57. Flaws

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In the face of Eggy's merciless ridicule, Tang Bao simply kneaded Eggy, and then calmed down. As soon as his thoughts moved, the two password boxes made a clicking sound, and then they opened automatically.

Looking at the piles of brand-new Great Unity inside, there are also Dongfeng brand and Shanghai brand men's and women's watches, as well as small yellow croakers, jade bracelets wrapped in handkerchiefs, gold bracelets and some simple old but exquisite hairpins, earrings, necklaces, The gold jewelry on the collar looks like an old object from the past.

She roughly estimated that she had at least 3,000 yuan in cash, but the current wages of workers are only more than 30 yuan a month, and even their cadres will not exceed 60 yuan.

Even if their husband and wife earned 100 yuan a month, they would have to save for three years.

But they married two daughters. I don't know how much Liu Jiayue subsidized when she got married, but Liu Qiaoyue's marriage to Tang Hongjun cost a lot of money for things like houses, bicycles, sewing machines, and TV sets. Besides, Liu's family I also hired a nanny in 2010, and I usually spend a lot of money on food and drink, so I knew that the money was coming from a wrong source.

Since it wasn't someone's hard-earned money, Tang Bao didn't think there was anything wrong with taking it.

There are not many women who don't like jewelry. Even if the old lady of the Su family left a lot of small yellow croakers and jewelry, she really doesn't have too many. Even if she can't bring anything now, it's good to have a look and touch. Ah, the woman!

Dandan felt that Tang Bao's appearance was like a hungry dog ​​seeing flesh and bones, but looking at her pale face, she felt that she had forgotten something, so she moved away subconsciously. Only then did she remind her weakly, "By the way, do you feel a little tired now and feel uncomfortable?"

Tang Bao did feel a little tired, and he was able to endure it because he saw the money, so he could endure his own body. I was uncomfortable, but now I was reminded by Eggy, I also felt a little guilty and short of breath, and felt powerless.

She was startled and looked at Eggy in horror, "Could it be because I stole something, and now I'm poisoned"

Dandan's round body jumped around and said helplessly, "Idiot, where have you been thinking, you are overusing your mental power, you are a weak chicken, and you are so greedy, you opened two boxes at once. , this mental power is naturally not enough."

Tang Bao breathed a sigh of relief, "My life is still good, but how can I recover?"

"It can only be raised slowly." Eggy muttered in disgust, " It's really too weak, and it's also affecting me now, I'm going to retreat, be careful yourself"

"Wait," Tang Bao looked at Eggy expectantly, "Since everything here can be controlled by me, that is It's not that I can put people into the space."

Dandan laughed out loud, "Of course it is possible"

Seeing Tang Bao's surprised look, he snorted mercilessly "But now is the age of the end of the law, it is too difficult to cultivate true qi, and there is spiritual power. There are too few treasures, your mental power is too weak, even opening the box will make your mental power empty by more than half, if a human stays in it for a minute, it is like you have to open twenty boxes. "

As much as I hope, there is as much disappointment.

Tang Bao only became happy when she heard Dandan's previous words, but the words behind Dandan really made her almost cry. She was disliked by a fox spirit who had not yet transformed. It was really sad to think about it.

But although he was not reconciled, he couldn't deny that what Eggy said was the truth.

Eggy felt that her words were too shocking, so she hurriedly gave her a sweet date and comforted her, "It's okay, I think you are blessed with a lot of luck, and you will definitely be able to. If you find something good, then you can do whatever you want when you rub some spiritual energy on me."

Of course, Dandan wouldn't tell her that she was just drawing a pie to feed her hunger, and in the short life of human beings, she I'm afraid I can't wait for this day.

Tang Bao calmed down, "Actually, I am very lucky to have this space, and the way is all thought up by people."

"It's best if you can think of it this way. I'll go to practice first. Don't disturb me if you have nothing to do. It's useless to ask me if you have anything."

Tang Bao carefully packed the contents of the safe, but found a black and white photo on the lower floor. The woman in it had short shoulder-length hair, a melon-seeded face, big eyes, and a smiling face. The little girl in her arms was also fair and lovely. .

Tang Bao was a little strange. This woman was neither Liu Zhihua's wife nor his daughter. Why was this photo hidden in the password box ? She felt that something was wrong.

She noticed footsteps outside. He wanted to go up to him, but found that he was top-heavy now, and hurriedly sat down on the small wooden bench.

Yang Yi and the others came in with Gu Yujun with all kinds of things they bought in their hands. Seeing that Tang Bao was already waiting for them, you asked her Tang Mingyuan and the others in a word.

Gu Xingjin leaned against the door, perhaps because Tang Bao was a stranger in his heart, making him a little wary of her subconsciously.

He looked at her indifferently, and before she looked at her, he moved his eyes outside, but he was a little puzzled. In this weather, her clothes and shoes were not wet at all, but when she looked at her, her hair was a little bit wet. Wet, which made him a little weird.

Of course, he didn't expect Tang Bao to have such a magical thing as space. Instead, he wondered if she had gone to a place where she shouldn't have gone, so that he was afraid of being discovered by himself, and was in a hurry to destroy the corpse.

Gu Ningjin looked at the rain outside, although it was a little lighter. , but it was still drizzling, and looked at Tang Bao worriedly and said, "Sister, the weather is not good, do you want to live in Tang's house or go back with us today?"

Although this is still their house, but everything that can be used inside is moved. When he went to the village, he naturally couldn't live in any more people. He wanted Tang Bao to go back to live there, but seeing that her face was not very good, and it was raining again, he was afraid that she would be too tired to walk.

There is a man hidden in Tang Bao's house, so naturally she can't stay here, even if the bedding has been prepared in her space, what she wants most now is to have a good sleep, but she can only say warmly, "I'd better go back first. I 'm going home to prepare some food, and I'll bring it to my parents tomorrow."

She said that she was able to send food in, just to reveal that her parents' days were not difficult, lest they worry about it.

Yang Zheng leaned beside Tang Bao with a cute face, "Then I'll accompany my sister tomorrow, okay?"

Tang Bao reached out and touched his back, and responded with a smile.

Gu Xingjin wandered around the two houses for a while, and then urged them who were still sitting around talking, "It is estimated that the rain will not stop today, so let's hurry up and leave while the rain is a little lighter."

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