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  "You are not allowed to enter the mountains," Tang Bao continued to put sesame sticks in their mouths, anyway, seeing them so thin, she subconsciously wanted to feed them fatter, and gently warned, "Now there are snakes and worms in the mountains at this time. Do you have to be careful when you are outside?"

Yang Zheng smiled like a good baby, and took a sesame stick from the bag in her hand to feed her, "Okay, we remember, sister, you eat too Ah"

Gu Shaojin glanced at Yang Zheng with disgust, and felt that this person is too shameless, it's a foul to play cute and laugh like this. Well, Tang Bao loves such a sensible child in his heart, and feels sorry for their thin appearance. With the crispy and sweet sesame stick, he whispered, "Go back and tell your brother, you all come over to eat dumplings together at night, and let Yujun come to help earlier." The two little ones refused in unison, "No, no."

Now it's not easy for anyone, even if it's rare to have a good meal and improve the food, it's still sneaky.

Furthermore, they felt that they were five people and they ate a lot, so they were really embarrassed.

"No need, don't even listen to my words?" Tang Bao patted their shoulders lightly and smiled brightly, "The meat was quietly delivered last night, the cabbage was grown by myself, and there is not enough white flour for cornmeal. Minato, my parents told me to tell you in the morning, if you don't come, let me see how I will deal with you."

Seeing that they were still resigning, Xingyan glared, unable to refuse, "That's it, let's do it again. I don't see your share at noon, so hurry back and help Yujun prepare lunch together."

She couldn't refuse and coaxed the two children together, telling them to go home quickly, and then she closed the kitchen door and started Cook.

Today, there is meat and fish, so she must make a good meal to make them admire her.

Su Su went outside to collect herbs, and when she came back with a backpack, she happened to meet Tang Mingyuan with a handful of thorn amaranth, and smiled, "Tell the captain, this thorn amaranth is good for everyone to eat occasionally. Clearing away heat and dampness, detoxifying and reducing swelling."

"Okay, I'll go talk to him in the afternoon." Tang Mingyuan took her backpack and walked home by himself, instructing uneasy, "Be careful when you go to collect medicine, Don't go to the top of the mountain, lest you encounter wild boars."

Su Suxing glanced at him with anger, "You think there are so many wild boars." The two pushed open the simple door and saw that the door to the kitchen was closed. , but there is still a slight fragrance wafting out.

Tang Bao has been paying attention to the movement outside, and when he heard the footsteps, he quickly opened the door and went in to meet them, with a little smug in his sweet smile, "Mom and dad, come back for lunch."

The smell of meat in the kitchen was even stronger, and the two People saw that she brought the milky white fish soup with shallots floating in it, a plate of finely chopped pig ears, and prepared garlic strips, and three large bowls were placed with steaming pig skulls, and there were many more on them. No clean meat.

This is really a rare feast, and the three of them are very satisfied.

Tang Mingyuan swallowed the last mouthful of fish soup, Danfeng smiled and praised his daughter, "Xiaobao's cooking skills are really good, the fish soup is delicious and the bones are delicious."

"That's right, my daughter must be as smart as me." Su Su looked at her daughter tenderly and lovingly. Naturally, she looked pleasing to the eye, "You must be careful when you cook, so as not to be touched by kitchen knives and fire."

"My daughter is obviously like me," Tang Mingyuan usually doesn't refute his wife's words, but he doesn't give in on this point, "Look at your cooking, you either want someone to kill someone who sells salt, or you just don't want to put salt."

Tang Bao couldn't laugh listening to your parents quarreling with each other. It felt really good that he was being sparred by them, but his father was kicked out of bed by his mother at night, so he still started to fight. Cut them off, "Dad, Mom, Yang Zheng and the others came to deliver fish before, so I asked them to come eat dumplings at night, saying that the meat was delivered quietly last night, don't say anything."

Su Su responded with one bite. , "Okay, but I don't want to eat cabbage dumplings, I want to eat tofu dumplings"

Time passed quickly, and it was May 3rd, but the village was not calm. All were taken care of.

Now, it can be said that every household is a family, and if there is any money or tickets, it is well hidden. It is estimated that even ghosts don't want to come to fight the autumn wind, but these days, they have been stolen food that they are reluctant to eat, eggs and other food. That stolen is naturally distressed to death.

The Chen Lian Brigade was panicking for a while. Not to mention anything else, everyone rushed to the black market to buy various iron locks, copper locks, etc. The sales of these locks must be rising.

Of course, the team leader also hurriedly shouted a few times with a loudspeaker, and the news of the meeting was held at night.

It's early summer now, and it won't be very cold at night. After work, everyone hurriedly ate dinner, and then went to a meeting on the big playground where the grain was dried.

The brigade captain was wearing a patched gray coat, standing on the platform, watching the hundreds of flies buzzing below; no, it was hundreds of people whispering, feeling irritable, clapped his palms and shouted " Everyone please give me a little quiet, our Chenlian brigade has always been well behaved, and now there is a case of stealing, everyone should pay attention to me, if you catch someone, send them to the Public Security Bureau, We can't let the bad harm us."

Actually, there are a few people in the village who like to steal chickens and dogs to take advantage of them, and everyone knows it, but there is no evidence for catching the thief and catching the stolen goods, so it's really hard to say it clearly.

The elderly Wu old man took two steps forward, his wrinkled and dark face was full of anger, "God, you have to investigate this matter, that bastard even took the eggs from my chicken coop, if it weren't for my family. The hen ran fast, and it must have been stolen by the wicked one now."

The captain saw that his nickname was called out by the uncle of the family, and his face was hot, but at this time, he was glad that he was already black, and his face was red. I couldn't see it, and I didn't dare to neglect the elder, so I replied, "Uncle, don't worry, we'll have a meeting to solve this problem later." The man said loudly, "Captain, as I said, let's just go. The public security bureau reported the case, and they stole more than ten kilograms of rice from my family."

Someone also pushed Wu Sanshu, who was in the crowd, to the front, "Sanshu, your house was also stolen, right? Your family is patriotic, isn't it from the town's public security bureau? Why don't you say something to Aiguo?"

"Yes, yes, this is too arrogant, but they can't be allowed."

Seeing everyone talking around him, Wu Sanshu sighed with a stern face, "I heard Aiguo say. It seems that some people have come to town these days, we need to rectify them properly, they are busy with speculation, and there are those who make trouble, so I guess they don't have time."

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