What About the Good Village Girl That Yang Yi Said outside?

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Jiang Yin felt that she was going crazy.

It was the first time that she was so helpless. Her parents and boyfriend were arrested. Not only was her heart heavy, but even her feet seemed to be filled with lead.

If Yang Yi's crime is not cleared as soon as possible, it will become a stain on his body and affect his future studies.

When she went to see Yang Yi, Yang Yi was very calm, and smiled to reassure her, but just told her to go to her room, and when his sister called him, he could go out.

No matter how simple she is, she knows about her parents, and Yang Yi's affairs are not simple, as if she deliberately stopped her parents and then dealt with Yang Yi.

When she saw Yu Shitang leaning on the red and coquettish car door outside, she instantly understood that it was because of herself that Yang Yi was arrested.

"Yin Yin." Yu Shitang couldn't hide her pride, "Why do you need my help here?"

"Yu Shitang, you are so despicable." Jiang Yin angrily walked towards him and asked, "Why do you do this? You are breaking the law. "

Yu Shitang snorted coldly, "What have I done now is the age of the law, you can't talk nonsense and ruin my reputation."

Jiang Yin clenched her fists so that she did not lose control, but instead used words to stimulate him "You're still not a man, if you dare to do it or not, just say it straight, what will you do, and you will close the case."

Yu Shitang smiled contentedly, "It's very simple, I like you, and I won't allow other men to be yours. Boyfriend, do you know what to do?"

"You're dreaming." Jiang Yin passed over him, walked forward, and decided to go home to find her grandmother and second uncle for help.

She had to hold back the hand she wanted to beat, because she couldn't beat him, and if she was locked up for beating, who would save Yang Yi

Yu Shitang looked at the graceful back of the girl with apricot short sleeves and trousers, revealing Admiring eyes, I have seen many women in short skirts and shorts in the entertainment company, and now I feel more dignified and delicate when I see her so hidden.

With a little smile, he said, "I'm waiting for you to call me."

Yu Shitang was very proud and felt that she was playing very beautifully. She had nowhere to ask for help, and in the end she could only rely on herself.

Furthermore, he thinks that he is much better than that poor nerd, because he has more girlfriends outside, but he still likes her, just wait until she gets used to it.

Jiang Yin took a taxi and returned to her grandmother's house, but neither her grandmother nor her second uncle agreed to help, just perfunctory.

The second aunt even persuaded her not to be deceived by Yang Yi, and she tried her best to say good things about Yu Shitang.

Angrily, Jiang Yin rushed out the door. After she went to the lawyer to talk, she accepted her request and was ready to return to Yang Yi's room.

The aunt downstairs greeted her when she saw her, "Xiao Jiang, there was a call for Xiao Yang earlier."

Jiang Yin rushed over and asked anxiously, "Auntie, have you recorded the number over there?"

"No" Auntie opened the book After looking at it, she shook her head, "I just said I'll call later."

When Jiang Yin heard this, she was afraid that she would miss the call again, so she simply sat aside and waited.

She ran all day today, because she had something on her mind and couldn't eat anything. She only drank a cup of tea when she was at the law firm. Now that she saw her aunt eating noodles, she felt that her stomach was starting to get hungry.

However, when she thought that both her parents and Yang Yi were framed, she lost her appetite.

During this period, the phone rang several times, and she hurried to answer it. By the way, she helped write down the number and watched her aunt call someone.

When people called back, she was really worried that the phone over there wouldn't be able to get in.

However, she still received the call she was waiting for.

"Hello, can you please call Yang Yi for me?"

Jiang Yin felt at ease when she heard the sweet female voice, and anxiously said, "Hello, I'm Jiang Yin, are you Sister Tang Bao, can I meet you?"

Now Yang Yi's affairs are still being kept secret, She also didn't dare to tell her in this place where people come and go, so as not to be overheard and misunderstood that Yang Yi's style is not good.

When Tang Bao heard her say this, she knew that it was very likely that something had happened to Yang Yi, and she simply said, "Okay, wait an hour later, you will wait for me at the gate of the school."

Waiting for Jiang Yin After agreeing, Tang Bao hung up the phone neatly, turned around and said to He Xiao, "Something happened to my brother, I have to go and see, could you please have someone send me there?"

This time she was arrested by Song Xiao The old leader of the navy was invited because he had a heart problem. Although he was suppressed now, he still had to go over and ask his teacher, Director Liu, to take a look.

Song Xiao has been with her in person for the past few days, and when she heard the words, she did not dare to let her go out alone, for fear that something would happen to her. When that time comes, Gu Xingjin will have to find himself desperately, and hurriedly said, "Then I will take you there."

Jiang Yinhang After answering the phone, it took 20 minutes to walk to the gate of the school, looking at his watch while anxiously waiting for Tang Bao's arrival.

Cars come and go at the school gate, but no one is looking for them.

After fifty minutes, an off-road vehicle stopped. After a beautiful woman got out of the car, she looked around and walked up to Jiang Yin. She stretched out her hand and smiled and said, "Hello, are you Yin Yin?

" Ah, I'm Jiang Yin, hello sister." The mother of two children who agreed, and the village girl who

agreed to see Tang Bao, Jiang Yin was really amazed, with a very simple camel windbreaker and jeans, and fair-skinned blowing eggs. Bro, when those beautiful almond eyes looked at you, the waves seemed to suck in your whole being.

And that temperament is very unusual, especially the kind that is calm and calm, not like a mother of two children at all.

Tang Bao looked at Jiang Yin, who was frightened like a little white rabbit, and said gently, "Let's find a place to sit down and talk about it."

Tang Bao got into the car and said to Song Xiao, "Find us a place to eat, be closer. , be quieter."

Song Xiao responded, drove them to a hotel, and went forward to ask for a box.

Jiang Yin recounted the whole story, and she was afraid that she would blame herself, so she looked at her anxiously, "I'm sorry that I don't know the person well, and I have troubled Yang Yi."

Tang Bao smiled, "Why is this? Who can blame you, no one wants to meet a scumbag, but if you hadn't met a scumbag, how could you be cheap like Yang Yi?"

Jiang Yin was stunned and didn't know how to answer.

Song Xiao has been listening silently by the side, and now he said lightly, "Wait, let me handle it."

Tang Bao smiled and shook his head, "No need, this kid is too vigilant, we must give him a A profound lesson is good."

Jiang Yin was stunned again, such a fierce elder sister, she weakly pleaded for Yang Yi, "Sister, or let him come out first, and you can say whether he is good or not."

Somehow, that handsome man obviously didn't speak, but the aura of his body could not be ignored, Jiang Yin did not doubt that he was very capable at all.

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