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Tang Bao believes that he is not a good person, especially in this era. In the past few years, life has been hard, and a mouthful of food can almost kill a person.

In her long-term memory, she only saw the tortured ten years of the Cultural Revolution in books and on TV, but now she has seen countless people with high fighting spirit as if they had taken medicine, tirelessly waving the red in their hands. Treasure Books, the landowners, intellectuals and other critics, wear high hats, parade the streets, beat and scold at will these things that make her afraid.

She has seen the Red Guards, a joint team formed by students, fighting school leaders and teachers everywhere. She has also seen them raiding their homes, beating people, and burning countless precious cultural classics under the slogan of breaking the "Four Olds". National cultural relics were smashed.

This catastrophe caused too much damage to the social order in China. The red-eyed Red Guards fought to overthrow the bourgeois reactionary line, but they killed too many innocent people.

Hell is empty, the devil is on earth.

She doesn't have the ability to change everything that happened, so she can only accept it, even if she lives aggrieved, but she knows that if something happens to her, the most sorry is the current parents.

She is not a white lotus, she doesn't think she wants to do good things, and she doesn't have the feeling of helping the world. She can't eat meat herself, how could she want to help others, she just wants to stay in peace, wait until these ten years pass, and then do something Small business, small wealth is good.

Seeing Yang Yi's grateful eyes today, she felt a little guilty in her heart. In fact, she just wanted to come in and see what could make her become a normal person.

But looking at the uncomfortable appearance of the child on the bed, she felt that when she was studying medicine, she should really be more serious, not just let it go.

Su Su didn't expect the patient to be a child, but without hesitation, she stepped forward to give him a careful pulse. Her tentacles were hot, and she felt that he was twitching unconsciously. Oh my god, the high fever has not subsided, there should be wounds on my body, right now I have burned to the point of confusion, hurry up."

Looking at Yang Yi's clenched fists and red eyes, she couldn't say the words to send to the hospital. .

And now Western medicine is too expensive. Although she brought five dollars, she was not willing to give out a few dollars. It is impossible for her to fight famine in order to help others.

"Xiaobao, quickly take out the liquor ticket and let him drink half a catty of liquor with the highest degree of concentration." Su Su thought for a while, but still whispered, "Go to the pharmacy in the town to find Wu Aihua, and tell Aunt Tang to let him pass. Melt some anti-inflammatories and antipyretics."

Tang Bao quickly took out a few tickets from his green cloth satchel on his back, found a special ticket for half a catty of liquor, and handed him a handful of two cents and five cents. "Hurry up and go buy liquor first. If there is not enough money for the medicine in the hospital, you should let Fourth Brother Wu put it on first, and then my mother will give it to me."

Yang Yi looked at Tang Bao in surprise, then quickly lowered his head, not to let himself flow. She saw the tears that came out, took the tickets and money, held it tightly in her palm, turned around and ran out.

Having experienced too many scornful eyes, now their kindness makes him feel that even if she wants to kill him, he can end it with his own hands, so as not to get her hands dirty.

Su Su found the only washbasin in the house and poured out some hot water from the teapot.

Tang Bao asked in a puzzled voice, "Mom, why don't you use cold water?"

"He has had a high fever for too long, but cold water is difficult to expel the heat from the body. Warm water is not easy to cause excessive stimulation, but can expel the heat. Wait for the alcohol to wipe the body, Give him some more medicine."

Tang Bao had put some herbs in the space before, he considered it for a while, and after taking out the herbs he needed, seeing Su Su nodded, he poured out the herbs in the pot outside and boiled himself again. brought herbs.

Su Su turned around in the small room. There was only a simple bed, a small square table with one missing leg, a few small stools, and two chests of drawers with marks of axe in the innermost part.

Tang Bao came in and saw his mother wandering around the house slowly, he closed his eyes and sensed with his heart, what was it that made him feel comfortable.

After a while, she pointed to the bottom of the bed and asked in a low voice, "Mom, where is it?"

Su Su innocently rubbed her nose, scratched her long smooth hair, and whispered uncertainly, "I did n't notice it at the time, I just remembered it was in this house." When she was kicked out of the house, she was really not allowed to take anything away. Fortunately, her aunt buried two boxes of small yellow croaker outside, but she didn't dare to show any traces.

Yuanyuan glanced at her mother helplessly. Except for taking medicine, making medicine, and seeing a doctor carefully, she didn't pay much attention to other times, and muttered, "You are so sloppy, you can forget about me. I'm so glad you didn't forget me."

She couldn't remember it herself, but she heard Dad mentioned the past, saying that Su Su carried her to collect medicine, but he put her on the stone and forgot, and only remembered after going down the mountain. ; After that, when Su Su and her daughter went out, Tang Mingyuan warned him worriedly, for fear that Su Su would see some difficult medicinal materials again, so she forgot her daughter.

"What's the matter?" Su Su knew that her daughter likes gold and silver, she smiled lightly, and deliberately attacked her daughter, "When I was a child, my aunt took me to dig and bury gold a few times. Sweet potatoes grow in the soil."

Tang Bao felt that he had suffered 10,000 injuries, and gave his mother a sideways look, wanting to tell her that all the gold buried in the house was in my hands, and muttered, "You are here. It's really a local tyrant, but the hero doesn't mention Ying Yong, you"

Before he finished speaking, he saw the little boy on the bed opened his eyes and looked at himself stupidly.

She felt a chill in her heart, and felt that she was too careless, and she didn't know how long he had been awake. She took out a candy from the satchel, peeled it and put it in his mouth, with a gentle smile on her face, "You are sick. , just eat a candy."

Lou Zheng was completely confused, and he didn't know what they were talking about.

Seeing Tang Bao feeding himself, he was so hungry that he ate the sugar subconsciously, and the sweet taste instantly filled his lips and teeth.

He looked at them suspiciously, his voice was hoarse, and asked weakly, "Who are you here and what are you doing?"

"I'm a barefoot doctor. You have a high fever. Your brother asked me to watch you, and he went to buy medicine." Su Su is always more gentle with younger patients. She came to the bedside to look at him and asked softly " Where is the wound on his body and how did it get hurt?"

Tang Bao saw that his lips were so dry, he poured him some boiled water, brought it to him to drink, and changed him the towel on his forehead.

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