Kneeling and Singing Contest

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 Tang Bao followed Eggy's directions, and came to the entrance of a mountain in a roundabout way. Looking at a large white python sitting on a large rock, his knees softened, his whole body stiffened, and his legs bent. He knelt down with a bang, "Bai, Bai, Madam Bai, I didn't mean to disturb your cultivation. Don't be angry, and don't eat me. If you break the precept, you won't be a fairy." The behemoth he had seen on TV, Tang Bao knelt down in a hopeless manner.

Usually, when she goes into the mountains, she brings an extra medicine bag for repelling snakes and insects, and she is very cautious. She is afraid that she will accidentally let these soft snakes kiss her, and thinking about it will make her shiver all over.

And the behemoth in front of her now is really beyond her imagination. At this moment, she was so frightened that she forgot that she could hide in the space and kneel down and sing conquest by her own instinct.

She also did not find that the white python did not attack her.

"You coward, can't you have any prospects?" Eggy was taken aback by her behavior, and then the ball rolled up and down in the space, laughing wildly, "I already told Dabai not to hurt you. , don't be so afraid of death, why don't you hurry in, I really found something good." When

Tang Bao heard Dandan's words, he felt that he was careful not to jump out of fear. Originally she was kneeling on the ground, but now Grabbing the tree trunk on the side, he stood up tremblingly, feeling that the big white python looked at him like he was talking about a stupid human being.

Tang Bao quietly let out a sigh of relief, "I didn't expect you to be of any use, so can you let this beautiful white lady leave for a while?"

She still couldn't believe that in front of her, the big white python who could hold the mountain as the king and become an immortal. To be so good at talking, he can save face for the ball in the space that has not yet transformed, and not eat his own delicious dessert.

I was deeply afraid that when Daxian passed by, he smelled the aroma of his own flesh and couldn't help swallowing himself. He really had no courage.

She felt that with the posture of the big white python, there was no need to be a goalkeeper here, and she could go to Tiangong and become a civil servant.

In the face of this woman who was greedy for life and fear of death, Eggy reluctantly used her own thoughts to communicate with the big white python. In the end, the big white python swam away just like Tang Bao had seen on TV and wanted to change shape.

Tang Bao patted his chest, heard that Eggy was still laughing in the space, and sneered, "If you still want to laugh, do you want me to go back and wait for you to laugh enough?"

Eggy's laughter was stuck there, Very flatteringly said, "Baby, I didn't mean to laugh at you, I was just too happy; yes, because the aura is getting closer, because Dabai said that there is a jade spirit below, I'm so happy, hehe, baby hurry up and go to him. Go straight ahead."

Tang Bao snorted arrogantly, and followed the place pointed by Eggy.

When she reached a small hill, Eggy asked her to stop and sit cross-legged.

At this critical time, Tang Bao didn't dare to neglect, and he didn't care whether the ground was dirty or not, so he did as Dandan said.

"Don't be afraid if there is any vision, just sit here and don't move." Eggy told Tang Bao a few words, and immediately began to absorb the spiritual energy.

Eggy can't leave the space now, so he can only absorb the spiritual energy through the medium of Tang Bao.

Tang Bao felt that her whole body was indescribably comfortable. The comfortable feeling could not be described in words. It was like being in a pile of cotton or floating on the clouds, making her drowsy and feeling as if there was something. I don't know how long it took to get out of my body

before the whole person was woken up by the sound of thunder.

Tang Bao opened his eyes, the sky was already covered with dark clouds, it was pitch black, it was pouring rain, thunder rumbled, shaking the sky, like the desperate growl of a beast on the verge of death, as if countless people were crying mournfully. , the smell is gut-wrenching.

The dense lightning seemed to want to tear apart the dark clouds in the sky, and the lightning flashed, making Tang Bao feel that he would be killed in the next moment.

But she looked at the place where she was sitting, it seemed to be isolated, like an independent space, the rain could not get in, and the thunder and lightning could not affect her. Thinking of the previous reminder, she was so scared that she didn't dare to move. , just rolled his eyes and greeted Eggy with his thoughts.

Unsurprisingly, Eggy doesn't take care of herself when it matters.

However, how come the thunder and lightning in the sky seem to be attacking a small ball

. Suddenly, the ball seems to absorb all the lightning, and then it explodes. The white light flickers illuminates the dark night sky. A large white fox Running forward in the air, several tails spread out, very beautiful.

But the thunder and lightning attacked the white fox like crazy. The white fox screamed up to the sky, showing a ferocious expression, opening his mouth to reveal a row of sharp teeth, and his voice was provocative.

Tang Bao's mood instantly became tense, and she really wanted to grab the fox's tail and let the fox be honest, lest God be blinded by it.

Thunder and lightning chased the fox tirelessly, and the white fox also raised its tail high, shook its head, and whirled wildly in the sky, even if Tang Bao couldn't see the white fox's expression, he could feel the arrogance and joy of the white fox.

It seems that the lightning strikes in an instant, but the dark clouds in the sky are still as black as ink splashes, and the heavy rain is still falling.

Tang Bao blinked and looked at the huge white fox in front of him grinning at him. Those sharp teeth seemed to bite off his slender neck.

Tang Bao was supposed to feel scared, but she didn't feel any fear in her heart. She decided that the white fox would not hurt herself, she reached out and rubbed the soft fur of the white fox, almost drooling with envy, "I remember in my last life, my daughter gave it to me. My fox fur coat, compared to your fur coat, is really far behind."

Baihu couldn't help shivering when he heard what she said, and spoke to her helplessly with his mind, "Baby, since it's from a previous life. Can you stop remembering what happened, and are you not going to go back?"

"Why is it so dark?" Tang Bao raised his hand to look at his watch, and almost jumped up in shock, "Oh, my mother, it's already six How can I find it now that it's too late?"

She clearly remembered that it was only two or three o'clock in the afternoon, how could it have been a few hours all of a sudden?

Baihu laughed and raised his head proudly, "Stupid woman, don't hurry up, this deity condescended to let you sit once."

Tang Bao didn't hesitate at all, got up and climbed up, hugging the fox's neck hehe Smirking, good words don't cost money anyway, "Dan Dan, you are so amazing, you have become so tall and beautiful from an egg, and you have to cover me well in the future"

"It will be your turn to cover me soon" even if there are more people on your back , The white fox is also light in the running room, the dark night is like the day in the eyes of the white fox, and the heavy rain from the sky does not fall on them.

Tang Bao asked inexplicably, "You are so powerful now, you can make all the beasts surrender at any stop. You are the king here, how could I be covering you?"

Baihu was also very depressed, and now his spiritual energy is scarce , I have been able to maintain this body for a long time now, in order to prevent myself from returning to the space to avoid others trying to swallow me, I still can't leave Tang Bao, I can only tell her "I can't maintain my original body for long, now I If you leave the space and want to go in again, you can only take me in, and the space will completely belong to you in the future."

In fact, the white fox also knows that this is the cautiousness of the ancestor of the Su family, and is afraid that he will snatch it after he transforms. Space, that's when I made a contract. In the past, space was my own territory. Now I can only wait for Tang Baoshou to die before I can get space. If I do anything in it, it will damage my own cultivation.

Tang Baoting After Baihu finished speaking, she found that she had returned to Yan's house. She hugged Baihu's body reluctantly and refused to go down "Dandan, I'll hold you to sleep at night"

"You go down, I'm really dying. "Dandan felt that the remaining spiritual power after her transformation had been used up, and she touched her hand, which made Dandan feel that Tang Bao, the bad guy, wanted to turn himself into a fox fur. People are heartbroken.

Tang Bao was reluctant to come down, but felt that his hand was empty, and then fell to the ground with a thud, she couldn't help crying out in pain, "Oh, it hurts to death, Eggy, you dare to make fun of me, you will die. It's settled, you come out to me and see how I deal with you today."

Eggy's vague voice sounded from under Tang Bao, "If you don't get up again, you bad guy, I won't need you to clean up, I'll be crushed by you, you're dead."

Fortunately, Yan's house was muddy, and Tang Bao's clothes were also Thick, didn't really feel the pain, she quickly got up from the ground, took out a match from the space and lit the oil lamp, looking at the little thing under her, her eyes almost fell out of surprise, "My mother , how did you shrink so much, you suddenly became so small, you didn't say hello in advance, what if you were flattened?"

Eggy's grievance at the moment does not need to be said, "Didn't I tell you to go down, I It's too bad ."

"I thought you were acting like a spoiled child." Tang Bao held up the small ball and saw that Eggy was now slender, with short limbs, a pink nose, triangular ears, and a white one. Tuan is very cute, so she couldn't help touching her, sighing, "There are big benefits, small and small cuteness, are you male or female?"

"Can you talk?" Dandan Anger almost jumped out of her palm, "Didn't you say that all the fox spirits in the past are all beautiful? Then if I become a man when I transform into a man, I will be a beauty like this." Then

he raised his small head and said with a proud face. " I'm going to change my name now, I'm not an egg anymore, I want a nicer name."

"Then call Xiaobai" Tang Bao really likes this little thing, it's so beautiful and cute, "What can you eat now?"

Eggy was very dissatisfied with the name, "It's too perfunctory, it doesn't sound good, can't you serve dim sum?"

"You don't understand, it's called vulgarity and elegance," Tang Bao fooled her, "Could it be you? I want to be called Diaochan, that's the name that other beauties have used. In the future, you will be the only fox spirit in the world who has become an immortal, but everyone thinks that you, Diaochan, is a beauty that has long since passed away, but you look like a Diaochan now. ."

Eggy didn't want to be smeared with her good name in the future, but she felt that the name was too casual, so she hesitated, "But Xiaobai is too perfunctory, so you can't think of something nicer."

"The name Xiaobai is unique. In fact, as long as you have strength, even if your name is Goudan, people will respectfully call you Mr. Goudan."

Eggy was really moved by what Tang Bao said, mainly because Xiaobai was more than The name Goudan is already too good, and he can only acquiesce that he has changed from Eggy to Xiaobai.

Xiaobai used to watch Tang Bao eat with relish, and he wanted to try it himself, urging her to put herself in the space, "It's too cold outside, I want to go to the space to eat dumplings, as well as peanut candy and braised pork."

It was raining heavily outside, which was indeed not as warm as in his own space. After Tang Bao closed the door, he used a stick to hold it against the door, so he brought Eggy, no, brought Xiaobai into the space.

Xiaobai wants to eat a lot, but unfortunately, his stomach is too small now. He just tasted a little meat, but it doesn't taste good. Instead, he likes to eat fragrant and sweet peanut candy. I was fed up.

After Tang Bao ate the food that was placed in the space, he thought that he should go see Gu Xingjin. After all, he came out by looking at him, and it would be hard to tell a lie if he didn't go to see him.

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