27. What

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Tang Bao entered the space and looked at an ambiguous basketball-sized egg that appeared out of thin air. Xingyan's eyes widened in surprise, "God, what are you?"

Eggy bounced off the ground in an instant, and bumped into her in dissatisfaction. On her body, the sharp little voice wished she could pierce her eardrums, "I am not a thing, you are a thing."

Eggy looked big, but when she jumped into Tang Bao's arms, it was soft, warm, a little It didn't hurt either, but it was like cotton, making Tang Bao feel comfortable all over.

"Okay, okay, you're not a thing." There was nothing wrong with this, Tang Bao held Dandan with a loving smile like an old mother's, "Then Dandan, can you tell me what's going on?"

"I'm not called Dan Egg, I'm a fairy fox, okay?" The ball wanted to jump away angrily, but he was hugged by this woman and didn't let go, so helpless, "Let me go"

"It turns out to be a fox." Tang Bao's eyes lit up. "Don't lie to me, foxes are born"

 "You are so stupid, can this deity be an ordinary fox?" Eggy couldn't bear it anymore, and said arrogantly, "It was the ancestor of your Su family who saved him. My mother, but"

the ancestor of the Su family rescued the fox spirit who failed to cross the robbery, but the fox spirit was already at the end of the force, and unexpectedly found out that he was still pregnant, and begged the ancestor of the Su family to take out the child after he was annihilated by flying ashes, and use various spirits. Stone and elixir are kept.

The ancestor of the Su family should also have a good relationship. Although he didn't know whether this little thing could survive, he was afraid that people in the future would not want to spend energy, so he simply sealed the little thing in the white jade wishful button prepared by the fox spirit and passed it down as a family heirloom.

As for whether this little thing can live, it can only depend on God's will, anyway, it must live longer than himself.

Of course, this white jade Ruyi buckle is a huge space. The spiritual energy and spiritual stones in it have been absorbed by the little things, and no one has given him spiritual energy, which makes Eggy still unable to transform even though he is hundreds of years old. It's crazy to be trapped in spiritual power

"I was born at an untimely time. There are too few things with spiritual energy. You are so useless. I haven't found anything good to let me come out. If I don't come out again, it will be harmful to my body"

Tang Bao After listening to his complaint, he held the ball and smiled brightly. "Then the things I brought in were eaten by dogs?"

"I can't get enough of the food in between my teeth."

Tang Bao's men worked harder. , Xingyan narrowed, "Since you dislike it so much, then spit it out for me." The ball shook his body, understood his situation, and sighed in a high-pitched voice, "This deity is a tiger who fell and Pingyang was bullied by a dog. Ah"

Tang Bao regarded the ball as a leather racket, and said calmly, "No, I have only heard of foxes and tigers, and after the founding of the People's Republic of China, animals are not allowed to become sperm, if you are disobedient, I will throw you out."

"Ah ah Ah, this is my territory, and you are the anti-customer." Although Yuan Qiu has not experienced many things, he has the inheritance left by his mother, and occasionally uses his spiritual power to perceive the outside world.

Angrily jumping up and down, "Besides, when I transform, the space here will become larger, and you can still practice with me at that time."

Of course, the fox is very cunning, and he didn't tell her that he wanted to transform. , I need something with aura, and I still think of her to find it for myself; moreover, even if I transform myself, I have to rely on her to give myself a lot of things full of aura.

It was only then that Tang Bao realized that the space seemed to have really grown a little bigger. Holding the bouncing ball, he rolled his eyes and said thoughtfully, "I seem to have seen the contract in the book, for the sake of our peaceful coexistence, Come and make a contract with me, too."

"You coward, isn't it the deity who took the body?" The ball jumped in her hand, and shouted in disdain, "I don't like your body, and you The ancestors put a ban on me at that time, and I can't take the house."

One person and one ball talked for a while, and agreed to continue chatting for five hundred years at night, and Tang Bao left the space satisfied.

Su Su was relieved when she saw her daughter suddenly appear on the bed, and said angrily, "You child, you can't disappear without saying a word next time."

"Mom, I'm sorry, I'm so happy," Tang Bao hugged She softly and sweetly acted like a spoiled child, "I found that there is a little fox left by my ancestors in the space."

"This is really a big world, there are no wonders." Su Su was also surprised after hearing this, but she couldn't hide her worry. "Foxes are the most charming. I'll meet you in the evening."

Touching her fair and tender little face, she hurriedly urged her to go to lunch. "The rice is still stuffy in the pot, so hurry up and eat it. When Yang Yi and the others came, I said you were sleeping."

Tang Bao got up to eat, and then started to make medicine with Su Su. The mother and daughter got along very warmly.

On the other hand, Tang Mingyuan was concerned about his daughter and the previous affairs, so he was always worried. It happened that few people came to see the doctor in the afternoon, so he hurriedly went home at five o'clock.

As soon as he entered the door, he smelled a faint medicinal fragrance, and the mother and daughter were also carefully cleaning up the sun-dried medicinal herbs in the yard, which calmed his heart.

"Dad, I'm back." Tang Bao found that he was walking slowly again, and when he spoke, he pouted a little helplessly, and whispered, "At home, there are only cornmeal, and some sorghum noodles, Sweet potatoes."

These coarse grains like rice bran and black noodles are very rough. Two years ago, the Tang family had no choice but to eat them during the great famine in China. Tang Bao still remembers that dry and rough rice bran was difficult to eat. The next swallow, drinking water to swallow the coarse grains, and now desperately want to eat rice.

Tang Mingyuan frowned slightly, "But now the black market is very strict, and it's not easy for us to go."

Gu Ningjin and the others also picked some purslane, mother-in-law, bitter herbs, etc. when they were mowing weeds to feed the pigs. When I came over, I happened to hear Tang Mingyuan's words, so I leaned over to him and whispered, "Uncle, the original black market was strictly checked, but some people have already changed places and still trade in the same way, and some herbal medicines are also collected, or I will accompany you to go around. "

To be honest, he felt uneasy when he heard this. The Tang family gave them a lot of rice noodles, but the Tang family didn't have enough to eat.

"You're really good boy." Tang Mingyuan patted the young man's thin shoulder, looked at him with a green face, and said warmly, "Thanks to your help these days, we saved some herbs and sent them to the city for a long time. I want it." Just because the

few of them faced the pickets today, but did not hesitate to stand in front of him, but could see their characters clearly, Tang Mingyuan was already very happy, and he was willing to get close to them. In the future, my daughter is also very helpful.

Su Su looked at the young man with a kind smile on her face, "It's too far to go to the city. If someone in the town accepts it, it would be even better. You will take your uncle to go around tomorrow."

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