37. Blessing in Disguise

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Tang Mingyuan hesitated for a moment, shook his head and refused, "It's hot now, and everyone is starting to visit at night. If we roast wild boar too fragrant, if it is known to others, and some people are jealous, it will not be good." There is no denying what he said very well. It makes sense. Tang Baoming knew that his worries were right, but he was still very depressed. He muttered, "I want to show you my skills and let my parents taste my craftsmanship."

Naturally, she could cook. I can't say anything about the chef's craftsmanship, this home-cooked dish can't be difficult for her.

However, when Tang Mingyuan looked at the oil she used for cooking, she was distressed to death, and still firmly refused to let her cook. He really couldn't bear the oil she put in.

Tang Mingyuan looked at the regretful look on his daughter's little face, thought for a moment, and whispered, "Or we will hand over a wild boar to the brigade, ready to eat a big pot of rice, and we can also take the opportunity to say that you were frightened by the wild boar, but it was a blessing in disguise. Everyone has gotten better and the other one can be taken out and we can keep it for ourselves and eat it slowly."

He felt that it was too conspicuous to sell the whole wild boar on the black market, so he might as well wait for the villagers to eat pig-killing vegetables. At that time, I quietly packed up and let my daughter take it away and eat slowly.

After all, the wild vegetable dumplings that my daughter put in the space two months ago are still as warm as they are.

In his heart, his daughter, even a fool, is the best.

However, the people in the village all said behind their backs that their daughter was an idiot, which made his heart always feel a little dark.

Even now, there are many times when his daughter is good, but she has to hide it in front of outsiders. When he thinks about it, he feels that his daughter is too wronged.

Moreover, in the future, the daughter is going to get married. With the name of a fool, it is really difficult to find a good family.

If the daughter can take the opportunity to restore her reputation, that would be a good thing.

Even if she still can't recover sometimes, she can cover the past by being sick.

Tang Bao listened to his careful persuasion, and was very moved. He thought about himself in every way, which made her feel very happy, nodded vigorously, and looked at him with admiration, "Dad, you are really a reincarnated Zhuge, can you think of such a thing? Good way, I will listen to you."

Seeing his daughter's adoring appearance, he felt that his whole body was about to float up, and he smiled with white teeth and a few shallow smile lines at the corners of his eyes, "You will be in the future. You must be smarter than Dad, so let's go down the mountain first, and when we get to the foot of the mountain, you can get a wild boar out." After the father and daughter discussed it, they were ready to go down the mountain.

As soon as Tang Bao moved around, he found that he was walking slowly again, but he still spoke very neatly.

She didn't know whether she was frightened or fell ill again, and she was very glad that she was fine when the wild boar appeared.

Tang Mingyuan found a branch for his daughter as a stick, and carried her for a while. When he was tired, he walked slowly with her for a while. Originally, he could go down the mountain at eleven or twelve o'clock.

Tang Mingyuan was sure that no one was around, so he asked his daughter to get a wild boar out.

Tang Bao carefully picked it with his mind, and felt that the black wild boar was small, and he got the gray-black wild boar out of the space.

Tang Mingyuan stepped forward cautiously and made sure that the wild boar was dead, so he let his daughter stay where he was and went back to call someone by himself.

Although this Chen Lian brigade is a bit remote, one brigade is divided into four teams, and there are more than 600 people together. Tonight, men, women and children are all holding bowls and chopsticks, and they are excitedly gathered on the playground to wait for dinner.

Some people are reluctant to eat rice at ordinary times, but today it was decided by the captain. Everyone handed in two taels of rice, and also a cabbage or half a catty of potatoes. Fortunately, the cauldron for collective cooking was still there. The rice was steamed in several wooden barrels again.

The aroma of the rice and the aroma of the meat made everyone's already hungry stomach croak even more.

The captain stood at a high place and began to shout with a smile on his face, "Comrades, great leader, great commander-in-chief, great helmsman. Lead us to live a good life now. Today, our Chen Lian brigade has a big happy event. Dr. Tang Mingyuan found a wild boar when he entered the mountain. After being lucky enough to stone the wild boar, he was thinking of us all. He is a good comrade. This wild boar will let us all improve our food."

He said a lot, and finally added, "Also, Tang Bao was also frightened by the wild boar. He didn't expect a blessing in disguise. Now he has spoken fluently and walked with great strides. Now, after she rests for a few days, there will be another like-minded comrade in our team, and we will work hard together."

Several uncles and aunts who are good at cooking interrupted the captain's words, "Captain, we can have dinner."

The captain felt that the following The people who saw their eyes became extraordinarily green, just like the wolf saw the sheep, so he couldn't talk anymore, a smile appeared on his dark face, and he waved his hand, "Okay, everyone is lining up for the meal. , according to the previous rules, except Comrade Su Su who can bring food back, everyone is not allowed to have leftovers in their bowls, and they are not allowed to take home, they are all eaten here until they are full."

Tang Mingyuan and Su Su also came, After being praised by everyone, even the meal was crowded to the front by everyone, and they were asked to make the meal and serve the dishes first.

The man who made the rice gave them half a bowl of rice, and smiled honestly, "Brother Tang, sister-in-law, there is not enough to serve again. If the rice is too full, the dishes will not be easy to put.

" The iron spoon picked up two more pieces of meat and put them in their bowls.

The gross weight of this wild boar is only more than 200 kilograms. Naturally, it is not enough for everyone to eat. However, a lot of cabbage and potatoes are put into the pork, and the sauerkraut pig blood and pepper soup is naturally enough for more than 600 people. spoon.

There is also a meaty smell in the cabbage and potatoes. Coupled with the white rice that is rarely eaten, the big guy is really gobbling it up. The people in the back have not yet had their turn, and the people in front have quickly picked up a big bowl of rice, continue Went to line up.

There were also people in the queue who were afraid that they would run out of food when it was their turn, and the monkey shouted anxiously, "Uncle, you should shake your hands a few times, lest we can't have a turn and can only fight with the northwest wind."

The team leader and a few team leaders set an example, they haven't eaten yet, but they maintain order on the side, and also watch everyone, lest someone take the food home secretly, and scolded, "What's the hurry, there is another one in the team. A hundred kilograms of rice is enough for today's meals."

Tang Mingyuan was naturally a positive teaching material for the great proletarian revolution in such a scene, and he would eat with everyone.

However, Su Su ate two full bowls of food, greeted everyone with a smile on her face, and went home to have dinner with her "daughter who was cured by wild boars".

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