is also a scumbag, she really didn't plan to kill her. After all, she was a good citizen with upright views and law-abiding laws. Even killing a chicken would make her heart beat faster. drop a person.

When she got up and wanted to leave, she was worried that there would be snakes and worms in this place.

But the more he thought about it, the more unwilling he became, so he simply scraped off the two packs of camellia cigarettes in his bag, as well as a pound of meat and a few gross receipts, to see if he would dare to be wicked next time.

Of course, she didn't know that when Li Laosan woke up, she felt that she must have bumped into something, or that there was such a calm woman, how could she suddenly fainted, so scared that she bought paper candles and sneaked in worshipped several times.

Moreover, he no longer dared to think about the idea of ​​getting both people and money.

Tang Bao, who walked back briskly, felt that something was wrong. He had clearly planned to sell off-season fruit to make money, but now he has turned into a robbery. Although this is cool, it doesn't seem like there will be a lot of business.

People do not commit crimes, I do not commit crimes. Most people nowadays are very kind. She thinks that this can only be regarded as a side business. If you are serious, it is better to sell fruit. She also heard that the industry in province A is very new, TV sets, tape recorders, etc. Bicycles and watches can be seen on the black market. You can also go for a walk when your parents come out.

Thinking of this, she felt that she was wandering outside during this time, and she knew a lot of gossip.

After she went back, she didn't bother to cook by herself. She took out the hot dumplings from the space and ate them. Once again, she felt very happy to have a still space.

Now that the weather is hot, there are many cheese-shaped buildings in the town, and electric fans are not yet popular. After dinner, the fan is shaken outside to enjoy the shade. By the way, there are many people talking about the mountains.

When Tang Bao went out after dinner, she found that everyone in the Su family's courtyard was enjoying the shade. When her daughter left, she must have never expected them to move so fast. When their mother and daughter left, the Liu family would not be in a commotion.

Taking advantage of the night to walk around Liu's house, the door was closed, and a woman's cry could be heard faintly inside.

Even if the deputy mayor intervened in Tang Mingyuan and Su Su's affairs, the procedure that should be taken still had to go. I can't come out for a while. Fortunately, Tang Bao can go to see his parents every day. Hearing that they are treated well inside, and even has a bed, he feels a lot more at ease.

Yang Zheng, Gu Shaojin and Gu Ningjin also took turns to visit Tang Bao in the town. Yang Zheng also told her in private that his brother followed Gu Xingjin and Gu Ningjin to make money.

Anyway, at this time, it must be dangerous for those who want to make money quickly. Tang Bao didn't ask too much, but he didn't expect that this big brother Gu is also very smart, not a stubborn stick to the rules.

In the blink of an eye, it was the morning of June 11. According to what I said yesterday, my parents may be able to come out this afternoon.

She went to line up early in the morning to buy ribs and meat, and kneaded the noodles, ready to let them eat ribs noodles and braised pork when they came out.

The smell of braised pork wafted out from here. Tang Bao felt greedy when he smelled it, and was afraid of being smelled. In spite of the hot weather, he closed the doors and windows.

Fortunately, it is already past ten o'clock, and every household is preparing lunch. Even if you smell a little scent, it is impossible to know where it came from.

Moreover, the bright sun hung in the sky, emitting a scorching light, so even children were confined at home for fear of heat stroke.

Tang Bao didn't treat himself badly either. He ate a bowl of pork ribs noodle soup, and three pieces of braised pork. He felt that the aroma had dissipated a little, so he opened the door and window and shook his palm fan, wondering if he should go to the picket team.

Suddenly there were footsteps outside, Gu Xingjin pushed open the door and came in. Seeing her still there, his face couldn't hide his surprise, "Why are you still here?"

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