Marriage Contract

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 Gu Xingjin was worried that Tang Mingyuan would beat him when he came in, and he had already planned to let him beat him out.

But he didn't expect him to come in with a bowl of tea, looking at him with concern like his own father seeing his own son, his face full of apology "Xiao Gu is really sorry, I was too impulsive before, you Don't get angry, you drink tea first, and I'll take a look at your wound."

His tone and attitude made Gu Xingjin even more frightened, and he suspected that he had added something to the tea to make himself ugly, or he wanted to For his own life, he was so frightened that he was sweating all over.

Even if he was uneasy, he didn't dare to refuse. He took the tea and drank it in one breath, and let him take the pulse for himself to treat the wound.

After Tang Mingyuan applied the medicine for him, he saw that his whole body was tense, and he didn't know whether it was hot sweat or cold sweat on his face, and he wondered if he had scared him before.

Thinking that before he and Su Su got married, when he met Mrs. Su, it seemed like he was the same.

He felt that he couldn't be too serious, he wiped his face with a big hand, and then showed a gentle smile, and said very sincerely, "Xiao Gu, I didn't know the situation before and hurt people, I really wronged you."

"No, no . Don't be wronged" Gu Xingjin felt a chill on the back of his neck for some reason, and thought, your face change is really scaring me, wondering if he wants to change his way to clean up now

Tang Mingyuan looked at him carefully, although his face was showing The arms that came were covered with wheat-colored skin, and they didn't look white yet, but they weren't black compared to the young people in the village.

In addition, his eyebrows are slender and stylish, his jet-black phoenix eyes are bright and energetic, and his nose is high and straight. Although his facial features are not as delicate as He Zhihan's little white face, he has clear water chestnuts, and it looks pleasing to the eye.

Gu Xingjin's heart trembled when he saw him, and he simply admitted his mistake, "Uncle Tang, I was wrong, I.."

"I understand." Tang Mingyuan interrupted him, reached out and patted his uninjured left shoulder, and asked very gently " Xiao Gu, how old are you this year, I heard you haven't got a partner yet, right?"

At this time, Gu Xingjin just wanted to live a good life. He was very well-behaved. He answered whatever he asked, "I'm twenty-four this year, and I don't have a partner yet."

"Hey, that's not good. When I was twenty-four, A Bao was four ...You're old." Tang Mingyuan was very dissatisfied that he was six years older than his daughter. He felt that he was too old, but his smile remained unchanged. "You have no elders in your family now, and no one is urging you to start a family and start a business. You have to hurry up and find someone."

Gu Xingjin don't know what medicine he sells in the gourd, so I can only agree with Uncle Tang and said "yes." Tang Mingyuan patted his shoulder and smiled, "I didn't pay attention to other people's daughters, but although my A Bao is only eighteen years old, Smart, capable, kind-hearted, and the most important thing is to get along well with your younger siblings, otherwise, settle your marriage."

However, Gu Xingjin felt that this was his beating around the bush to remind himself not to be delusional. He quickly said, "Uncle Tang, I don't have anything right now, I just think about working hard for a few years, and then thinking about this marriage."

Now most people can live a good life. Before getting married, they had obtained a marriage certificate and covered a bed. One roll can be placed on a bed, please have a cup of tea and a candy, even if you are married.

But now the marriage has already begun to compare, what kind of Phoenix brand bicycles, watches, sewing machines or food, money and other dowry gifts can be married.

In order to get married, everyone has to cut down on food and clothing, or borrow money, or go to the black market, so that they can marry a wife.

And now the Gu family doesn't even have their own house. The place where they live now belongs to the public house of the brigade. The firewood house in the town is too small, which is really shabby.

Therefore, Gu Xingjin never dared to have any thoughts, but felt that he was beating himself by saying that he was marrying his daughter.

Tang Mingyuan was really angry now. When he wanted to come, he was willing to marry his daughter to him. It was the smoke on their Gu family's ancestral grave, and he even dared to push it.

It's really a toast, don't eat, eat and drink

But it's not good to tear his face. After all, it's his daughter who has other plans for him, so he simply lowered his face, frowned, stared, and said angrily, "What do you mean, I don't even think about you A Bao is hugging and hugging, my daughter is innocent, do you still want to be irresponsible?"

"No, I am willing to be responsible." Gu Xingjin felt that he had made him dizzy. Could it be the custom here? It's more that Tang Bao told him that he had encountered a place that he couldn't touch before, which made Uncle Tang change his mind

. However, a few years ago, I did hear that the girls in the village like to go to the countryside. The male educated youth was unwilling, he was kissed by the woman, and shouted "catch the hooligan", and the educated youth was arrested by the villagers to fight, and finally married the girl, which left him with a life. Li couldn't control his cranky thoughts, and couldn't understand why his attitudes were so different before and after. After all, he had been eager to get rid of his cramps before, but now he agreed to marry Tang Bao to him. Happiness came too suddenly, Gu Xingjin wiped it subconsciously. With the cold sweat on his head, he patted his head, wondering if he was burnt out, and then he had the hallucination in front of him.

Tang Mingyuan felt that his attitudes were too different before and after, and watched him say very gently, "Xiao Gu, I think you are a good boy, that's why I want to entrust my daughter to you, and there were others who saw you together before. Now, if this is spread out, it won't sound good, don't you think?"

Anyway, when he lied, he didn't blink his eyes. It was a set of tricks to fool people. He doesn't look like someone who can tell lies.

Gu Xingjin was really panicked at that time, and he didn't notice that there were other people besides them.

However, he was really not dissatisfied with his ability to marry Tang Bao.

If eight years ago, the Gu family would be considered a wealthy family, or if marrying a daughter-in-law had to be extra careful, perhaps they would have felt that it was wrong to be a family.

But now the Gu family has collapsed, and what remains are they are small, and there is no place to live, how could anyone take a fancy to them.

Gu Xingjin was also a little embarrassed, and nodded with a blushing face, "Uncle Tang, as long as you don't dislike me, I'm willing to marry A Bao."

"Okay, then let's settle it as soon as possible, okay?" Tang Mingyuan felt very aggrieved and reluctant to marry his daughter. He could only look satisfied with him, "When you get married, even if you go to the army in the future, your brothers and sisters at home will have A Bao and us to watch over them, so you don't have to worry about your worries outside."

Tang Mingyuan said When he speaks, he is also righteous, looking at him as if he is looking at his son, and said kindly and gently, "We will be a family in the future."

Anyway, he has already made a wishful thinking, and it doesn't matter if his son-in-law is not there, as long as we Our daughter and future granddaughter, the granddaughter is just by our side.

However, Gu Xingjin squeezed his thigh quietly and forcefully, making sure that he was not dreaming, and then he grinned shyly with white teeth, nodding whatever the future father-in-law said.

He really didn't expect the pie to fall from the sky, thinking of Tang Bao's beautiful appearance, and the touch of the warm and fragrant nephrite before, he couldn't help but think a little for a while.

After all, he is this age, although he has not driven meat, but when he is in the army or on a mission, he has heard a lot of things between men and women.

Tang Mingyuan saw that he agreed, and seeing that stinky boy's wheat-colored skin was stained with red tides, he felt very stinky that he was hitting on his daughter's idea, but he couldn't be angry, and barely maintained his smile "Then Let's pick a good date as soon as possible."

"Uncle, it's not available for the time being." Gu Xingjin saw his face sank after speaking, and quickly said, "I have to go back to the army to file a marriage report. After the army agrees, I can ask for marriage leave. Just come back."

Tang Mingyuan looked at him and smiled, "That's fine, you can go back after raising a few more days."

Su Su came back with a straw hat and a basket on her back. She saw her daughter drying herbs in the yard, Tang Mingyuan was cooking in the kitchen, and Gu Xingjin was making a fire there. She looked at him suspiciously, "Why did you come back so early today?

" Gu Xingjin said more in front of him, and said with a smile, "I'll be back first if there's nothing in the clinic."

Seeing her fair face was reddened, she was very distressed, "Hurry up and rest, I'll go into the mountain tomorrow to collect medicine. "

My wife is good at everything, but it's not good that she likes to go into the mountains to collect herbs, no matter what she says, she doesn't listen.

Facing his future mother-in-law, Gu Xingjin blushed a little, but also got up to say hello, "Aunt, you can rest and drink some water, and you will be able to have lunch soon."

Su Su replied, "Yes, when Zhihan came back, he met Shaojin will go to find wild peaches."

After getting along, He Zhihan had a sweet mouth and a handsome man, but it made her think about something else, thinking that he and her daughter were a good match, so she washed her face and drank it. After a bowl of tea, I went to my daughter.

Tang Bao took out some damp herbs, saw Su Su coming, and quickly said, "Mom, I have something to tell you."

Pulling Su Su to the shade, he took the palm fan and fanned the air while chattering. Say what happened before.

"That's how your marriage is settled." After listening to Su Su, she looked at her daughter worriedly. "It's like gambling. Have you ever thought about what to do if it doesn't work?"

Tang Bao puffed out his cheeks and sighed. She whispered firmly, "Anyway, it's not bad for me to fight, and I will get married sooner or later. Gu Xingjin seems to be very stable and steady, so I won't lose anything."

Su Su also hoped that her daughter would be successful, secretly glad that she didn't. When it comes to saying that he has taken a fancy to He Zhihan as his son-in-law, it would be embarrassing.

She reached out and touched her daughter's warm, fair and soft face, and said with emotion, "My daughter, who I have raised for 18 years, is about to get married. It's really uncomfortable. Mom hates you."

"Didn't I say, even if I get married, I live at home too" Tang Bao put his arms around her arm and acted like a spoiled brat. Seeing that her gray blouse had some plant juice sticking to it, he quickly said, "Mom, go first. Take a bath, the water is in the sun, it should be warm now."

Tang Mingyuan's cooking skills are very good, green minced garlic water spinach, braised eggplant, stir-fried beans, egg tomato soup, and cured meat is steamed on rice, fragrant Tangy.

While eating, He Zhihan praised, "Uncle, your craftsmanship is amazing. It's even better than Tang Bao's, and it's on par with Boss Gu's."

Tang Mingyuan smiled with satisfaction when he heard that Gu Xingjin was good at cooking, "Then I Next time, I'll try Xiao Gu's craftsmanship."

I'm already thinking about how I can tell my son-in-law without showing any traces that men should do more housework, and it's best for a young couple to do laundry and cooking together, lest they When we were together, my daughter had to do housework every day.

Gu Xingjin is not stupid, he said modestly and sincerely, "Uncle's heat is better than me, and you have to give me more guidance in the future, but you can't hide your secrets."

After speaking, he quickly glanced at Tang Bao, who was sitting diagonally across from him. , it happened that she looked at herself with a smile on her face, which made him feel warm and secretly secretly amused.

Ever since Uncle Tang verbally decided on their marriage, how he looked at this fair-skinned and charming little girl was particularly pleasing to the eye, and he thought to himself that he should find a way to get some money, so that he could buy her a watch at that time, lest he Too aggrieved little girl.

He dare not say that he loves her very much now, but he knows that he likes her very much at this moment. The marriage is not forced, only surprises.

Most people get married now, not because of love, but just to see each other, and it is fate that they are suitable for each other.

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