Su Tang Extra 3

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After Tang Bao hung up the phone with his daughter, he started to call Gu Xingjin in Dongshan City, "Xingjin, are you busy right now?"

Gu Xingjin is a serious and cautious middle-aged man in everyone's eyes, but he received His wife's phone instantly turned into a sullen young man, "Wife, do you miss me? Then you wait for me, and I promise to be home in two hours."

Tang Bao heard his turbulent tone and couldn't help laughing, "No, it's okay to say it on the phone. "Okay ."

"You can't see me on the phone again," Gu Xingjin kissed the microphone, his gentle voice was very seductive, "Okay, I was going home today, if you have something important, just tell me first. , or wait until I go back."

"Then you can talk when you come back. Drive carefully and slowly on the road." Tang Bao hung up the phone and saw his youngest son, 11-year-old Tang Xu, who came back at some unknown time, reading a medical book.

Hua Guo started family planning in 1972, but it was not as strict as Tang Bao remembered.

Twelve years ago, the policy was relaxed, allowing you to have a second child as long as you were not a worker.

If you can come up with a fine of tens of thousands, you are also allowed to have a third child.

Gu Xingjin and Tang Bao did not plan to have a second child at first, and Tang Bao always used contraception by herself. Who knew that she made a mistake in her estimation and became pregnant again.

But this child is noisy in the stomach, and the morning sickness has made him happy for several months, which makes Tang Bao doubt his life.

Maybe it was enough to be noisy in the mother's womb, and Tang Xu was easy to take care of after he was born.

Now he is still wearing some baby fat. Seeing his mother looking at him, he smiled very well-behaved, "Mom, why are you worried that your sister is so powerful and will never be bullied."

It's not that he dislikes his sister . , She is really a violent woman, so she will fall in love while she is still young and find a blind man to marry, so that she will not only have martial arts and medical skills in her heart, and will not want to marry.

Tang Bao came to his son and sat down, leaning on his immature shoulders and smiling, "But mom is still worried that your sister will be hurt. Mom wants to go to Kyoto. Xiaosan, you stay at home and accompany your grandparents, okay?"

Tang Xu stretched out his fleshy little paws and patted her shoulder with some comfort, "I will take good care of my grandparents, mom, you can go to see my brothers and sisters at ease."

Don't look at him now that he is still calm, in his heart The villain is already happy, without parents to control, grandparents are obedient to themselves, and they can eat what they want.

Hahaha, it's so wonderful.

When Gu Xingjin came back and heard his wife say that his daughter was in love, he changed from Teddy to a tiger in an instant. "Which brat dares to kidnap my daughter to see if I won't kill him?"

Tang Bao unceremoniously stretched out his hand and twisted it. He glared at him with the soft flesh around his waist and said, "Your daughter is 21 years old this year, not 11 years old, she is already a big girl who obeys the laws of China and can get married, okay?"

Gu Xingjin was instantly discouraged and looked lonely "Really, it's not good to do something, what to do with someone so early?"

Tang Bao squinted at him and said angrily, "Do you think it's too early for her to fall in love in ten years?"

Gu Xingjin nodded quickly, "Then you Talk to your daughter. Now is a good time to concentrate on your studies. Didn't you say before that falling in love without marriage is a hooligan. Our daughter will marry after at least twenty-five years old. You can remind her Don't be indifferent

between priority and secondary Thought, you should stay at home and wait for my news."

Gu Xingjin wiped his face and looked at her pitifully, "Baby, you really don't take me with you." He

was already thinking about how he could keep up quietly, anyway. He wouldn't be at ease if he didn't investigate the kid who kidnapped his precious daughter.

But Tang Bao knew him too well, he stared at Xingyan, and said imposingly: "If you dare to violate yin and yang, then I will be admitted to the hospital."

Gu Xingjin looked at her in shock, "You, are you new here? You don't even want to go back to your home because of your little white face."

Facing his harassment, Tang Bao wouldn't take his tricks. "Don't do this with me. If you dare to violate the yin and yang, then don't blame me for treating you. You're welcome" She was really afraid that her daughter's little boyfriend would be

beaten up by her own man. Wouldn't that leave a pimple between father and daughter?

, it is difficult to keep up without showing any traces.

He stretched his arms around Tang Bao and began to worry, "You must pay more attention when you go out, don't go to any messy places in the bar, and you can't look at other men, you can't go outside"

Tang Bao helplessly turned the page. With a roll of eyes, she has really recited these things, and every time he goes out, he says this.

On the other hand, when Tang Mingyuan and Su Su were having dinner, Su Su was very excited when he talked about it, "Tangtang should have a partner at this age. If you think that boy is good, let him come over to play after the summer vacation. Tang Mingyuan also told his daughter, "

Don't worry about the boy's family background or anything, as long as he is a good person and has a righteous heart, that is the most important thing."

Hearing this, Su Su was dissatisfied and glared at him, "The boy's family It's also very important, okay? If it wasn't for your relatives and sisters to trick Tangtang to see your mother, they wouldn't be kidnapped."

He looked at his daughter and said, "You must find out more about his family situation. , it doesn't matter if you have more money or less, but the house must not be in a mess, and there must be no smog."

Tang Bao nodded, "Don't worry, parents, I will check it out."

June 19, Sunday afternoon, Tang Bao Bao quietly came to the small courtyard, used Xiaobai to hide in the living room, and saw the boy watching TV with his daughter, Tiwai.

She glanced at her son who was sitting on the other sofa, and saw that he was not at all unnatural as a light bulb.

"Wei Ting, help me get an apple, thank you."

"Wei Ting, do you think this news is good?"

"Wei Ting, can you pour me a cup of tea?"


Tang Bao was very relieved to see it, he really deserved to be himself My son is really nice.

However, the boy looked very handsome and his eyes were clear, but Tang Bao felt that the boy's palace was a little deep.

No matter what Gu Sheng asked him to do, he had no objection, but when he took the apple, he also cut an apple for Su Tang, and when he was pouring tea for Gu Sheng, he also poured a cup of tea for Su Tang

in Gu Sheng When he asked his boyfriend to pour tea for him n times, Su Tang couldn't help but scolded him, "Gu Sheng, are you a pig? Let A Ting do everything for you, don't bully people too much, okay? He, tomorrow's breakfast and dinner don't have your share."

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