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 "Okay," Tang Mingyuan never refuted the words of his wife and daughter. Bright Danfeng looked at them with a gentle smile. "I also have five yuan with me. Let's go."

The current supply and marketing cooperative is like Tang Just like the supermarkets in Bao's memory, daily necessities, clothing, shoes and hats, towels and handkerchiefs, books and stationery, enamel aluminum products, cakes, tobacco and alcohol, non-staple groceries, etc., are all available.

So this is also the busiest place.

Of course, many people just come to have a look around, and things are not cheap at this time, and they all need corresponding tickets.

When I see something I like, I have no money or tickets in my pocket, so I can only pass the eye addiction and leave with saliva.

Su Su wanted to look at the fabric, but Tang Mingyuan naturally followed behind her.

Tang Bao walked briskly to the wooden glass counter with various pastries and candies, and looked at the peach cakes, cakes, sachima, mung bean cakes, biscuits and so on.

Sadly, she can only look at it. The cakes and peach cakes are 80.51 jin, and each jin also costs 5 taels of food stamps. She can't afford them without food stamps now.

Tang Bao swallowed silently. Saliva, when she turned to leave, she was bumped by a woman in her forties, she involuntarily took a step back, and she gasped as her elbow hurt on the wooden counter.

The woman also had short ear-length hair, but was wearing a light blue wool cardigan and black trousers, and a pair of round-toed black leather shoes. Her face was like a full moon, with a few wrinkles at the corners of her eyes. With arrogance, he glanced at her, walked to the counter, and said lightly, "Bring me a pound of cake, a pound of peach cake, a bag of malted milk essence, and a can of oranges"

"Hey, Director, you're here. Originally, she had a straight face, like a saleswoman who owed her money, but she instantly raised a smile, affectionate and thoughtful.

Today's salespeople are not for ordinary people, they are all regular workers. Although there are words on the wall to serve the people, some salespeople have a bad attitude at all. There is a way to enter the supply and marketing cooperative.

Although Tang Bao was dissatisfied that she didn't apologize for touching him, he didn't want to say anything more. When he was about to leave, he heard someone call him in surprise, "Tang Bao, why are you here?"

Tang Bao saw Tang Hongjun and Liu Qiaoyue walking over together. , I couldn't help muttering in my heart that this is really a narrow road for the enemy, but fortunately I didn't leave quickly.

She lowered her head, pretended to be dumb, and called out in a low voice, "Big brother."

Jin Xiufang heard her daughter talk about Tang Bao's marriage with her son, and her sharp eyes fell on Tang Bao.

At this time, I saw Tang Bao wearing a half-old light blue corduroy smock and dark gray trousers. The style is a bit old-fashioned, but the little girl has beautiful eyebrows and fair skin. Now she looks cute, looking at Inverted self-discipline.

My son was originally smart, but when he was six years old, the child had a high fever when he was at his parents-in-law's house. He didn't think that his parents-in-law just gave him some traditional Chinese medicine, and the fever would not subside. He fainted from the burn, and was rescued with great difficulty, but something went wrong with his brain.

For this matter, neither father-in-law nor mother-in-law dared to appear in front of her, nor did her husband dare to say anything in front of her.

In her heart, even if her son is stupid, he is still a good child, obedient and sensible, even if he loses his temper occasionally, it is because he is in a bad mood.

So when my daughter talked about finding a silly girl for her son, she refused. She wanted to find a smart and good girl, so that she could match her son and give birth to a smart grandson.

But I can't deny that my daughter is right. If the girl is too smart, and her whole body is full of heart, then the Liu family will become the possession of others.

Jin Xiufang hesitated because of this matter. Even if she refused to accept her old age, she could not deny that she and her husband could not always be by her son's side. If her daughter-in-law was too smart, she would pinch her son and grandson in the future, then the Liu family's property would be cheaper for others. .

Thinking about it this way, find a cowardly and cowardly girl, wait for her to give birth to a child, raise her by herself, and nurture it well. After that, Tang Hongjun will be the grandson directly in charge

. It is still very good to observe her words and expressions. Looking at Jin Xiufang critically looking at Tang Bao, I knew in my heart that my plan was fulfilled.

As for Tang Bao and the others, he is not worried at all. He can report Su Su's identity, or put something in their home, and people can be arrested. When Tang Bao wants to save people, it is not his own. Say anything.

He was thinking about the few people he knew. Now a few are Red Guards. Now that he is going to be the son-in-law of the Liu family, many people are happy to hold him.

Of course, it's because he also became the team leader of the logistics department in the enamel tank factory, so he will climb up step by step after a while.

Now the enamel jar factory not only makes enamel jars, but also enamel washbasins, especially the washbasins printed with the Chinese character 囍, and the aluminum lunch boxes with the words "workers and peasants". There are some people who come to him for a relationship and want to make a living.

Therefore, he now knows more three religions and nine streams.

Tang Bao felt like a fragrant meat bun, now being stared at by vicious dogs, but he didn't dare to walk too fast in front of them, and said slowly, "I'll go first."

"I have something to do with you . Said," Tang Hongjun looked at his cousin with a smile in his eyes, and his tone could

not hide his joy, "March 28 is a good day for Comrade Liu Qiaoyue and I to form a revolutionary partner. Remember to come two days earlier." She was willing to go to Tang's house, but no one liked her. Hong Qiang and the others also played tricks on her maliciously, which made her feel very conflicted, but she couldn't refuse, so she could only say "Okay."

Jin Xiufang was hesitant to see Tang Bao's timid and timid appearance, and finally decided to wait until her son saw her.

In order to show his care for Tang Bao, Tang Hongjun gently said, "Uncle, where are they, I'll accompany you there."

Tang Bao didn't refute him, and walked forward slowly, feeling very depressed.

This supply and marketing agency is very large. Tang Mingyuan and the others looked at the fabrics. Few people wear brightly colored clothes. Most of them are blue, dark green, cyan, red, black, gray, military, and white.

Two years ago, some people were called capitalist roaders by the Red Guards because of their colorful clothes, and they were given a bourgeois hat.

I haven't seen red for a while, but now the policy has been looser in the past two years, and married people dare to wear red clothes.

However, many people still like to wear military uniforms to get married, or Lenin uniforms are also very popular.

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