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 Although Wu Aihua was a few months older than Tang Bao, in Tang Bao's heart, he regarded him as a younger brother.

He asked curiously, "Auntie, Xiaobao, why did you meet the boy of the Yang family?"

Su Su was moved, she was about to inquire about the Yang family, and asked in confusion, "What's wrong with the boy of the Yang family? When Yang Zheng was young and had a high fever and couldn't afford to go to the hospital, I helped him out."

"Auntie is good," Wu Aihua said in a low voice, "the Yang family is actually innocent. He was transferred from Li to be the deputy director of a textile factory, but he was reported as accepting bribes and promoting old ideas. The couple was dragged by the Red Guards to parade through the streets and denounced, and they were all gone after a while, Yang said. The family's parents, brothers and sisters have drawn a clear line with them. Later, the person who reported them was also reported. Later, someone said that the Yang family was innocent."

"The two children later went to the black market with the Gu family. Two days ago, the eldest son of the Gu family was beaten very badly, and he is still in the hospital. I didn't expect the boy of the Yang family to be sick too."

Wu Aiguo had no love for Tang Bao, although the Tang family helped them not Don't be too busy, but my family has protected them all these years.

If they hadn't been in control, they wouldn't have been able to live so peacefully when they overthrew the bourgeoisie and destroyed the Four Olds.

Of course, the reputation of the Tang family is really good, and the Chen Lian brigade is remote, which makes the Tang family safe and sound.

Wu Aiguo frowned slightly when he received a call from his younger brother. He rode to the hospital by himself and saw their smiling faces. Although he felt that his younger brother was too stupid and was willing to go to the Tang family to be his son-in-law, he still greeted him with a smile, "Auntie, Tang Bao, you are here."

Then he whispered to them, "I heard you mentioned the black market, don't go there for a few days. During this time, there are people from above, and the investigation is very strict. It will take at least half a month to wait for someone. It will stop when we leave."

Su Su nodded quickly, "Then I will talk to the captain later, lest the people in the village don't know and hit the muzzle of the gun."

Wu Aihua glanced at his third brother, and then said carelessly, "By the way, brother, I bought the red sheep cloth you asked me to buy. Is this for you?"

Wu Aiguo gave him a dissatisfied look." You talk too much, so don't show it to me."

Su Su looked at their brothers in surprise when he heard this, since Wu Aiguo didn't refute it, it meant acknowledgment.

However, thinking of Old Man Wu's temperament, it should be that Wu Aiguo hasn't told his parents, or he would have made an oolong. Fortunately, he hadn't mentioned it to his daughter.

Wu Aihua hooked his lips with a bright smile, "No, you just happened to be riding a bicycle. Let's take my aunt and the others to the gate of the commune first."

After speaking, he ran inside by himself, quickly came out with the key, and put the parked one on the side. A women's Phoenix bicycle was pushed over and asked Su Su to take Tang Bao, and he asked the third brother to take him, so that he could ride the bicycle back later.

Su Su saw that he was thoughtful, and it was not too early, so she did not refuse.

In the afternoon, around five o'clock, Tang Mingyuan came back from the brigade's clinic. When he saw their mother and daughter, he eagerly asked, "How is the situation over there?

" Looking at them, "Dad, Mom, let's go the day after tomorrow. I think the Yang family brothers are not bad, and they are very affectionate at a young age."

Tang Mingyuan sat on the chair and pondered for a while before nodding, "It's really smart, to When we buy some rice and noodles, we will thank them."

In fact, their family seems to be living a normal life now, but they still have some savings. Eighty small yellow croakers that were previously buried in the ground are stored in the daughter's space. One, there is still a small box of small yellow croaker buried in the ground, there should be a hundred or so.

But now the situation outside is tense, it is better not to use it if you can.

Moreover, Tang Bao understood that the price of gold would increase in a few years, not the current price of cabbage, and repeatedly emphasized that the gold could not be used.

She knew that her parents had slowly accumulated more than 100 yuan for selling medicines and seeing a doctor in private over the years. If this is no big deal, 20 yuan a month is enough. After all, rice noodles are used by patients who come to see a doctor. These rice noodles are used for medicine money.

With a sad look in Su Su's eyes, she sighed, "This world is so pitiful for a child."

Tang Mingyuan didn't want to see her sad, and quickly said, "I'm going to cook dinner, and Uncle Zhong quietly brought a carp at noon today. Gen also brought ten duck eggs and a cleaned duck, which is considered to be repaying the medicine money owed to us."

Although this Chen Lian brigade is a bit remote, but one brigade is divided into four teams, and together there are also More than six hundred people.

Nowadays, people are reluctant to see a doctor for minor illnesses and pains. When they can't stand it, most of them are already serious. Fortunately, Tang Mingyuan and the others are here, and those who can use traditional Chinese medicine will not let them use expensive traditional Chinese medicine.

Someone had stomach pain before. Tang Mingyuan said it was bowel cancer. He couldn't cure it himself. He asked him to be hospitalized in the city. He had to go to the hospital again. It cost more than 100 yuan. It hurts.

Fortunately, most of the illnesses Tang Mingyuan and Su Su will see, so they don't have to go to town to spend a lot of money.

Because of this, the members of Chen Lian's brigade were happy to protect them.

Although the country people are sometimes a bit more aggressive, because of conflicts, they will quarrel and fight, but most people are still very simple, and they are very grateful.

When Tang Bao heard that there were fish and meat, he felt that his mouth was drooling, and he said diligently, "Hey, alright, then I'll go make the fire." I

really didn't expect that one day he would be so greedy for meat.

Su Su was afraid of the smell wafting out, so she quickly reminded "use a crock pot to steam the duck, and wait outside to burn some asafoetida."

Musk is the most fragrant in traditional Chinese medicine, and asafoetida stinks the most, and it stinks only when it floats out, so it will be fine. It hides the aroma of the duck meat.

Well, they are careful so that they can eat delicious food without being discovered.

On March 21st, Tang Mingyuan borrowed two bicycles by going to the town hospital to study, and went to the town early in the morning.

Yang Yi had been waiting at the gate of the courtyard for a long time, and when he saw that they were really coming on bicycles, his face showed joy, and he stepped forward to greet them.

Tang Bao was back to his original appearance, he didn't speak at all, just smiled at him, lest he speak slowly and make him doubt.

Someone passing by asked curiously, "Yang Yi, is this your relative?"

Yang Yi nodded in response, and said calmly, "Yes, the distant relative I just contacted."

Tang Bao was sitting behind his father's bicycle at first. When she got to town, she sat behind my mother's bicycle.

When she came to the firewood house, she saw a strange boy wearing blue old clothes and trousers making medicine at the door. Watching them get up quickly, he smiled shyly.

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